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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. posted
  2. I...
  3. if
  4. Maybe...
  5. Hey Gramps... just fly one rev and you'll feel better. BB Penny Thanks Penny... as soon as the snow stops and the wind starts!
  6. Hmmmm... Have to rethink this... Trash Talk didn't win... Invisible didn't win... Think... Think... Think... Shhh, I'm thinking... anybody have an aspirin?????
  7. My kind of people Crazy is a good thing. What fun you must be having... Keep up the good vibes... and good breezes to you.
  8. I learned a few months ago that trash talkin' will not win a kite. I'm just sitting here quietly... You can't hear me... You can't see me...
  9. I see there are two kinds of builders... The ones with the tech skills and the ones with a vision! I love the idea of making a full show, theatrical production, lights, music, sound effects, maybe even a fog machine fun stuff for all... They are very cool kites
  10. In a perfectly black night, the perfectly lighting setting on the ground, the Cerfs-volantstylistes will set the mood for a joint hypnosis experience. Mysterious music spreads on the kites, wich will light, one by one, as spectators express their amazement by Ohs! and Ahs! The projectors dim suddenly, disarming the spectators and leaving the eye serching for the disappearing kites in the night. I think they are using lights on the ground and reflective material on the kites... either way I like them.
  11. I saw this and thought iQuad... Flybynight
  12. In the theater it is "Break a leg"... So to you I wish ... ??? the best of luck as if you need it
  13. Not much joy in trips to the ER... I hope all is well.
  14. Thanks for the video... I know I'm supposed to be on a beach... must be in a different life as I sit here looking at the snow.
  15. No more sleeping at night for you So, do you have one of those infant carriers/backpack/frontpack... whatever... so you can fly???? My baby girl (28) just told us she is due in July... grandkid number 2!!!
  16. Grandpa

    your handle

    You done good Penny!!! Dime less 9 = a penny The Penny I know is about 4ft something tall and drives a Dodge Durango We were at the kids house when Grandma went to the bathroom before leaving for home. My granddaughter went to the bathroom door and knocked hard, then she ran down the hall and told ME to "knock it off" just as my wife came out of the bathroom! I'm helpless rolling on the floor laughing
  17. Grandpa

    your handle

    I have a friend with a vanity plate DIMELS9... Penny Hmmmmm as for Grandpa... because I am one... or all the cool names were taken... or... I think I'll stick with because I am one... my granddaughter is an unmerciful tease at 2 years old... I wonder where that came from??...
  18. About 15 years ago we were in Seaside, OR on 2 weeks vacation. I was awed by the guys flying stunt kites and whined until my wife let me buy a Cheeta. I liked the colors then and it is still in my bag. As a matter of fact, I flew it in August on my lunch hour and again in September in Seaside. I wear Jerry Garcia neckties and many times I wear a black leather blazer to work. It was quite the sight... some old guy flying a kite by the student union building in a black leather jacket with a BIG red coffee mug at his feet. A few months ago I found a video of this guy wearing a wolfman mask flying this strange looking kite. His kite could fly backwards and hover and... I now have an 1.5 SLE and it flies pretty much where ever it wants. John's flying is awesome... Mine is aw ...
  19. Hey Steve... EH Hope I said that EH right Just watched Whistler Lake... glad you didn't step back too far. Fun stuff
  20. Hey Ant Man... Found that site at work the other day, it is cool but I sniffed my computer screen and could not smell the ocean. Maybe because I have a flat panel
  21. I know I'm a year late, but newbie crash was made for me Can I have it, PLEASE... Don't make me whine
  22. It's a groaner And then.......................... The coffin stopped! Sorry Not
  23. A man was walking home alone late one foggy night, when he hears: BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... behind him. Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him BUMP... BUMP.. BUMP... Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him faster... faster... BUMP.. BUMP... BUMP. He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him. However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on his heels the terrified man runs. Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps. With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door. Bumping and clapping toward him. The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup! Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket... and then............................................................................ ............
  24. Soooo Lincoln City ended Sunday and you're just now getting back??? Doesn't LC have a phone??? You could have called and said you were going to be late I would have understood... Bone Idaho about 20 minutees from here doesn't have any phones.... Oh btw great video
  25. Grandpa

    New virus

    This virus is called Worm-Overload-Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss, or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely. If you should come into contact with WORK, put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest bar. Purchase the antidote, known as Work-Isolator-Neutralizer-Extractor (WINE) or Bothersome-Employer-Eliminator-Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system. You should forward this warning to 5 friends. If you do not have 5 friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life. Or go fly a kite
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