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Forum upgraded!

New forum upgrade...  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Whatcha think?

    • LOVE it, great improvements all around.
    • Not sure I like it, but maybe I just need to get used to the new layout.
    • Ugh, absolutely sucks! (please post and tell us why)

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Ya, tinkering - there aren't a lot of good templates out there... And as far as float vs tables, it's counterproductive for me to try and modify the templates every time IPB upgrades their script (necessary), so I'm trying to find something that will work almost "as is".

There are a few skins you can now select/try using the drop down menu, bottom left of all forum pages, would LOVE to get feedback from everyone after they've tried each one. :kid_cussing:

Good to see things are back to normal again!!

(The new stuff was too cold.)


Keep It Up!


Did you by chance take a look at any of the other skins I loaded in?

(see first quote in this post)

Would sure love 2 cents on the different options. :kid_drool:

I will be changing the skin at some point, and there are TONS of people who greatly dislike this one.

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I've grown attached to this skin. The classic blue is a close second. Although, with the classic blue, I'd miss my profile at the top of the page ... after all, it really is my profile. Seriously, it is a good flag to quickly tell if I'm logged in or if the random number generator's cousin has logged me off. I've been known to click the "View New Content" icon most of the day without realizing I'm not logged it. Sure would be nice to have the software tell me the "View New Content" feature can't work if it doesn't know who I am.

The others? Forget them!



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Grumble, grumble, grumble ... damn 'IT' folks never leave anything alone ... yea, I'm sure it's better, but I just got the last one figured out ... here's hoping there's a special punishment in the after life for software tweakers ... probably will have to do all their word processing with PCWrite ... yea, that would be fitting.

Seriously, growing with software is just a fact of life. Once counted all the different word processing packages I've had to learn while working for one company ... eight!! Absolutely would not want to go back to the original, but it does take time to become familiar with the quirks and clicks of new stuff. I'm sure you're wetting your pants in glee over the new look, but give some of us curmudgeons time to grouse ... we'll come around.

I've grown attached to this skin. The classic blue is a close second. Although, with the classic blue, I'd miss my profile at the top of the page ... after all, it really is my profile. Seriously, it is a good flag to quickly tell if I'm logged in or if the random number generator's cousin has logged me off. I've been known to click the "View New Content" icon most of the day without realizing I'm not logged it. Sure would be nice to have the software tell me the "View New Content" feature can't work if it doesn't know who I am.

The others? Forget them!

Okay, I think you're my poster child at the moment. :sign_kitelife:

Here's the deal, I'm long overdue on upgrading the Revolution forum...

How does this current (default) Kitelife forum skin sit with y'all now, ready for use on the Rev forum?

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I know this will really frustrate you JB........But, what's a "skin?" :confused!:


Really...I don't care what you decide on...I'm here for the content and all the great people I've met. People that have made me feel at home and have helped me learn how to fly and have fun!

Being a lone wolf in my area...all that I know, and can do (which is pretty good stuff for a beginner, I think) has been a result of you'all helping me!!

And this is the only site I feel comfortable enough with where I can speak my mind and say about anything and ask stupid questions and enjoy myself and we have all laugh together and also get the best suggestions on what to get and how to do it!! Other sites I felt that I couldn't say anything unless I was "good enough" at kiting, or knew the rules, or was on the "inside".

Yeah...you can change things to reflect a more "professional" look. if that's what you want, and that's OK with me...as long as you don't compromise, or screw up, the "Best Kite Site That IS"! :sign_kitelife:

Keep It Up!


PS I would like a membership card and then get discounts for being a member of Kitelife and a yearly convention!!! But, I'm sure that will come in time!!

...(I don't know if this is fitting, but it ran across my mind)...

"Don't fix what isn't broken!"

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OK, I like this skin.

Would rather go the the first post in a thread when I click the subject, and last post when I click the little last post button.

Kitelife forum is slower to load then most of the other forums I visit, yes, sorry, I do look at other stuff than Kites :0

Would rather have my keyboard integrated to my brain, so I dont have to keep going back to correct my stupid wrong key presses. That is supposed to be a joke by the way :sign_kitelife:

Oh yes, still not found a way of viewing "this Weeks" or "thin Months posts easily, as you used to be able to do.

And the little boxes at the bottom of posts with reply and edit and stuff in them come up with those little red x's instead of the little picture word thing. (probably summat wrong my end)

Other than that everything is great.

See my skillful layout of this post. I have just done a course, start off with summat good, then the complaing, then summat good again. Clever huh?

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Good bear. :)

I've been using the "Professional Skin" almost exclusively for the past two days now, I think I'm gonna stick with it for myself... It's concise, gives me a lot of info in a smaller space (I hate full width or R/L oriented web sites - so ugly imho), and everything is very clear to me with regard to functions, buttons, layout, etc.

As of now, the "IP Board" (default), "Classic Blue" and "Professional" skins will all be staying available to registered forum members (with or without an official Kitelife subscription)... Between the three, it's the best I can do for y'all, and frankly, I think it's plenty effective.

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You guys are a real pain ... come down to my level please.

Bear, you say you like "this" skin ... well, what skin are you looking at?

And as to John, I don't see the "Professional Skin" as a listing in my choices. I see only three: IP.Board, IP.Board Lo-Fi, and IP.Board Classic Blue (Import).



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Simple question only, not a real complaint. When I look on the Rev forum, the name and avatar column on the left side of the page uses up about 10% of my screen width. When I look at Kitelife with the Pro skin, it uses up about 22% of the total width of the forum page. If I go to the IP.Board screen and do a <cont><-> one time I can get the avatar column down to about 15% of the total page width.

Is it possible with the new software to change that percentage so that it is closer to 10% ... or make the verbiage and avatar smaller within the same column width (for example GWTW) so that it doesn't feel so overwhelming? It's easy to live with, no problem, but it does take some getting used to. Kind of like getting a new larger piece of furniture ... feels overwhelming for awhile.



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Simple question only, not a real complaint. When I look on the Rev forum, the name and avatar column on the left side of the page uses up about 10% of my screen width. When I look at Kitelife with the Pro skin, it uses up about 22% of the total width of the forum page. If I go to the IP.Board screen and do a <cont><-> one time I can get the avatar column down to about 15% of the total page width.

Is it possible with the new software to change that percentage so that it is closer to 10% ... or make the verbiage and avatar smaller within the same column width (for example GWTW) so that it doesn't feel so overwhelming? It's easy to live with, no problem, but it does take some getting used to. Kind of like getting a new larger piece of furniture ... feels overwhelming for awhile.



OK...So, maybe you didn't please everyone...heehee!! :)

Keep It Up!


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There is an old saying, "You can't please all the people all the time!"

But...You've seemed to have pleased everyone!! (except, what happened to the cool pictures at the top of the forum?)

I pulled the photos at the top as a minor concession to Kent's (awindofchange) comments about the forum being a heavy load... If there is enough popular demand, I'll put it back on the forum home page.

In the meantime, the ONE latest photo is now displayed in the right column on the forum home page. :)

Simple question only, not a real complaint. When I look on the Rev forum, the name and avatar column on the left side of the page uses up about 10% of my screen width. When I look at Kitelife with the Pro skin, it uses up about 22% of the total width of the forum page. If I go to the IP.Board screen and do a <cont><-> one time I can get the avatar column down to about 15% of the total page width.

Is it possible with the new software to change that percentage so that it is closer to 10% ... or make the verbiage and avatar smaller within the same column width (for example GWTW) so that it doesn't feel so overwhelming? It's easy to live with, no problem, but it does take some getting used to. Kind of like getting a new larger piece of furniture ... feels overwhelming for awhile.

Solid, useful input, thank you Jeepster.

Ah, that's not really a version feature... It's believe it's configured in the admin tools, a standard setting I can change.

I'll look into it... Regardless, the avatar settings are smaller on the Rev forum already and will stay that way. :wub:

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Okay, I've dropped the avatar sizing from 150x150 to 100x100...

Now ironically, it's Jeepster's avatar that seems to be bigger than that. :)

Can you re-upload a properly sized avatar for us Tom? <grin>

No, seriously, I did do all of the above, however it would seem that the left column as you see it here (with avatar and user info) is set within the template's CSS... With this in mind, I'd have to go in and change it every time we upgrade (which is 3-5 times per year).

I'll keep pecking away at it.

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Oh yes, still not found a way of viewing "this Weeks" or "thin Months posts easily, as you used to be able to do.

At the bottom of the forum index, you'll see "Today's Active Content", just below the Random Files preview.

Click that bad boy and you'll see today's topics... Now, in the bottom right is a drop down menu with these options:

- 24 hours

- week

- 2 weeks

- month

- 6 months

- year

I believe that's what you're looking for?

Other than the link being in a more obvious place, not sure how it could be any easier or more effective a tool

I've just added a help file to that effect as well.

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Okay, I've downsized the Jeep to 100 x 100. Probably could go a little smaller.

The "Today's Active Content" button seems to have a similar function to "View New Posts" on the Rev forum. That's the function that I find the most useful. One can skip answering a thread for a few hours and still find it on the active list ... no hunting and searching, it's just down the list a little bit.



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Have been looking at the various skins, am in IP Board at the moment, all is well with the text box that I am typing in to.

However in Professional skin the "font" box seems to appear in the middle of the box and the text dissapears behind it.

Is this a problem my end, or should it actually look like this?

Remember this is fron a numpty that was not liking the change at all.

Best way to describe it as I teach First Aid, must have been in Forum induced Shock.

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IP board works best for me but the dark index page is not so good, these things work better for me when they appear bright and breezy, bit like a good kite day really.

Most important thing is content, change at the cost of lively interesting content is a retrograde step that appears to have already affected this forum, it does not seem so lively these days.

If change is vital for forum or site security upgrading should not be up for discussion, perhaps it would be best to just make the changes as seamless as possible, adding the bells and whistles have only created noise.

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Have been looking at the various skins, am in IP Board at the moment, all is well with the text box that I am typing in to.

However in Professional skin the "font" box seems to appear in the middle of the box and the text dissapears behind it.

Baloo, what do you mean by font box?

Here is what I see...


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I must be doing something wrong. I start on new content. All ok here..kid_smartass.gif

I click on the post I want via the shortcut, right side,over the posters name (normally says Today and time) that's where it all goesfunnykid_horny.gif. Sometime it takes me to the last post (what I expect) sometimes it takesme to the first post?????

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