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Remeber When...


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You got your first kite. When you could keep it flying and actually control it...somewhat. When pile driving it into the ground didn't happen so often. When you figured out where the edge of the window was? Remember? Well I can...because my wife and I flew for the first last Saturday and Sunday. We have a Cherry Bomb and are rank beginners. I think we are "hooked"...because she asked me to get the Prism DVD "Freestyle Pilot". We both realize we have to crawl...before we can walk. I still can't believe how much fun we had together last week end. Today is cloudy and rainy. She has already checked the forecast for the next couple of days. Sunday looks good. The last two flights... she was able to self launch. She was SO proud.



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I remember not long after figuring out how to fly my Skynasour (F36 ?) going to the beach, flying the kite to one side, waiting for a passing Seagual to fly within range and then going after it with the kite. Never managed to get close to a bird but I did get some strange reactions out of them :D

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Cool story Upnet, hope you find the DVD useful, ?I did, not that I am any good of course, just so I know when I am getting it wrong now.

COOL picture Roisin, always wonder how young kids can see anything that close to the TV. Mostly all of em do it though.

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Right on UpNet. :D

Glad you and the misses could get out to fly. I agree with tonycarl60 in that you'll need a 2nd bomber and do pairs flying. :ani_notworthy:

My first was a cherry bomb. I still have it -- still fly it -- still love it. :blue_wow: I remember I couldnt freestyle with it for the longest time, then as I got other kites I found it more easy to pull off tricks on the ol bomber.

Great kite. :ani_punk:

Im trying to train my Fiance with it now actually.

Cheers and welcome to the group. :blue_wow:


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That's so cool, Upnet! Glad to hear you are both enjoying the kiteworld! ;)

Another video which you may find realllly helpful is Dodd Gross' Flight School:


I'll bet you have many years of happy kite flying. Great read. Welcome and enjoy!

BB Penny ~who shows her age when she says a skynasoar... that was a little bent. lol Maybe that explains us, Rick.

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