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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. Idaho doesn't get hurricanes, or himacanes either, ... Oh wait... I thought I saw a leaf move......................................................................... Nah Good flying to ya!
  2. Keep your head down... or get a bigger kite
  3. Dogstake to the tripod... How hard can it be??? I spent thirty years as a producer/director I know these things Of course I can only fly my Rev for 15 to 20 seconds at a time but I'm good at launches.
  4. Excuses, excuses... What really bothers me... It's Saturday. It's a three day weekend. And WE ARE SITTING AT OUR COMPUTERS !! It's 63 degrees. The sun is shinning. And WE ARE SITTING AT OUR COMPUTERS !! There's no wind. Nevermind
  5. I posted an I'm waiting message in some subject here... NOOOObody asked what I was waiting on... Video from WSIKF! The daily updates were just like being there... ya right... Thanks all
  6. Here is a terrible commercial question. Will you be selling stuff in Seaside?? I'm thinking an IQuad autographed shirt would be pretty cool... See you Saturday evening!!!
  7. Good tips all... Thank you. What's a bridle board?
  8. This sounds like there won't be government checks in my future. I put my hands together so my fingers were touching and it was always left and fall. Do the lines stretch that much?... that often?... I checked them last week and found one pair at least an inch longer. Also not sure where the rubber donut goes. On the leading edge end plugs there are rubber donuts hanging from the bridle line.
  9. I was flying last night in 15 - 20mph and control is going to take me awhile. Suddenly the wind died down to about 5mph or less and my 1.5 made a sudden left turn and fell out of the sky. I checked the lines and launched again. It went straight up made a left and fell again. I repeated this several times and I informed my daughter that I meant to do that. I was doing reverse launches and falling out of the sky and she thought that was way cool. Just as suddenly the wind came back to 15 plus mph and I was able to keep it airborne. I guess from the left turns I have one arm shorter than the other or one leg or whatever... must be a birth defect Oh what fun!!!
  10. Drain bamage sucks
  11. I'm waiting... Hear that? that's my foot tapping. Don't make me stop this car
  12. I can't wait to see the night fly. We are staying on the fourth floor, ocean front, of the Sand and Sea and it seems to me that would make a good camera platform. Kind of a kite's eye perspective... looking at the pilot through the kite. Hmmmm.
  13. Hey is there a program of events for Seaside?? I want to know what I'm missing Saturday... I know I'm missing the open house Friday.
  14. Mine came that way from the kite store.
  15. No
  16. The folks at Walgreens have no sense of whimsy... You want what for what? Little velcro lights for my kites... Aren't you a little old to be playing with kites? Does anyone know that you are out alone without direct supervision!!...
  17. okay guys... I'm struggling with control to the point I measured my lines. The red pair is a good inch longer than the black pair. Everything says they should be the same length. Of course the instructions, yeah I even read the book and watched the DVD, say there is a white pair and a black pair. To make things worse the red and black pairs aren't really pairs. Red and red with white dots and black and black with white dots. Confused? Me too. Now here is where it gets good... My way of thinking matches red and right. Black is left over get it?...Now because one of each color has white dots I put those on the top and the solid colors on the bottom. Humor me... tell me it was logical. I spent a lot of time flying into the ground. As I said I measured the lines and the reds are longer so I redo the connections with new logic. I notice the top connections on the bridle are red and the bottoms are black. Sounds good to me. Red line is top left, red with white dots is top right, black with dots bottom right well you get the picture. Wind from the Southwest at 10 - 15mph all my WORK day... I get off work and wind is zero gusting to 2.5mph.
  18. Grandpa, Grandma and the whole family including 2 year old granddaughter will see you on the beach Saturday afternoon! 'Course the folks I work with think I've been there for a week. Todd, the week you were in Pocatello was a week from hell at ISU. Next time you're in Pokey give me a holler.
  19. I'm sorry... You should have your own "subject" instead of piggy backing. Grandma's been 29 for about thirty years.
  20. May you have wonderful wind on your birthday.... Penny
  21. I told my wife that we were flying out for Saturdays fun... See ya in Seaside
  22. Since many of us live vicariously through kite pilots like you guys at Long Beach, the least you could do is get a really long wire and stream live video to us desk jockeys.
  23. Hippo Birdy two ewes.... I know I don't remeber 18... See ya in Seaside
  24. Just Seaside... I work at Idaho State University and no one gets time off the first week of school. School starts Monday the 21st. Hope to meet in Seaside!
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