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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. i agree on that one i go 2 wrap on all my 1.5 kites
  2. well put although 55 mph if you can set up a kite in that your good ........REAL GOOD
  3. sweet dael quad kite hapy birthday and good luck with the kite man
  4. skitch ill have to hit the paper and see if i can get on the map
  5. ill have to try it but i got to wait for my other sail to come back from ben and lolly
  6. IMO most kites includeing revs come with a wid wind range while i have only a few revs over the years i found the best winds to fly each in i hope this helps rev 1 4 to 15 rev 1 ul 0 to 5 1.5 4 to 10 1.5 ul 0 to 5 1.5 vent 8 to 20 supersonic 5 to 15 supersonic vent 10 to 25 shockwave 10 to 19 indoor (outside) 0 to 3 blast 3 to 15 while those are all i have for now im sure some one else can give you other stats
  7. ant man

    Kite Lines

    i just got a set of 120 footers too its so nice to fly with them ... now i know what all the talk is about
  8. well i have 2 of the mylar 1.5 kites i dont know if i can vent those due to the mylar panels i wonder if i took out the mylar and replace it with screen would that work??
  9. very nice kites... its so great to so many and more artists doing revs these days i guess i got to come up with something ... imagine someone flying my own masterpiece ... THE ANTMAN WILDWOOD REV... it would be one bad ass kite thats for sure
  10. my miller lites go with me and my kites
  11. the e2 is a great kite it tricks nicely and peforms smoothly in a stronger blow it does have a pull but not a mean one they are great for fades too
  12. man that is real nice .. come to wildwood so i can try it
  13. no need for rehab the kite addiction is a good one
  14. well the more i have the better i fly its brain drink
  15. i see one in there with a far away shot of me and another of my stallion nice pics i had a blast there
  16. they sell it here to its really good but hey dont knock the miller it works
  17. quad kit that is to funny man and yea at home my fridge is always full and on the field my cooler is too i also get good ideas after a few of those
  18. well im not 100% sure but after a test fly in 3 mph winds i did see a diffrence in the kite peformance . it floated real nice and is more responseive i might try and go with a lighter spar but for now its doing pretty well the other thing i like is that the kite can rest on the sticks when not in flight i didnt need a stake to secure it
  19. dude your good yea my wife does come on here but i dont lie to her i wouldnt be right but way to guess man really good
  20. well here is my first homemade quadstick set i finished it today and flew it at a small field by my house and it peforms great in a 3 mph wind i hope you all like it the diffrence i noticed is the tightness in the sail and how it bows the kite back on all the end points .. flown on 40 foot lines and 13 inch handles it floats better and flies really nice in a wind of 3 to 8 mph .. when i flew with paul lemasters he gevae me the idea to do it (THANK YOU PAUL) he is a superb flier and because of him i now have a kite that peforms so much better . in oc maryland the winds were real light and pauls kite was so sweet to fly . i loved it so much that i had to set up my own .. i plan on doing another one too
  21. a very sexy ladie indeed
  22. the acrobatix is better then the quantom but the quantom pro is better then both but costs more money but if you want a better kite i would go with the quantom pro or acrobatix
  23. well i have flown kites for a while but i to am new to the freestyle thing so im with you
  24. well im glad its back so i can post my pic of me and ben and rc dude and hopefully others flying in oc maryland tomorrow
  25. well... if i dont do it first but like john said we got to put our heads foward quadkit im sure we both can get it right.....i hope so
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