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Which kite for beginning indoors

Jim Mol

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I am getting back into kiting again. I am looking to supplement or replace my Active People Select One with an indoor kite. As I think about it, I think I need a kite that:

- can be flown by beginner to intermediate level

-allow me to fly in a grade school gym and outdoors in light winds

-more emphasis on staying aloft than tricks though I may want to do some simple tricks in the future, though, once I relearn how to do them.

- will not take a great amount of running to keep it up in no wind conditions

Having read through the forums I see there are many suggestions but I could not pull out which one would suit me best.

Thanks for your help


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I am getting back into kiting again. I am looking to supplement or replace my Active People Select One with an indoor kite. As I think about it, I think I need a kite that:

- can be flown by beginner to intermediate level

-allow me to fly in a grade school gym and outdoors in light winds

-more emphasis on staying aloft than tricks though I may want to do some simple tricks in the future, though, once I relearn how to do them.

- will not take a great amount of running to keep it up in no wind conditions

Having read through the forums I see there are many suggestions but I could not pull out which one would suit me best.

Thanks for your help





Either of those would be a good start. It's been said they come 'trained' already! LOL!

LPG 90# x 10' or 12' is the most preferred line for indoor.


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Either of those would be a good start. It's been said they come 'trained' already! LOL!

LPG 90# x 10' or 12' is the most preferred line for indoor.


I have seen the sweety mentioned many times. Has anyone had any experience with its siblings the Dini or iTrix? (http://www.drachenkiste.de/en/28-Dini.html)

In the Wren line I know of the wren, wren pro and I thought I saw one called the Indoor Wren. Is this a newer version of the wren or just an explanation of the wren?

I need to look up info on the VIP.



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I have seen the sweety mentioned many times. Has anyone had any experience with its siblings the Dini or iTrix? (http://www.drachenkiste.de/en/28-Dini.html)

In the Wren line I know of the wren, wren pro and I thought I saw one called the Indoor Wren. Is this a newer version of the wren or just an explanation of the wren?

I need to look up info on the VIP.



Dini and ITrix are awesome too. I didn't mention them, as the Dini is best for indoor...and you mentioned outdoor. The ITrix would not necessarily be a beginner kite. Has great cross over abilities....indoor and/or outdoor. It is a trick machine...thus the name that Daniel gave it. John can Comete it over and over again indoor on 10' lines! It can certainly take some aggressive inputs as well, and is up the the challenge of being slapped around over and over again.

There's some video somewhere here that John has posted for the VIP. Maybe it's in the subscriber section, I can't remember. Or on Lam's site Sky Sport Design.

And as Dennis said, the Amazing is a great indoor kite as well. Full size kite, good cross over for indoor or outdoor.

Oh, and the Wren....is a Wren is a Wren....Indoor Wren is a Wren.... :P Sorry!


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prizm vapor


wren pro

rev indoor

prizm 3d

i trix

I was leaning toward the Wren since it is supposed to be so easy to keep up in the air but I just stumbled onto a used Wren Pro for 70 more than the cost of the Wren. I have read that the Wren Pro goes up easily also. May be hard to pass up.

Thanks for all who contributed.


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Indoors.........SYNCHRO ........running that's funny

I.D-H.O is another hard to find indoor

Sweety has some pitch base tricks but takes its sweet time to recover from a fade

Amazing.... Yes! but the amazing don't give you to much room for sloppy hand movements with the tricks

indoor mini deca ...Fun and Different

or the Great deca but will set you back a chunk of change

the VIP is great for indoors and tricks are all there

Dbl. Zero by L'ateiler.. Ummm. the one I flew had the bridles all buggered up until I got it dialed in and it came to life, sweet tricks and a full size indoor kite

The dini and itrix are great for tight small areas indoors, in other words short lines

indoor wren is popular and is quite capable,very floaty, pin wheels up and overs ZERO in the trick department you might get it into a fade but have to rocker out of it

The Vapor felt like a brick{sorry Prism} always had to keep it moving in order to stay up as oppose to a synchro that generates it own energy and is by far one of the most effortless zero indoor kites made

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Please pardon this brief highjacking, but I'm wondering if the Itrix would be a good kite for learning tricks in very light winds. Trying to trick with my HQ Breeze has been a royally frustrating experience so I'm looking for an outdoor UL to trick with (and a kite that's under $200 is always a bonus) :kid_smartass:

My main focus is tricks, not indoor flying, so would the Itrix be the kite for those light days or should I be expanding my kite bag with something else?

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I've flown the iTrix quite a bit... It's not an easy indoor kite to fly, as you have to keep it loaded all the time... A lot of foot work.

But, it is the only indoor kite that I can Comete with.

True....but wow do you ever make it look good! :)

Soooooo....outdoor, with a bit of a breeze to give it some drive.....less foot work....More tricks!! :)


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I've flown the itrix a while and I do disagree that it's a lot of work...

It has a feel I think Im more familiar with than perhaps john. The kite will stay in the air easily, but it requires a stiff wind pressure to put response on the lines. At optimum it has very little feedback on the lines, but it does fly.. you just cant 'feel' that its flying like I think John expects.

Of course if you wanna do a comete on it, you'll need a soft hand or a stiff breeze :) or a combonation of both hehe.

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Of course if you wanna do a comete on it, you'll need a soft hand or a stiff breeze :) or a combonation of both hehe.

Heavy hand, or at least firm quick inputs for indoor. The kite is solid and can take being wacked around vigorously. I have seen cuts on John's fingers from the finger loops, after a good, exhilerating demonstration of multiple combos.

I pack band aids in my 'to go' bag now.....


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  • 4 weeks later...
I am getting back into kiting again. I am looking to supplement or replace my Active People Select One with an indoor kite. As I think about it, I think I need a kite that:

- can be flown by beginner to intermediate level

-allow me to fly in a grade school gym and outdoors in light winds

-more emphasis on staying aloft than tricks though I may want to do some simple tricks in the future, though, once I relearn how to do them.

- will not take a great amount of running to keep it up in no wind conditions

Having read through the forums I see there are many suggestions but I could not pull out which one would suit me best.

Thanks for your help


When I started flying indoors I used the VIP but the kite which is the flotiest is the wren. :big_evil:

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When I started flying indoors I used the VIP but the kite which is the flotiest is the wren. :big_evil:

The VIP looks great, videos show it seem to float and do some tricks, if money were no object...

Someone else put me onto the Inak. Don't know much about it. The wren may be my best best to start off indoor and the Inak could be used out door. But if money were no object I could get a WSO SUL for my low wind (at least it looks expensive.)



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