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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. my man ... welcome the quad flyers are stedly growing
  2. IMO all that techincal stuff is just a headache... take your kite out and fly it youll feel what you like .. you notice ways you both foward and revers flights that youll find for you likeing.. and in time you also find that you ll want to do pigtail adjustments to better your flying .. other fliers will tell you things in here some will work for you others might not .. but its not them.. youll take the info given and use it to help you find the way youll fly you revs that is the best i can explain it .. everybody has a diffrent flying style .. trust me youll find yours
  3. no walking with the 333 kites at all just a slow arm movements and some wrist work to make the kite spin
  4. get the kestral 2000 i have it and i love it plus it comes with a 2 year warrenty go to weather essentals .com
  5. great work phil
  6. here are a few more of kite zen flying his rev 2 in our 15 mph winds
  7. well people we had a rqiny weekend but we flew anyway . here are a few pics of our rainy day flights .. pay close attenion to kitezen,s homemade ghose parafoil SLK and my bike as the anchor ... just goes to show no matter what weahter we always fly aout kites here in jersey...
  8. that kite will look better in the wildwod sky
  9. you have a pic of it??
  10. that might be more but well worth it for the b kite as with the times i had flying one the extra money is worth it
  11. nice pics grandpa its you lucky ones that have a nice clean grassy field to fly in ... dont get me wrong i love wildwood but the sand gets tireing after a while
  12. so far so good baloo .. for now my nuggy is down .. dont know if ill use it this winter but ill have to see.. ive been so into the revs anymore i havent cared to use it really
  13. the 6 or 8 foot delta is the best for a starter its what i got as my first kite years ago as a little kid in the early 70s they make bigger 12 and 19 foot deltas get a big and small one as a father n son package lol you ll both love it better that way.. i take a small one and tie it to my son.s stroller when we are at the beach
  14. penny i do agree that method has worked for me as well .. watty get some outdoor endcaps those indoor ones are total s**t you ll never have a problem again i forgot to add that before in my last post
  15. here are a few more... here are a few of me with my blue angel.. take a good look on how nice the colors go with the sky
  16. thanks to all that came out this weekendi had a blast with all of you and here are some shots of me and rawvweeda today on the hot wildwood beach... here are a few shots of me and rawveeda.. a broken rod and a blue angel fly mad for a good day today
  17. john i do thank you for purring the wildwood videos in i can watch them and go back to those days when we all flew together for the first time and thank s to all that have been comeing down here for the weekend flies to cure my festival fix rdzl 23 rawveeda kitezen ang and gaiidan r c dude
  18. nice flying dave and great choise of kites
  19. watty no biggie man those pigtails for the indoor are eazy to make just use some left over kite line .. 90# test will work good and just tie the knots where they have them
  20. dude that is nice come to think of it i can try that with my small delta
  21. man john i didnt know you had a second job he he he he he
  22. the lower left is nice too
  23. how do you get your hannds on one of these???-
  24. nice man.. i still like the street kiteing the best
  25. that kite is a tank but it flies great if hendled right
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