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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. ant man

    kite lights

    i like the finger lights .. work great on the revs .. the lights i posted are wall mart lights too . they are made for hat brim work lights but fit great on delta wings and are super bright .. ive used them on dual 120 foot lines and saw them perfect
  2. mick you da man i too am always learning new stuff everyday now im new to the team and free style types of flying so im with you friend
  3. nice video man its cool that troy got the kids into it i did a similar rev fly mt my local grade school and the kids love it whenh i fly the kite by their heads
  4. ben i seen them nice man do you have any in 3x??
  5. quad snob ..... thats a new one .. havent thought of that 1
  6. nice pics watty here is one i think john will like the father son shot but before you all ask he is getting an i quad too
  7. well my comp is acting a fool so ill have to check later
  8. good point fool forgot to add that
  9. yea man that stack is so cool to stare at
  10. oh man this ones gotta be it i sure hope so my turn is comeing i know it!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. actually that connection is better then the aluminum ferrel used on most kites the ferrel eats up rods quicker then the male female set up the problem with the e2 is that the center male is not long enough to add strength my prism mirage has a longer male ferrel and it holds up great you can fix the e2 problem by simply getting a p230 skyshark rod and fitting a avia 230 rod inside it the avia rod should be no longer then 8 inches and centered perfectly then youll have more added strength and longer rod life. even though the numbers aound the same the sizes of both rods are diffrent
  12. rob i seen those they are up in the price but i think its because of a bidding war on those . they are hard to find . i had one and sold it like a dumb ass but i had no idea that they would be what they are today
  14. the sprit is a great kite its very eazy to fly the reverse isnt as fast as a rev but i only have little time on this kite i enjoy it very much the best person to talk to is dorsal he has a sick stack of sprit quads that are really cool
  15. congrats tim you da man .. no matter what im still in for all the raffles in hopes that someday i can have some bragging rights here too
  16. john your gonna let a tiny hole stop you from owning a classic?? get some tear aid tape and all will be good
  17. i hear ya there jim i love flying with other people .. just never did a team fly .. still a little shaky about that
  18. thanks man its so much cooler to fly at night then dureing the day ive been night flying alot lately i better get some more battries for the lights to keep up
  19. well i got some lights for the rev, now i know what its like to night fly . man its so cool. cant wait to get some more off of john when he comes here. also attched are the 120 foot lines from the kiteshoppe just thought id add those too
  20. well theres nothing wrong with a little booze and kites going together
  21. john x box would work and the game would be online play so we can do trick attacks and trick knockouts and do a king of the field section where the best flier runs the area and gets choise on who flies there and what goes on there and the online play would help me take QUADKITS supersonic and watch it become fish food by the shore so many ideas we need to contact microsoft and see if we can all do a kitelife game and all get paid lol i still like the beressi,s street challenge 07 idea the best
  22. good to hear baloo im hopeing to get those guys out to party here too
  23. heavier spars work for stronger winds they are stiffer and stronger .. a kite is put under force in high winds so a frame to compinsate it does help
  24. that guy next to him looks a little tipsy .. is that a scerwdriver hes drinking??
  25. the e2 is a good kite .. youll love it
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