aerochic ... your probly right i really posted to keep this thread alive so they could see it... i do like to give notice as early as i can so that everybody can plan for it
well again my friends another wildwood fall fly for the weekend of october 26 and 27 myself . gaiidan and ang are getting it set up so who wants to come out?? also i want to plan a trip to liberty park for saturiday nov 3 nothing is officaly on that yet but i will update soon
nice kites i like them.. my question to you is.. the rev curca is that full v open vent or did you use clear mylar ?? i would like to try and do that with one of my old sails
like i said before if i lived out there i would do a full search of the area if i could as i know how mad i would be if my bag was ripped off so all i can say is that i really hope you get it back
spins are eazy ther are a few kind of spins you can so 2 good ones to learn are the basic spin where you twist the handles and then the pump or bicycle spin where you pump the handles in a motion like pedaling a bike its eazier then you think
myself , rawveeda and divestop have been in there alot lately .. its a great place to do our weekend fly planning ... saves on phone bills so thanks john!!! i hope to see them and others tonight and other days too