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Vented B2 package (1/15/13)

John Barresi

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G'day RNG. Now I can expect to win I guess ;)

Now don't I feel silly talking to a computer program :wacko:

I don't believe in luck so it will have to do....

R eleases

N auseating

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Android OS ~ Tapatalk2

That's the way Dave. We'll make an Aussie out of you yet....



Tapatalk for iPhone.

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Now the RNG can make him a loser!! :ani_wallbash: Opened up a whole other avenue of "banter" now!! :ani_idea:

Come on RNG!! :ani_victory:

That's a bit harsh Wayne.... ;-)

If I win, I'm going to give it to Dave. After a suitable donation to Kitelife of course. #brothersacrossthewater.

Tapatalk for iPhone.

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Might have to look and see where that went!! :ani_sleep: Could use it about now!! :ani_idea:

Well, I suppose I could Fed-X mine over to you, but just for this next drawing. It's done pretty well this past month (1 out of 2, ain't bad), so it might be on a roll. You'll just have to program your number into it, and you should be good to go :cat_lol:

ps.......you can't tell John, though, he might confiscate it

Just thought, some Luck O Meters have the number pre set at the factory, are you sure this is not a sneaky way to get your number into the draw?

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