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Hi fellows!!! It is my pleasure to present my: NEW!!! ......... :sign_kitelife:


After a little sorrow from my previous design, I came with the idea of ELIMINATING THE STRING'S FRICCION ONCE AND FOR ALL... AND IT CAME IN THE FORM OF A YO-YO...and as we all know the modern yo-yo's have a ball bearing in the middle, making the yo-yo spin freely in it's center, with my innovacion, I am applying the same principle to my "Yo-Yo stake", this way, there will be NO FRICCION, whatsoever, since the lines will rotate the ball bearing... therefore, the problem with the friccion is solved, once and for all.


The purpose of this, is, to make it available to everyone, I hope you like it...Comments will be apreciated.

Hector Herrera

Engineering department... :blue_wink:

I am adding a picture with my first dog stake with rings close to each other. This one was too hard to play with. I was flying my "Space Stations" kite design. And the second picture added was with four rings.





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Yo-Yos, what a great idea. I'll be interested to know if having them arrainged the way you have will work well.


Hi Mr. Foster! Long time no see, ??? I think the idea is very good I tested it last Saturday and it makes the kite flying much easier. Are you gonna do any team fly soon? Let me know. Oh..by the way did you see your picture as new member of the IKE Quad team?



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Hi fellows!!! It is my pleasure to present my: NEW!!! ......... :sign_kitelife:


After a little sorrow from my previous design, I came with the idea of ELIMINATING THE STRING'S FRICCION ONCE AND FOR ALL... AND IT CAME IN THE FORM OF A YO-YO...and as we all know the modern yo-yo's have a ball bearing in the middle, making the yo-yo spin freely in it's center, with my innovacion, I am applying the same principle to my "Yo-Yo stake", this way, there will be NO FRICCION, whatsoever, since the lines will rotate the ball bearing... therefore, the problem with the friccion is solved, once and for all.


The purpose of this, is, to make it available to everyone, I hope you like it...Comments will be apreciated.

Hector Herrera

Engineering department... :blue_wink:

I would like to make a comment,... although this new Yo-Yos Stake was posted in Quads Head section..........


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Hi fellows!!! It is my pleasure to present my: NEW!!! ......... :)


After a little sorrow from my previous design, I came with the idea of ELIMINATING THE STRING'S FRICCION ONCE AND FOR ALL... AND IT CAME IN THE FORM OF A YO-YO...and as we all know the modern yo-yo's have a ball bearing in the middle, making the yo-yo spin freely in it's center, with my innovacion, I am applying the same principle to my "Yo-Yo stake", this way, there will be NO FRICCION, whatsoever, since the lines will rotate the ball bearing... therefore, the problem with the friccion is solved, once and for all.


The purpose of this, is, to make it available to everyone, I hope you like it...Comments will be apreciated.

Hector Herrera

Engineering department... :o

Really neat, great idea!

Do you have any problems with the lines jumping off the Yo-Yo spools?

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Interesting design, I'd like to try it. :o

John, John, John Barresi...I will be honored, Hoping to meet you sometime. :)

And I am going to use this space to answer to John Mitchell; that is a very good question. My answer is: as long as you keep the lines tight they won't come out of the spool, the Yo-Yo's depth is enough to keep the lines in place. Since the purpose is to do the dog staking fly style, you don't have any slacking lines. I was thinking that, if, there is very little wind, then the lines will fall behind the Yo-Yos, and the way I have it set up, they will not fall out. There is allways, room for improvements, and one of those, may be, having the Yo-Yos closer togheter, but the basic idea of not having any binding lines, HAS BEEN SOLVED WITH THE BALL BEARINGS ROTATION, not alowing the friccion lines.

(from now on, it will be called: YO-YOS STAKE, KITE FLYING) :)

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Interesting design, I'd like to try it. :o

John, John, John Barresi...I will be honored, Hoping to meet you sometime. :)

And I am going to use this space to answer to John Mitchell; that is a very good question. My answer is: as long as you keep the lines tight they won't come out of the spool, the Yo-Yo's depth is enough to keep the lines in place. Since the purpose is to do the dog staking fly style, you don't have any slacking lines. I was thinking that, if, there is very little wind, then the lines will fall behind the Yo-Yos, and the way I have it set up, they will not fall out. There is allways, room for improvements, and one of those, may be, having the Yo-Yos closer togheter, but the basic idea of not having any binding lines, HAS BEEN SOLVED WITH THE BALL BEARINGS ROTATION, not alowing the friccion lines.

(from now on, it will be called: YO-YOS STAKE, KITE FLYING) :)

Both John Barresi and I had the priviledge of meeting you at KP5.

Low wind with slacking lines was what I was thinking about as being a problem. It is nice to hear you have been able to solve that problem.

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kewl, looking. I am interested in how the distance apart will affect it.

Inquiring minds want to know.



Hi Penny!!! another good question...the way it is right now, I don't think it's going to affect anything. Putting the Yo-Yos closer togheter MIGHT be easier, less bulky, but I dont' think it will improve or decrease the kite's flying ability or performance.

When the kite goes flying to the side of the window, the lines will keep the same lenght, since they are all atached to "the center" of the Yo-Yo's Stake. That's the reazon for having them "in line", one on top of another. Contrary to the old version, wich had to rings on one side, and two rings on the other, THAT DISTANCE, between each set of two rings, was making the difference. and 22 centimeters apart, WILL SHOW OR FEEL, when the kite goes to the window's side. I have to tell you that I have not experimented with this system "FULLY, YET", but in the short time that I did, I could feel and tell the big difference in the kite's handling. It fly better, EEEASIER, due to the ball bearings, and it's fun. If you let me say one more thing, Let me experiment with this system some more, and if I Honestly feel that the stake is 100% capable of performing what it's meant to be, I would be willing to MAKE AND SELL, a few, for those who might want one. Just think of this, I am using, stainless steel bars, and each Yo-Yo cost $14.55 plus CA. taxes. (I could use other materials...any sugestions?)

This "thing" may look easy to make, but it takes time, proper welding, etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for your question Penny, I really hope to see one of your performances, some day.

Truly yours:

Hector Herrera

I am attaching a picture of the old version and you can see the difference.

I am edditing this posting one more time...to add a picture of my first dog stake. The one I found very hard to play with. Take a look at the very bottom of the picture, and I am flying "Space Stations" one of my kite designs...!!!



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I think I would feel the vertical space between each yo yo during flight, whenever the kite significantly changes altitude.

For sure, I'll have to try it... But, I'm thinking it might be even more effective if they were closer together vertically.

Hmm...I guess the majority wins...I tell you what, I am going to make another Yo-Yos Stake. A new one with a complete renovation in the back, some kind of a SLIDER going to the bottom side of the Yo-Yos, in a way that you can fly your kite in a normal fashion and then aproach the YO-YOS STAKE, pass the lines over and into the YO-YOs and then do your YO-YOS STAKE KITE FLYING... :) THAT would make a BIG improvement, the Yo-Yos will be closer; just like you, and some, would like to have it. Yeaah, I'll do that, maybe I should patent the idea and it should work better with your imput.

Thank you John, and definitly...You will be able to try it sometime.

Thanks everyone. God Bless you all.

Hector Herrera

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Could they be made with a non butterfly yo yo such as the standard... Although with the butterfly, I imagine the grooves make it easier to lock on the strings...

FYI: John, at Wildwood when you dogstaked for the media for a short time I have it on video and that was my golf ball stake... you melted a line slice in the ball.. I'm surprised it didn't snap your lines... I have retired the stake and currently treasure it as Barresi Memorabilia :)

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I have only flown using a dog stake a couple of times, and without much success. Forgetting the flying skill involved, lets move on to the geometry.

My geometry teacher says that the lines should be as close as possible to each other at the stake. The further apart they are, the more built in error you will have as the kite moves up and down, or to one side or the other of the stake. The error should be equal to the distance between the lines at the stake.

Perfect geometry, all four lines at the same point on the stake.

Remember, this is purely from a geometric point of view. Any "error" can be compensated for by the flyer.


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Heya Jim,

It has been a while since I've taken geometry, could you explain that a little more? What do you mean by "error"?

Also, I was wondering if the strings spend much time rubbing against the sides of the yo-yo. It seems to me they would rub against the plastic unless the strings were coming straight off the middle of the yo-yo.

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Keep going Hector. Trial and error. The Rev is a kite who's style is known for whatever it takes. When I use a single handle, the spacing is important and further rather then closer apart works best.

You might even replace Brian Champie, who I have used as my dog stake on Rocky ground. Sorry, Brian.. I'd miss you. :)

Keep us posted Hector.



kewl, looking. I am interested in how the distance apart will affect it.

Inquiring minds want to know.



Hi Penny!!! another good question...the way it is right now, I don't think it's going to affect anything. Putting the Yo-Yos closer togheter MIGHT be easier, less bulky, but I dont' think it will improve or decrease the kite's flying ability or performance.

When the kite goes flying to the side of the window, the lines will keep the same lenght, since they are all atached to "the center" of the Yo-Yo's Stake. That's the reazon for having them "in line", one on top of another. Contrary to the old version, wich had to rings on one side, and two rings on the other, THAT DISTANCE, between each set of two rings, was making the difference. and 22 centimeters apart, WILL SHOW OR FEEL, when the kite goes to the window's side. I have to tell you that I have not experimented with this system "FULLY, YET", but in the short time that I did, I could feel and tell the big difference in the kite's handling. It fly better, EEEASIER, due to the ball bearings, and it's fun. If you let me say one more thing, Let me experiment with this system some more, and if I Honestly feel that the stake is 100% capable of performing what it's meant to be, I would be willing to MAKE AND SELL, a few, for those who might want one. Just think of this, I am using, stainless steel bars, and each Yo-Yo cost $14.55 plus CA. taxes. (I could use other materials...any sugestions?)

This "thing" may look easy to make, but it takes time, proper welding, etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for your question Penny, I really hope to see one of your performances, some day.

Truly yours:

Hector Herrera

I am attaching a picture of the old version and you can see the difference.

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Heya Jim,

It has been a while since I've taken geometry, could you explain that a little more? What do you mean by "error"?

OK...Let's say you are holding your handles a foot apart. As the kite moves across the sky, you tend to turn and face the kite, so the distance from your right and left handles to the kite remains the same unless you pull one or the other. With the stake, as the kite moves say from right to left, the right lines will be pulled a little more than the left. You have formed a parallelogram from the stake to the kite. The base of the parallelogram being the stake. The farther the right and left lines are apart at the stake, the more difference you have. Think about this.....If the lines were, say, six feet apart at the stake, The kite would respond just fine as long as it was directly in front of the stake. As the kite moved from right to left, the right lines will be pulled further than the left. The further the kite went to the left, the "shorter" the right lines would become, needing correction by the flyer. Same move with all of the lines together, there would have to be no correction by the flyer.

The same should be true with flying up and down. As the kite goes up, the top lines would have to be pulled shorter to compensate for the lower lines getting "shorter" in relation to the top lines. If the points on the stake are only a few inches, the difference can be made up with the handles. If the points are a few feet apart, I think control will diminish as the kite gets higher in the sky. You will reach a point where the upper lines are not long enough to get the "forward" control needed to assend further.

Try it. Stake the right and left sets several feet apart and give it a try. I think you will find that the closer the lines are together, the better the control will be.

Hope this explains what I believe the geometry to be.


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Heya Jim,

I think a diagram would help :)

But if I understand you correctly, I still don't think it would make a huge difference in the way that you are talking about.

A few things to consider:

The difference between the yo-yos is maybe a foot. Assuming 120' lines, the end of each line is 60' away from the stake.

The kite moves in an arc.

I think some actual math needs to be done to see if there's much difference.

Also, it's probably easier just to try it with an actual kite, as you suggest. But don't make the stakes a couple feet apart, make it more realistic and make them a foot or so apart vertically.

Hector, you could bungee a couple carabiners to a pole to test the idea. Cheaper and quicker then welding a whole new stake!

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