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Yes, My brand new Purple Vented B is here

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Finaly she has arived, My Brand new Purple Vented 1.5 B :):) :) :)

so my std 1.5 B has some more company in my kite bag.

Once again Belgian Customs delayed the deliver for more then 2 weeks /SIGH.

Now hoping for some good winds this weekend ....

Include in the shipping box was the revolutions 2007 catalog...... gonne be hard to decide what will be my next kite bag addition ... indoor ? speed series ??? Rev 2 ??

Finaly she has arived, My Brand new Purple Vented 1.5 B :):) :) :)

so my std 1.5 B has some more company in my kite bag.

Once again Belgian Customs delayed the deliver for more then 2 weeks /SIGH.

Now hoping for some good winds this weekend ....

Include in the shipping box was the revolutions 2007 catalog...... gonne be hard to decide what will be my next kite bag addition ... indoor ? speed series ??? Rev 2 ??

i have expeirence with a rev 2, i own one, and for a ballet type flyer (iQuad style) i find the rev 2 to be quite unruly, and in reverse flight its quite difficult to control, and me being inexpierenced probably doesnt help. but that aside for a fun kite i highly reccomend it, its faster than the rev 1 and 1.5 esecially if you buy 2 or 3 wrap frame. and on a last reccomendation buy bigger handles or use your b series handles as the rev 2 handles are quite small and dont even come with pig tails stock i had to make my own.


Hey you..

Actually Chris, You might find the shorter handles are best for the Rev II. I've even put them on the speed series. The longer handles will help to speed up a kite w/less movement and you don't need that with the faster kites. Rev II's Rock! Unless you want to play with the boys.. then it's 1.5 vented or not. BB Penny.

Finaly she has arived, My Brand new Purple Vented 1.5 B :):) :) :)

so my std 1.5 B has some more company in my kite bag.

Once again Belgian Customs delayed the deliver for more then 2 weeks /SIGH.

Now hoping for some good winds this weekend ....

Include in the shipping box was the revolutions 2007 catalog...... gonne be hard to decide what will be my next kite bag addition ... indoor ? speed series ??? Rev 2 ??

i have expeirence with a rev 2, i own one, and for a ballet type flyer (iQuad style) i find the rev 2 to be quite unruly, and in reverse flight its quite difficult to control, and me being inexpierenced probably doesnt help. but that aside for a fun kite i highly reccomend it, its faster than the rev 1 and 1.5 esecially if you buy 2 or 3 wrap frame. and on a last reccomendation buy bigger handles or use your b series handles as the rev 2 handles are quite small and dont even come with pig tails stock i had to make my own.

Finaly she has arived, My Brand new Purple Vented 1.5 B :):) :) :)

so my std 1.5 B has some more company in my kite bag.

Once again Belgian Customs delayed the deliver for more then 2 weeks /SIGH.

Now hoping for some good winds this weekend ....

Include in the shipping box was the revolutions 2007 catalog...... gonne be hard to decide what will be my next kite bag addition ... indoor ? speed series ??? Rev 2 ??

Where does one get a Vented 1.5 in Purple????

Finaly she has arived, My Brand new Purple Vented 1.5 B :):) :) :)

so my std 1.5 B has some more company in my kite bag.

Once again Belgian Customs delayed the deliver for more then 2 weeks /SIGH.

Now hoping for some good winds this weekend ....

Include in the shipping box was the revolutions 2007 catalog...... gonne be hard to decide what will be my next kite bag addition ... indoor ? speed series ??? Rev 2 ??

Where does one get a Vented 1.5 in Purple????

I believe Purple is a colour that has been added later on, It's not In the 2007 catalog.

Mine was delivered by the sweet Theressa of TheKiteshoppe.

Thanks again for the good care and service Theressa.

I was able to fly my vented yesterday, windspeed between 20-25 mph on a 150# 120 foot line, it was realy sweet, I had to stop at the point I was to dark to see the kite :)

So I guess I'm gonne have to start looking for some kite lights :)

Anyway wind forcast for today is 0 to 6 mph guess no vented today, ahhhh just gonne grab my std put in the sul frames and have a go.

Still not decided on what to get next, the rev II sound like a real fun kite, would be nice to be able to fly it before I order it. To bad I'm not that lucky to live in part of the world where I just can go up to the beach and meet other Rev flyers. Tbh kinda feels lonely at times, thanks to the Net I can come here and chatter away.

Good winds,


I believe Purple is a colour that has been added later on, It's not In the 2007 catalog.

Mine was delivered by the sweet Theressa of TheKiteshoppe.

Thanks again for the good care and service Theressa.

Still not decided on what to get next, the rev II sound like a real fun kite, would be nice to be able to fly it before I order it. To bad I'm not that lucky to live in part of the world where I just can go up to the beach and meet other Rev flyers. Tbh kinda feels lonely at times, thanks to the Net I can come here and chatter away.

Good winds,


Theressa at the Kite Shoppe, , Cutting Edge, and Wind of Change, have been wonderful sponsors. Of course we try to send business their way.

What about this?

When ever you get a few business cards from a kite sponsor, bless them, write your name on the back of it and give it to someone. (Not someone who already buys from them regularly) Ask them to check out their stores on line or in person.. or

Here is a fun challenge... Ask the person to write their name on it, first name only is ok..and pass it on o someone who may be able to help support your sponsor, someone can buy a Christmas Gift for retired Dad, kids.. you know.. It's not a contest, it's just a way to thank and promote our sponsors.

Promoting our sponsors, promotes our Kite hobby-sport-passion, keeping the kite flying growing and vibrant.

I've always wanted to have a surprise dinner for sponsors, too. Imagine who would be there. It would be a long list.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to thank our sponsors? OH OH.. I think I'm wayyy off topic. Sorry.

Back on topic.. Flying by yourself helps you to develop your own style.. I think what your going through in life shows in your style and your style changes with other influences. Check out IQUAD going for quick precision too. Love it.

Syruss, you could be the Medford Man.

However; getting out to see other flyers in other areas is one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given. Kudos to John B. Thank you John, www.Kitelife.com video takes us there. Video and internet are great, almost as good as being there. Well, no.. but it's a great learning tool.


Penny ready to go indoor.


Theressa sold me my lime green b series!

I believe Purple is a colour that has been added later on, It's not In the 2007 catalog.

Mine was delivered by the sweet Theressa of TheKiteshoppe.

Thanks again for the good care and service Theressa.

Still not decided on what to get next, the rev II sound like a real fun kite, would be nice to be able to fly it before I order it. To bad I'm not that lucky to live in part of the world where I just can go up to the beach and meet other Rev flyers. Tbh kinda feels lonely at times, thanks to the Net I can come here and chatter away.

Good winds,


Theressa at the Kite Shoppe, , Cutting Edge, and Wind of Change, have been wonderful sponsors. Of course we try to send business their way.

What about this?

When ever you get a few business cards from a kite sponsor, bless them, write your name on the back of it and give it to someone. (Not someone who already buys from them regularly) Ask them to check out their stores on line or in person.. or

Here is a fun challenge... Ask the person to write their name on it, first name only is ok..and pass it on o someone who may be able to help support your sponsor, someone can buy a Christmas Gift for retired Dad, kids.. you know.. It's not a contest, it's just a way to thank and promote our sponsors.

Promoting our sponsors, promotes our Kite hobby-sport-passion, keeping the kite flying growing and vibrant.

I've always wanted to have a surprise dinner for sponsors, too. Imagine who would be there. It would be a long list.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to thank our sponsors? OH OH.. I think I'm wayyy off topic. Sorry.

Back on topic.. Flying by yourself helps you to develop your own style.. I think what your going through in life shows in your style and your style changes with other influences. Check out IQUAD going for quick precision too. Love it.

Syruss, you could be the Medford Man.

However; getting out to see other flyers in other areas is one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given. Kudos to John B. Thank you John, www.Kitelife.com video takes us there. Video and internet are great, almost as good as being there. Well, no.. but it's a great learning tool.


Penny ready to go indoor.


Lucky you Chris!

You gonna let me borrow it? :crazy:

BB Penny

Theressa sold me my lime green b series!
I believe Purple is a colour that has been added later on, It's not In the 2007 catalog.

Mine was delivered by the sweet Theressa of TheKiteshoppe.

Thanks again for the good care and service Theressa.

Still not decided on what to get next, the rev II sound like a real fun kite, would be nice to be able to fly it before I order it. To bad I'm not that lucky to live in part of the world where I just can go up to the beach and meet other Rev flyers. Tbh kinda feels lonely at times, thanks to the Net I can come here and chatter away.

Good winds,


Theressa at the Kite Shoppe, , Cutting Edge, and Wind of Change, have been wonderful sponsors. Of course we try to send business their way.

What about this?

When ever you get a few business cards from a kite sponsor, bless them, write your name on the back of it and give it to someone. (Not someone who already buys from them regularly) Ask them to check out their stores on line or in person.. or

Here is a fun challenge... Ask the person to write their name on it, first name only is ok..and pass it on o someone who may be able to help support your sponsor, someone can buy a Christmas Gift for retired Dad, kids.. you know.. It's not a contest, it's just a way to thank and promote our sponsors.

Promoting our sponsors, promotes our Kite hobby-sport-passion, keeping the kite flying growing and vibrant.

I've always wanted to have a surprise dinner for sponsors, too. Imagine who would be there. It would be a long list.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to thank our sponsors? OH OH.. I think I'm wayyy off topic. Sorry.

Back on topic.. Flying by yourself helps you to develop your own style.. I think what your going through in life shows in your style and your style changes with other influences. Check out IQUAD going for quick precision too. Love it.

Syruss, you could be the Medford Man.

However; getting out to see other flyers in other areas is one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given. Kudos to John B. Thank you John, www.Kitelife.com video takes us there. Video and internet are great, almost as good as being there. Well, no.. but it's a great learning tool.


Penny ready to go indoor.


well you see if i was to do that, and there was wind, i would be quite depressed for i could not fly :crazy:

Lucky you Chris!

You gonna let me borrow it? :crazy:

BB Penny

Theressa sold me my lime green b series!
I believe Purple is a colour that has been added later on, It's not In the 2007 catalog.

Mine was delivered by the sweet Theressa of TheKiteshoppe.

Thanks again for the good care and service Theressa.

Still not decided on what to get next, the rev II sound like a real fun kite, would be nice to be able to fly it before I order it. To bad I'm not that lucky to live in part of the world where I just can go up to the beach and meet other Rev flyers. Tbh kinda feels lonely at times, thanks to the Net I can come here and chatter away.

Good winds,


Theressa at the Kite Shoppe, , Cutting Edge, and Wind of Change, have been wonderful sponsors. Of course we try to send business their way.

What about this?

When ever you get a few business cards from a kite sponsor, bless them, write your name on the back of it and give it to someone. (Not someone who already buys from them regularly) Ask them to check out their stores on line or in person.. or

Here is a fun challenge... Ask the person to write their name on it, first name only is ok..and pass it on o someone who may be able to help support your sponsor, someone can buy a Christmas Gift for retired Dad, kids.. you know.. It's not a contest, it's just a way to thank and promote our sponsors.

Promoting our sponsors, promotes our Kite hobby-sport-passion, keeping the kite flying growing and vibrant.

I've always wanted to have a surprise dinner for sponsors, too. Imagine who would be there. It would be a long list.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to thank our sponsors? OH OH.. I think I'm wayyy off topic. Sorry.

Back on topic.. Flying by yourself helps you to develop your own style.. I think what your going through in life shows in your style and your style changes with other influences. Check out IQUAD going for quick precision too. Love it.

Syruss, you could be the Medford Man.

However; getting out to see other flyers in other areas is one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given. Kudos to John B. Thank you John, www.Kitelife.com video takes us there. Video and internet are great, almost as good as being there. Well, no.. but it's a great learning tool.


Penny ready to go indoor.


The only downside on flying on your own is that you really have to just try that much harder than when someone can show you a couple of times.

I do love the quiet time when it's just me and the kite. It's a great stress relief!


There was no one to show us how when we started. Still lots to be discovered too. BB Penny

Penny could be my mentor, but laughing at her "cat in the hat antics" makes it hard to concentrate of flying....





If ever you come to Yorkshire UK, you can borrow this one.

But be gentle with it. Its very precious to me. :)





Hey Syruss, if you take me to serious, you might be taking kites to serious. Pointing and laughing is allowed. Laugh away.. it's good for you! When I fly I laugh out loud sometimes. Hmm.. The first article Elizabeth and I ever wrote for PCKA Kite Club we were introduced as "Slightly Crazy Revolution Kite Flyers". I still go by that. :blink:

Derek, I would love to fly the kite. It looks great ~ with a wonderful concept. I'd like to see a one sky/one world Rev. with large enough picture to see. hmm? If we pass this word, there might be more peace on earth. We need that don't you know. :busted2:

Oh, and Derek, I would probably love to just sit and watch you and yours fly that beautiful kite.. while I'm resting, eating.. you know ~ necessary things in life. :) It's a beautiful kite.

ooohhh more off topic... who's going to Nationals next week? I'm trying to work something out.... but I have to pass it by my husband first.

I had a wonderfully fun weekend in Santa Cruz! Could have used more wind to put up more big stuff, but the boardwalk, rollercoasters, woo hoo, made a beautiful back drop to our kite flying.. and the ocean as our backdrop... it was sweet~ and a wonderful treat for me.

Well, a purple and black B. kite is kewl. I like their white IQuad kites, ones too. Are they offering those?

OH..that reminds me. I went through security at the airport. Afterwards I went to pull my MP# player out of my purse.. and wow.. my I Quad kite stake was still attached to it. It's what a 12-14 " heavy screwdriver w/ a sharp point. Oh.. they had signs all over that said there were fines for objects like this. I figured if I told them, 1, they'd fine me. 2, they'd take it away never to be seen again. So, I shoved it back down and left it. Steve said I should call the airline and tell them how the security failed there. What do you think? I don't want to be searched long and hard everytime I go to the airport. :( Well, Monkey! Monkey! I still haven't lost my Iquad dog stake. Thank you.

I better go.

Thanks for sharing your space. :P


Penny ~ who really likes Purple and Black B series. :)

Hey Syruss, if you take me to serious, you might be taking kites to serious. Pointing and laughing is allowed. Laugh away.. it's good for you! When I fly I laugh out loud sometimes. Hmm.. The first article Elizabeth and I ever wrote for PCKA Kite Club we were introduced as "Slightly Crazy Revolution Kite Flyers". I still go by that. :)

I would never take you TOO seriously, I have seen the Seusical Musical in person a couple of times and have met and talked with you a few times in passing at the Brookings kite festival! I think you are a great ambassidor for the sport like John in that you are approachable and willing to help anyone out any time and show them the ropes, you even let me fly your indoor rev which was really cool!

Kiting should be about having fun, if you ain't having fun, then you probably have one of the following problems:

1) You are flying a duel line kite with one line

2) You are trying to do a 180 trick into the wind

3) Your bridle is totally hosed

4) Your eyes are closed and you keep crashing your kite

5) You basically think that work is fun, and you just flew a kite to pretend like you had a life

6) You are just plain boring.

I on the other hand love to fly, I love to share with others, wish I was better at it, always work to get any advice and would sell half of my soul to be able to fly as well as you, John or anyone on iQuad :) (BTW: I would only be selling the half that I am indebted to my wife for though)


Now that's my kind of kiteflier. :) BB penny~ who will find out today if she can go to nationals. :)

I would never take you TOO seriously, I have seen the Seusical Musical in person a couple of times and have met and talked with you a few times in passing at the Brookings kite festival! I think you are a great ambassidor for the sport like John in that you are approachable and willing to help anyone out any time and show them the ropes, you even let me fly your indoor rev which was really cool!

Kiting should be about having fun, if you ain't having fun, then you probably have one of the following problems:

1) You are flying a duel line kite with one line

2) You are trying to do a 180 trick into the wind

3) Your bridle is totally hosed

4) Your eyes are closed and you keep crashing your kite

5) You basically think that work is fun, and you just flew a kite to pretend like you had a life

6) You are just plain boring.

I on the other hand love to fly, I love to share with others, wish I was better at it, always work to get any advice and would sell half of my soul to be able to fly as well as you, John or anyone on iQuad :) (BTW: I would only be selling the half that I am indebted to my wife for though)


I did it!! I get to go to Nationals.. I'll be there some time on Tue -Sun.

It wasn't easy either.. I had to back my husband up against a wall and sell him on the idea.. I did it like Heather at work.... You know.... I'd be saving all kinds of money... because it is in my backyard... and I really do wish to record the indoor and quads.. a great learning tool. I have a place to stay free in Westport.. and I'll see where I land.

Yeah, I'm going to Nationals! Now.. the hard part. Staying focused at work till I leave. oh boy! BB Penny .. Thanks for the good thoughts Syruss. :)


Thank you wind.. oh and might I suggest baby names... "Era" if it's a girl.. means the beginning of a new time as one of the definitions.

Now, I'm not going to compete at nationals. Since it's invitation only and I did not compete this year. Getting to go is a great perk though.. except for giving up those vacation days.

I'm not going for the party, as I did at Seaside.. what fun!! I'm going to check out how our fliers are doing.. root them on, enjoy a class or two and visit w/friends. Rain or shine, I'll be in the area.

Lets wish our N.W. fliers good luck... or your regional fliers.. If you need me to hollor to root on a friend, let me know.. I'm kind of loud. :) BB Penny

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