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FailedRev.Handles(4 men only)

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Let me mention right up front…”this is for entertainment purposes only!” :P

As I mentioned I decided to make my (to be) next kite “The Black Rainbow Rev.” a Christmas present of a set of “Padded Leather Quad Handles”, but my first attempt failed!! (Any kite named "Black Rainbow" has to be into leather!!) :kid_content:

I soaked the leather and wrapped it wet, real tight, around the padding expecting it to shrink down to about half its size…but that didn’t happen and I’ll have to cut it down and start again. But the result was a bit humorous and I thought I’d send a picture. They look like…well,…see for yourself (my wife was a bit reluctant to even take the picture…heehee!)

OK…All you hecklers…have your fun!!

(back to the drawing board) :)

Keep It Up! (heehee!)


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Figures I would be the first woman to walk into the *mens Only * room lol..

Oh...Sorry 'bout that Mousieo!! :)

But...You can open your eyes now...you're in luck!!! I re-did them and this set isn't obscene!! :kid_content: And it feels really good in my hands!! "Black Rainbow will love these (I'm sure she goes for leather!!) Only 6 more days and she'll be in my armes!! :P

(In case your winter gets boring...I used weather stripping w/ adhesive on the back for padding, just spiraled it up the rod, and you can pick up leather cheap form a garment from Goodwill or buy it on line...I used a solid stainless steel rod, because I wanted to try handles with a little more weight in my hands)

Keep It Up!


PS And thanks "SpzO" Jon for you faith and incouragement!!

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OK!!! Finally!!! I’m Ready!! :P

I have my “I Quad” hand made winders…my homemade line-set bags…and my padded leather stainless steel handles!!

(And don’t forget my rocket launcher kite tubes and my orange cone!!)

OK!!...OK!!...Who wants me on their team???? :kid_content:

Keep It Up!


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OK!!! Finally!!! I'm Ready!! :P

I have my "I Quad" hand made winders…my homemade line-set bags…and my padded leather stainless steel handles!!

(And don't forget my rocket launcher kite tubes and my orange cone!!)

OK!!...OK!!...Who wants me on their team???? :kid_content:

Keep It Up!


While they're not for me style wise, I admire your ingenuity. I would suggest however, longer top leaders with less spacing between the knots.

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Yeah...you're right on the longer leader lines with the knot spaces matching the standard handles "quaa714".

I threw on some bridle line, which is too heavy to get the knots spaced properly. I don't have the line that is used on the standard handles. I don't even know where I'd find line like that. But I wanted to check the handles out...but, it rained for two days and the fields were still flooded on the 3rd day...today the fields are dry and no wind! It's Florida's rainy season.

If you have any help on the "what and where" I could get some of that standard handle line, please pass it on to me...Thanks!

Keep It Up!


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Lookin' good, Duane. ;)

As for the leader lines, I wouldn't be too particular about the thickness or exact fiber. I'm using scraps of bridle line about as thick as yours on the upper, and the original Rev short single knot leader on the bottom, which is slightly thinner. My knots are 1.25 to 1.5 inches apart. I haven't had enough experience to know the ideal offsets for different situations, but I did move the lines by two knots one day, and greatly changed the handling.

I think the 1.25 inch spacing is too close, but 2.50 inch spacing would probably be too much for fine tuning. I have only one knot in the lower leader, but some use a few close knots in the lower for fine tuning.

Once I get more experience, I will put some longer, more carefully knotted leaders on my handles. Until then, my leaders look almost identical to yours.

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Wouldnt worry too much about measuring the distances between knots too much myself. Just keep them about even.

What I do try to do is make sure all my leaders are about the same on different handles, might just be me being picky, means no matter which handles I pick up, the knots are going to be about the same.

Some folks like lots of knots, tied to within a 1000the of an inch of each other. Others are not so picky.

Just be happy with the way you want them. They are your handles and need to suit the way you fly.

Do try to feed more brake in after a time though.

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While they're not for me style wise, I admire your ingenuity. I would suggest however, longer top leaders with less spacing between the knots.

Indeed... Rule of thumb, the end of the top leaders should *just* reach the bottom tip of the handles.

As for knots, about 1/2" (or less) between, doesn't matter if the spacing is consistent knot to knot, as long as R/L leaders match up exactly. ;)

Hope that helps.

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Hey!! Thank you'all for you suggestions and comments!!

The bridle line I have on presently is too thick to space the knots properly. It's the line I use on my Quantums. And from what you say there isn't any one special type of line I need to get, just as long as it knots well and is strong enough. I suppose matching my highest pound test of 150# line would be good enough and, as said, the Rev. bridle line will do that well...it's about half the thickness of the line I presently have on...or...maybe, putting sleeves on some 150#, like I do when making up line sets...what are your thoughts on that?...See any problems if I do it that way?

I "was" able to put (my wife's) Rev. in the air about 2 hours ago on a passing gust or two...and I was impressed with the new handles, really! The kites seem to take up most of the extra weight, but yet it felt firmer and more controlable in my hands. If anyone gets bored this winter, I'd recommend making a set up and checking out the difference...or maybe just wrapping some extra weight around the length of standard handles, somehow, to feel the difference.

DISCLAMER: The above suggestion is "for entertainment purposes only" and brought to you by a guy who has yet to have fully master the inverted hover!! heehee! ;)

Keep It Up!


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I threw on some bridle line, which is too heavy to get the knots spaced properly. I don't have the line that is used on the standard handles. ...


If you've got some extra bridle line, you might go two different directions. 1) Use a single line for the pig-tail. Several IKE members do that with even thinner bridle line than yours. 2) Strip the core out of the bridle line and see if it's thin enough then. Straight Dacron sometimes has too much stretch, but it's worth a try. I've been using Shani non-cored bridle line ... same as I use for sleeves. It works reasonably well.

Knot spacing is an individual preference, but eventually, you'll be looking for closer spacing than 1-1/2 inches between knots. Mine are tied 7/8 inch apart. If you tie two knots on the bottom pig-tail 3/4 inch apart, you can use the bottom line to split the difference between the top line knots.

Hmmm ... some how I keep thinking of corn dogs ... don't know why!!!



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(corn dogs...that never crossed my mind) :)

OK...HERE IT IS!! THE GRAND FINALLY!! THIS IS "BLACK RAINBOW'S" CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!! (and I thank all of you for your help!)

I sleeved some 150# line knotted it as a double line...worked well! (pain in the arsp keeping twists out of the knots). I didn't measure the knot spacing, just stuck a pencil between lines and knots as I tightened them, but it comes out to about 3/4".

Rainbow Handles for my most beautiful Black Rainbow Rev. (I wonder if they have "Black Rainbow" "T" shirts!! ;)

Keep It Up!


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Thanks Jon!!

Yeah...they actually came out better then I expected.

About my picture gallery. As you know computers are not my thing. This is the first site I really got involved in, so I'm just learning. But, I deleted my entire gallery a while back because I "clicked" on the wrong box. :) I'll have to get around to fixing that...but right now the wind is calling me---AND---First Things First!!

Oh Yeah...I saw those "new" T-shirts, etc. and I'm ordering some "BLACK RAINBOW COLORED REV." shirts....really cool!! ;):)

Keep It Up!


PS I was looking at my store bought Rev. handles and noticed that I can just remove the rubber caps and slide metal rods inside if I want a little more weight in those handles too.

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PS I was looking at my store bought Rev. handles and noticed that I can just remove the rubber caps and slide metal rods inside if I want a little more weight in those handles too.

Could just fill them with sand. IMHO you may want to make them a light as you can later on.

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Like the cool Rainbow knotted leaders.

Yeah...that's for us old guys that can't count anymore...got to keep making life simpler to function!! :)

And "MrDenny" you're probably right! I don't know what I'm doing yet!! Just got stuck inside with all the rain we've been having...and I have to do something!! I retired a month ago and I'm trying to adjust to it after 30+ years of constantly being busy>>> ;) >>>not easy.

Maybe I can get up your way sometime and you can teach me how to FLY!! (I have all the equipment to clear the beach so we'll have plenty of room!!) :)

Keep It Up!


PS What's IMHO...this computer world is sort of new to mw too!

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In My Humble Opinion. :)

You need to get across the Appalachians and come to the northwest first my friend!! You're retired now,, that road trip would keep ya busy for a few months!! :D

Thanks Jon!

Your knowing that must be why everybody calls you "Humble Jon" :)

Yeah...you want me to leave (almost) sunny Florida to frezze my asp off for sure in the No.West...I'll pass on that...MrDenny is a Floridian...still (almost) warm where he's at! (And my retirement came with a lot less money then my working days)! :)

But, I sure hope you're been good this past year so Santa puts a Rev. in your stocking!! ;)

Keep It Up!


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Looks great, Duane. :D:)

After the holidays, I'll probably spend a bit of "cabin fever" time redoing my leaders. Some good tips above. And, I believe the 150# bridle line will be just the ticket for sleeving also.

Just one item - with a long upper leader, knots in the lower leader make more sense if they allow fine tuning - e.g. as few as two knots in the lower leader at half the distance of the upper knots provides twice the number of upper-to-lower offsets. But such fine tuning is way beyond my ability to sense so far. I'm still working on inverted hover with about 1 hr total ;):) air time/month.

I love the colored knots. A great idea. Please do not patent them, as I plan to steal the idea. :P

The following belong to the internet, not computers. 40 years in computers, and I am only now learning the language "texting".

OMG: Oh My Goodness

WTF: Where's The Feathers

IMNSHO: In My NOT So Humble Opinion (hate false modesty)

LOL: Lot's of Laughs :) :)

73 and TNX for the ideas.

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Gee Wizz Horward,

You explain things in common language and I still don't know what you are talking about!?!? :confused!:

What the hell does "WTF: Where's The Feathers" mean??

"WHERE'S THE FEATHERS"...where would one ever use that unless their cat ate their bird without a trace...sort of glad the only transistion left for me is death!! :)

Keep It Up!


PS I know all my kites are "SHES", but I'm having such a hard time coming up with a name for my most beautiful Black Rainbow that I thought I'd name it "Howard", if that's OK with you. You're the one that hooked me up with the Rainbow!! ;)

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