the other part that gets me is the people that set up their stuff right where your at as big of a beach as wildwod is i cant get a spot without someone setting up and then yelling at me because the kite is too close even though i move it anyway
well for no winds i fly short lines like i would indoors i have 13 15 20 30 foot sets for those days the best i use for still air are the 20 foot set outside . indoors i go with the shorter sets as for the smaller space i have to fly if you have a breeze 2 mph to 5 mph then you can use 50 or 75 feet lines
i do that with my foil kites .. but for some reason i tried it with the rev lines and got a few twists i guess there is no such thing as the perfect unwind job
HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all my fellow fliers out there who are out with their kids enjoying the day im home for lunch and im takeing my son Ethan to the beach for some fun in the sun .. so what did everybody get this fathers day?? well time to go hit the water see you all and enjoy this day
i have tried this method with 15 foot lines . no bridle on a 1,5 it works the best for me as i use it for boardwalk flying in wildwood with no winds.. with winds i use my bridle but keep in mind to try and keep your kite off of the asphalt as much as you can to keep from ruining your bridle .. if your going to do this alot then you should get some bridle line and make a few spare bridles for your rev so if one breaks you have another on hand to keep you flying
i hope i could get something for the trouble . but im not they type who is going to go crazy . but what makes me mad is that i wanted my 333 by wildwood so i could let the guys who came there fly it a 3 line kite for all us quad heads to try and nothing well i hope to get it soon
i ordered a kite from guideworks as i didnt know they build to order untill after i paid for it i got a few e mails from marc ricketts about getting my kite but its has been 4 months since i ordered it i just hope to get it soon as i just got a reasent e mail stateing that its comeing soon but after all this time i dont know what to beleave as for al the other companies ive ordered from all have gotten me my stuff successfully .. the best and fastest service ive gotten from the online kite shopping is from revolution kites so far.
well the raffles are nice but to just lend my suopport to my fellow fliers is better.. because of the kitelife forum im getting to fly with new people and now getting some weekend flies going on here so skitch you are right it does pay to be a member
well i dont have the deep space i can tell you that you have 2 good kites to play with .. the blast is a great kite for floating in light winds and the exp is a good starter .. youll want to get either a 1.5 or b series next as those will get you better at quad flying and are the best revs to fly hands down .. myself i like haveing al diffrent revs for diffrent moods of flying speed series. 1.5 indoor blast etc. so in time youll want to do the same too
thats why i love my blast and indoor .. for those wacky areas with little to no winds those kites work wonders.. the blast for floating in a 2 to 5 wind and the indoor for the 0 winds