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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. Those are cool too... Sometime I would like one that crashes a lot. Are you going to Seaside next month? We get there Saturday afternoon and I hope to see iquad fly.
  2. I've had my shots, I'm not worried about bites. I think that is so cool that you and your dad can and do that together. Are you the talented guy that makes the rev sigs for this forum?
  3. Okay, I've led a sheltered life. I didn't know real people made real kites. I thought kites came from the kite store. That is so nice. How long does it take and how long does it take to learn?
  4. Since I fly like John does in his Bugs Bunny routine... OOOHH OUCH OOOHH OUCH OOOUCH crap.... I look for soft spots. In Idaho the really open undeveloped land is covered with sage brush and rattle snakes. I put up with rough wind from trees... on the up side a three story building is a high rise here.
  5. Works for me... but wait, now I'm paranoid... All you kite tuggers know where I live... I guess it takes one to know one.
  6. I know I know... If you have to ask you can't afford it. Inquiring minds want to know...
  7. That's the one... I'll see you on the beach and you guys can show me how to crash my new REV with style. I can't get over how fast it is, or how slow I am... Oh well... There is always room for improvement.
  8. The Megaquad sounds cool... Will you do something like that in Seaside!!???
  9. So when do I get my fancy new graphic???
  10. Let's see how my work schedule is next week. I'm 50 miles from Pocatello
  11. Son-in-law and I went out today. Got out my new Rev. Wind was 7 or 8 mph gusting to about 20. The hard part was the direction would vary by 30 or more degrees. First 45 minutes for tangles and alot of walking. Finally got it up and right back down. Spent a lot of time crashing. On the bright side... I was getting it off the ground for awhile or it wouldn't be crashing!!!
  12. Okay... why the mixup in size? Went out with my daughter and son-in-law this evening. Wind from the north @ 20 gusting to 35 - 40. I wimped out on my new Rev... I want the first time to be good. We pulled out two dual lines and had a lot of fun and drew a small crowd. My son-in-law's first time flying.
  13. This is Idaho... Wind out of the southwest at zero with gusts to thirty five...
  14. I never knew how to spell Muhahaha Well I'm the proud owner of a brand new 1.5 SLE and not a breath of wind... curses
  15. Is that evil HeHe or part of a conspiracy... HaHaHoHo
  16. By the way... I broke down and signed up with Paypal just so I could subscribe to Kitelife. I just bought it for the articles. You can bring my new Gallego to Seaside and save shipping! Bill
  17. My son-in-law and I are building what looks like a 4foot long pipe bomb (not really). Delta's gonna love it.
  18. Welcome to the forum Bill! I hope we get to see you on the beach Sept 10th, as we will be there Sept 9th and 10th for a competition! You can see the real thing vs. video! Theresa Delta is playing games with our reservations. As it stands now we will be in Seaside Saturday afternoon Sept 9th. See you on the beach!!! Bill In Idaho
  19. I was going to give 'em five stars but... Just kidding! They are worth six at least! Bill
  20. Man have I got clam chowder on my face... oops
  21. Nice site... are they competitors...
  22. I wanted to drive but the vote was 7 to 1 for flying. Me and my sister are paying for this trip and I didn't know it was majority rule. Oh well... What is the best way to fly with my kites? Will I want my one and two line kites after I've been with a Rev?
  23. Welcome to the forum Bill! I hope we get to see you on the beach Sept 10th, as we will be there Sept 9th and 10th for a competition! You can see the real thing vs. video! Theresa We hope to be in Seaside around noon... hope you're still there. Did I hear someone say "Free Rev Lessons"??!!!
  24. About 10 years ago we went on a family vacation to Seaside Oregon. I learned that you don't have to run until your bygosh falls off to get a kite flying. This is good for someone my age! These family vacations went on for about eight years until my parents health prevented us from going. My parents are gone now and my wife and I are going to try and restart the tradition. We will be in Seaside on September 10th... wish I had checked the calendar before I made the reservations... Lewis and Clark were friends of mine, you know. Thanks to the inspirational videos of John B, this years kite will be a REV 1.5 SLE. Since I'm an old fashioned patriot I'm thinking the red, white and blue kite will look good. And I going to buy my two-year-old granddaughter a kite, since her Dad said no.! Bill In Idaho
  25. Grandpa

    Idaho Falls 2011 Festival

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