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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. Can't tell you how lucky I feel. The B is gonna get some serious air time!

  2. The photographer (me) isn't too good but... The sky was blue and full of kites About 1,000 people turned out for shoulder-to-shoulder flying at SRK's first annual Kiting Just For Fun. Not too many photos because the wind was calling me... Grandpa... Grandpa... Grandpa... come play with me... Pics Snake River Kiters
  3. I was starting to feel bad about threadjacking Ant's quad sticks... but then I thought Ant started it with the beer on the table... he jacked his own thread... 98 bottles of beer on the wall...
  4. Remember that movie with Jackie Chan... I think it was called Drunken Master??? Might be a new routine for you... you could fall down and talk smart while flying your kite in perfect control. For music you could sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall, or not. Might be more fun than Wolfman.
  5. More POWER!!! More RAM is always better. Have you tested your transfer rate... Your camera is playing back at 30 frames per second. Make sure your hard drive can write more than you are sending it. There should be some software to test your drive, try cnet.com or newtek.com.
  6. Is that you wearing the goggles or me wearing 'em I should add that all the women are above average, too That should start some hate mail
  7. With Beer Goggles... we all fly like John B
  8. My wife always said, I can look as long as I don't touch............
  9. Well, it's over... darn it. Wednesday we flew on the Idaho State University campus in Idaho Falls. Dean, from Sunrise Kites, broke out his B Series and a few first time fliers got to drive... Lots of big smiles! Thursday night's Night Fly at Community Park brought together 15 to 20 fliers and almost as many different kites. Friday afternoon at Sandy Downs brought out the news media and more huge smiles as the news anchors tried their hand driving stunt kites. Saturday was the BIG day at Sandy Downs. It feels like we built 10,000 kites for the kids. I hope someone got a count on the number of kite families that attended. The sky over SE Idaho was ablaze with hundreds of kites. It was shoulder to shoulder flying. The infield for the horse track was full of single line and laundry. We smashed a few records with 86 pieces laundry hanging for the world to see. We had a 40 foot red dragon, a 23 foot alligator, 8 fish on one line, and 76 more. A grandmother type tried out a power foil. After she got the harness on and the controls explained she asked "what is this line?" I told her it was the "Oh sh*t line." She caught some breeze and was dragged 100 feet on her butt yelling OH SH*T all the way. LMAO!!! We had a kid parade with the kids, Bol races and many tried to pop the Gorilla's balloons (two balloons were popped when the gorilla fell on them). Mark and I went out on the race track to fly our Revs between the rails. The track had been tilled and the clay was like concrete and the wind was getting bumpy. Long sad story short... I need a new leading edge, Teressa. It's amazing how well a Rev can fly with a broken wing... All though it pulled right like it had a flat tire. Pictures and I called the TV stations for video to follow. Grandpa
  10. I think I'm in lust, Mousie... Now I want to know if blondes have more fun
  11. Thanks Penny... It's a joint project with Dean at Sunrise Kites and many other good people. Pics will depend on how tight our lines stay... It's been a long, cold, 30mph, winter with no time to fly The on campus demo fly is to recruit students... if we can get 8 full time students interested we can start a club on campus. I will be the staff adviser, should be fun. Hope I don't embarrass myself with too many unplanned landings!
  12. Snake River Kiters, Southeast Idaho's newest and only kite club, is up and flying... almost SRK has had two business meetings and we are on our way to the wild blue yonder with tight lines. Wednesday, 4/25, Demo Fly at Idaho State University in Idaho Falls. Noon - 2PM Free food Thursday, 4/26, Night Fly and Demo Community Park, Idaho Falls. Single line, two line, Revs and foils for all to try. Bring a picnic and enjoy. Friday, 4/27, 2:30 - 6:00 SRK Club Fly at Sandy Downs. Media event and public is invited. Come fly the Golden Valley. Saturday, 4/28, Noon - 5:00 or whenever... Open Flying for all at Sandy Downs. Awards and Free Drawings AKA Sanctioned Thanks to our sponsors - Sunrise Kites, Robinson Auto Glass, Hampton Inn
  13. Here's another... may be a little slow but it makes images for me. The Sage of Lambarene... The sage refers to Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Lambarene refers to an African leper colony, also called african gospel music.01_The_Sage_of_Lamborene.mp3
  14. Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner arranged by Stan Kenton... Here A very different version.
  15. Sophie B Hawkins - Damn, I wish I was Your Lover. Here
  16. Hey Ant Man... you didn't lose to me
  17. Hey Ant... We're all celebrating with you. That's the best part about being in a family 'Course that doesn't mean we're not What are the POwer Ball numbers for Saturday
  18. Ant U R EVIL Man
  19. Sent
  20. Happy Day Ben Hope you talk smart and fall down a lot... If that's your style
  21. Pretty cool Ant... more accurate than licking my finger and holding it up. As for weather changes, my knees hurt when the weather changes. Course the weather always changes so my knees always hurt. Maybe if I got in the 21st century and bought a meter like yours my knees would quit hurting... let the machine do the forecasting.
  22. Anthony...check with Ben, but I think he wants you to send him a B card to the address he posted, right Ben? Ben, you will get LOTS of B cards this year!! Theresa I'm glad Ben is doing this for his birthday and not Valentine's Day... I get so embarrassed when I buy Happy VD cards from female clerks...
  23. I'm sure you're planning on showing lots of hands!!! (split screen???) Don't forget a chapter on the Zen. The weather for tonight and tomorrow is 8-12" of snow with 40+ mph gusts... How 'bout a chapter on winter in Idaho flying
  24. Penny... You ain't missing much by not seeing the Great Salt Lake. But it is true about the salt content... It's like you float on it, not in it. When your skin dries your bod is all white and caked with salt... kinda nasty unless you're into that kind of stuff. We have a place up in the mountains that's dense forest... not rain forest like the coast... just so many trees you can't see more than 50 feet. It's not uncommon to be there with no wind on the ground but 60 feet up in the tree tops you can hear the wind whistle and see the tops sway.
  25. MORE.... Can you tell I have nothing to do at work today?
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