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Info on Rev's


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I have been flying power kites and buggying for almost a decade now and have decided to set that aside for a while, if not for good... lots of reasons, long story. I love the control of quads and in spite of selling off all my main gear (buggies and all), I will still maintain a symphony conversion that riffclown helped me with a while back. I'd like to get a Rev in the future for our annual beach trip. They are pretty costly new, so I am considering used, but not looking to buy right away. I'd love recommendations.

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Have you flown a rev?  You may not want an EXP, but the first real rev I got was an old 1.5, pre-SLE. I think any rev will give you lots of things to try and work on and be fun.  $195 with lines and handles isn’t really too bad. I’ve bought most of my used ones for around $100, but never with lines or handles. 

Good luck and enjoy. 

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