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  Baloo said:
Anyone taking bets on us having to remind JB to get that cruncher going for this one?

With him being distracted at the KTIA trade show. What with that awfull weather he must have to be putting up with.

Hope you are having a time there John.

Best of luck all. Specialy Melanie of course.

YOU are the SWEETEST bear EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Psst, John, it's the 15th here in the Midwest ... also in England ... the Netherlands ... Japan ... and every other place I can name. Actually, it's already the 16th in Australia ... they missed the drawing completely ... they'll be so disappointed when they wake up.

So, shouldn't you wake up Mr. Random and task him to make one of us a happy camper? And please don't use the, "I had to go get supplies for my cat" excuse this time.

Good luck everybody ...




Wakey, wakey John it's the 15th here in San Carlos, MX, I need to see if there is reason to go back to Tucson to pick up my new vented.

Good luck to all, if I win I will let everyone get it a fly at KP7


I told you we would have to remind him didnt I.

JOHN, OH JOHN, 15th is nearly over now. Only Four and a Half Hours. PLEASE PLEASE dont make me go to bed without knowing who has won.

Wind up that generator. Put ua all out of our misery. And of course a beaming smile on one face.

Cheers bro.

You take your own good time. Dont take any notice of us all champing at the bit.


You are, arnt you. You are going to make me go to bed without making the draw. :sq_baaa:

And there I was. Thought you were a decent chap. :innocent:

Cheers Bro, you keep em all waiting. Draw it next Week if I was you. :lol:



I drove 120KPH, stopped at 3 Mexican checkpoints where guys were holding machine guns, waited at the border for an hour, raced into the house to see that I won, and Nada? TMF John?

Hey, the good news is there was a Zephyr, and a new Hawaiian waiting for me.


I saw him in the parking lot of the hotel a couple of hours ago.

I think he went to bed.

He's really tired....tomorrow will be ok!!!!!

Melanie NOT in Tennessee


Well "waiting just makes the heart grow fonder"

Tomorrow I am getting out of the 29 degree fog and icy roads for the ocean beach at Lincoln City for three days of non stop flying, flying and more flying. B):P:):sq_baaa::P:):P:lol:

Good luck to all. :innocent:

When Mr random calls my number I hope you don't have to be online to win. No puter for a few days. See you after my sea devil and b-vented get a work out. :P

Dean, I will be in the same place as October if you want to come over. Weather is going to be clear and sunny :P:P

  titleist-boy said:
When Mr random calls my number I hope you don't have to be online to win. No puter for a few days. See you after my sea devil and b-vented get a work out. :innocent:

Dean, I will be in the same place as October if you want to come over. Weather is going to be clear and sunny :sq_baaa::lol:

I think you will find that if you are not on line to accept the prize within 12 Hours John will re draw it. tee hee (aint I an evil one)

(Only telling you this cuz I am jelous of you flying at the beach)

Of course it will be waiting for you if you win it. Unless JB believs the PM's I have sent him on evryone elses behalf tellinh him if they win to send it to Baloo cuz he is such a special person.

You are all SO kind. Thanks folks.

  Kitelife said:
Congratulations Grant Lovett, you've got a B-Series Vented! :innocent:


Let me be the second to congratulate you ... happy winds.



  Kitelife said:
Congratulations Grant Lovett, you've got a B-Series Vented! :lol:

Congrats :)

Someone Granted his wish,

Don't take it for granted :innocent:

You've gotta lovett :sq_baaa:

  Choccy said:
  Kitelife said:
Congratulations Grant Lovett, you've got a B-Series Vented! :sq_baaa:

You've gotta lovett :innocent:

That's a really bad pun ... on so many levels ...

:innocent::lol::) Thanks for the Congrats and thanks to John and Kitelife ! I have been playing a little with some quad and this kite will make learning and flying them so sweet. I go to a few festivals in the Midwest in the Spring and will have to hunt down some of the IKE group for pointers. Maybe soon I can join the mass Rev flies :sq_baaa:

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