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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. here we have beach carts and the guys that use them always sell the junk wheels left over i am upgradeing to bigfoots but for the time this was a cheap way to hit the sands and test my new fork setup all is good and i will be getting the big foot tires this winter hopefully.. i only buggy dureing the winter months when the beaches here are closed fror the season.. plus the winter brings better winds for some good ridein.. the tires are a rollezze pvc wheel they are not as good as the bigfoot tires as i tried a few buggies with them and thats why i want those tires .. the rolezze tire were good untill i tried the bigfoots
  2. ant man

    kite haters

    dude i know but like i said i kept my cool as best as i could i dont want to repersent us in a bad way espically on the east side.. i was more pissed about him showing total dissregard for my family by acting like an ass in front of my 1 year old son im not a bad guy i just dont like people that cant respect the land i live on .. i go places and every place i go to i sohw respect for the people that work to keep it going .. i wouldnt come to your town and do that ever .. thats what i love about us kiters no matter where we all go we all got love for each other ..
  3. ant man

    kite haters

    well i hate to sound like a meanie .. but today i was out doin my thing with my new blue angel after some fine tuneing to my specs i was flying to an open beach when after a while this idiot shows up with his brat kids and set up right where im at .. not only did the kids mess up my one set of lines when i asked him nicely to move from my space he was rude and told me to go to hell.. well as a kiteflier i kept my cool .. i know the rules as a 20 year flier this year 1987 2007 but after time i was loseing my cool but trying to keep it too .. this rich idiot tourest called the beach patrol and had me booted ... BOOTED OFF OF MY BEACH .. at this point i was hoter then the weather but as such i kept my cool again and went to the tourest even after the fact that i was packed up and booted and nicely asked him why he had to do what he did .. his reply was for me to f***k off .. even after what he did .. at this point i wanted to take my 4 wrap an whack him in the eye with it .. but i dont want to set a bad example for my son to see his father being stupid my wife and son were both with me at the beach when i was flying today .. the whole idea was to take my family to the beach and my son loves it when i fly my revs by our camp out spot on the beach.. well this post is 2 things 1 for me to express this to my fellow kiters and 2 to see if anyone else out there has had this problem before .. thanks for listining.. the part that gets me is that this guy used that kind of words in front on my son when he has 2 kids of his own .. what an example to set as a father
  4. rev 1.5 vented with a exp 2 wrap LE is the best setup ever
  5. nice
  6. well i gotta say i added another rev flier tonight in wildwood beach.. this girl couldnt even launch the kite for the first hour i was showing her how .. then in time she was flying along right with me.. she had a 1.5 std and she also thanked me for showing her how to use it .. i always can go to sleep good at night knowing i made a diffrence in a kite fliers life .. i think thats the true meening of KITELIFE to enjoy flying and to get others to really know how it is to do what we do.. i hope this young lady gets the chance to love her new kite just as much as we love our kites .. who knows you might see her here one day.. i hope so and i hope to see her on the wildwood beach again to fly again .. just wanted to share this story with you all i hope you dont mind .. thise is where i can express it the best
  7. happy b day john .. and geezer get some wildwood coverage on there if you can my man .... thanks lol
  8. dud your good at wuat you do i easpical like the glow in the dark indoor video on the catwalk fly you were doing .. sweet man keep up the good work
  9. thanks baloo it flies sweeter then it looks my man
  10. a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my man rock on brother. i gave you the gift of good wildwood winds i hope you liked it
  11. wish i could be kite #33
  12. ahhh my tradmark... fly and chug i love it .. didnt think you got that one quad kit
  13. kit that was the day you tried to kill my new blue angel but how nice it was that we got that move down
  14. oh it sure was im sad that its gone
  15. monkey i did and its an honer to hear a good word from the pros of the team fly we had so much fun doing it .. it was one of those days that i wished would never end.. and if you see my kite in the pic above youll know it was me in that 3 man mix
  16. sold to me in solid shape wit a 2 wrap and i flew it today all alone now that the festival is over im so depressed that i had to fly it in these nice 13 mph winds to cheer me up .. in my head when i had it up there i blacked out and went back to the i quad days and the best sunday when me quad kit and aldenmiller did the 3 man quad team fly our name was d quad because of my drunkin skillz.. alden kit post and tell them what im talking about
  17. thanks alot guys i did i was in the mega fly for a short time today with the i quad boys quad kit aldwn miller and kitezen ive also had a blast with rawveeda too we are all planning some weekend wildwood flies as we all live not so far away ... well this pic is of the new blue angel rev that my man ben (beach) sold to me today.. myself quadkit and alden miller had the chance to break it in as the 3 of us did our first 3 man refuel moves as all being newbies to team flying i hope you guys enjoy the photo and ben a HUGE THANK YOU MY FRIEND this kite is the best and it has been getting looks all weekend..grandpa steve is flying 2 kites at once the pic next to him are the 2 white i quad kites he is flying
  18. [attachmen =611:100_1222.JPG] here are some more pics of wildwood and i also should that it has been a blast flying with kitezen quad kit and alden miller YOU GUYS ROCK
  19. [attachmen =614:100_1218.JPG] hello fliers just wanted to post some pics of what went down today with i quad and wildwood kite festival .. thes guys are great . they are the best to ever fly with i hope after this weekend to fly with again sorry for so many but this is the only way i know how to do it
  20. i am so ready for wildwood and im still hopeing that i dont ruin the team fly lol see you there

  21. nice pics penny ill be sure to have some of wildwood too
  22. wel the nexus is a little higher then $50 but a good starter kite and the primier addiction is another good one . newtech also makes a dodd gross detionator that i have i paid $40 for it and i love it
  23. im going there now .... we all need to be there more
  24. skitch i got new battries and a memory card for my camera im all set
  25. well at least you and i have them to show off next week
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