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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. ant man

    blast stack

    mr denny those are just lines i used to set it up in my front yard to get a picture of them .. and yea my wife got me a brand new video camera so videos are comeing soon as well.. next plan im going to add a 3rd blast to the stack just to spice things up a bit.. im in this process as we speak
  2. ant man

    blast stack

    well here it is folks and i must say it is a true BLAST to fly
  3. ant man

    blast stack

    well an update .. the blast stack is a sucess i will have pics of it soon .. but i must say it pulls like a semi .. i would like to try 3 as 2 of them are so much better to fly then one so 3 has gotta be good.. i have 200# line but might go highter on the tops.. but all in all a great project
  4. ant man

    blast stack

    well im stacking 2 blast.s and so far i like how things are looking .. i havent flown them yet and i used 200# flying line for stack line i just hope its not too thin and will cut up anything on my kites.. i will get out there and try them out and will have pics of them soon .. any advise will help too
  5. im hearing word that tyhe lioberty sperits of 14b are haveing a holliday fly on dec 15 .. is this true?? if so i want to meet up with you guys there
  6. ant man


    greatr to hear of their return amy
  7. never did 60 mph wind but i did fly my vented kites in 25 to 30 mph winds today and had a blast
  8. well the winds were 25mph today and my rev 2 vented supersonic and vented 1.5 with q 4 wrap all did great a true test for the heavy winds thats for sure
  9. thank you all for comeing it was a grea weekend and i hope to fly with you all again soon
  10. the rev 2 is a kite for moderate to heavy winds.. you could try it without a bridle but that method is better for 3d light wind flying. try doin some adjustments to your bridle and also during flight make sure you dont have a bridle wraped arond the frame as sometimes that can happen
  11. nicely done as always paul they look great .. what frames are you useing ?? i cant remember what you told me you use when we flew together in maryland.. i too am trying to lighten up one of my revs .. so far ive shaved some weight but would like to go with a lighter frame .. i do have the race rods and they are the best hands down.. i just want to know since you are the light wind master what would work the best thamks man
  12. too warm here i really want some snow i havent flown in snow in a long while
  13. well thanks man i know you ll be there in sprit
  14. the revs are totally water proof i soak mine every time in get home from flyng to get the sand out of them.. snow will not hurt them at all .. youll want to watch out for sharp particles of ice however.. as for the stake an ice screw or long nail with a hammer will work fine too
  15. we got a new one so the old one i put to use
  16. hey rev flier i was wondering if my setup is wrong because mine has a curve to it and it does take a little effort to light eind fly it so im going to try your method that you have here if there is anything else you can add let me know
  17. i do that everyday ben .. this is a hobby where you can spread the love all the time
  18. only a cou[le weeks left i cant wait to see who shows up
  19. got my shirt.. man it looks great. i love it. thank you ben
  20. i wonder with that bent wingtip style what kid of frame it has
  21. man john is lucky he gets all the cool stuff
  22. hello friend
  23. long time no see for the kite shoppie .. man thos 120 foot lines are still working great for me
  24. well i liked it so much that i bought the newer exp as well and i like flying this one better then the old skool exp that was my first rev back in 1997 from old to new.. the exp has gotten better too.. dont mind the tape job on the old one it has been fixed since then and looks great
  25. im there i want one too
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