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Mets Fan ? We used to have season tickets at Shea ! Bought some bricks at Citi Field, but have never seen them. Hate what they did to the Mets... BUT, there is good kiteflying nearby. Flushing Meadow Park has a nice lake (Meadow Lake) to fly next to. You can drive all around the lake to find a good spot for the wind, park, and fly ! I think there is a shuttle that will take you over to see the game, too, if you park in the North lots.

I fly there all the time on my way home from work...


If your hole frays a bit, then any of the sealing ideas will keep that in check!! Most of us Rev fliers use some sort of sealing idea on our LE pockets, which fray over time at the ends! Just as long as you keep the actual sail and any other small bits, bridle, fittings, etc, carefully out of harms way, you can use which ever idea works best for you!!

Just no blow torches ! Been there, done that, don't want to do it again ! :ani_wallbash: :ani_wallbash: :ani_wallbash:

BLOW TORCH!! You're just looking for trouble!!! :ani_giveup:

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Just no blow torches ! Been there, done that, don't want to do it again ! :ani_wallbash: :ani_wallbash: :ani_wallbash:

BLOW TORCH!! You're just looking for trouble!!! :ani_giveup:

It was just one of those small torches, but I got too close to something that was not so very tolerant, of 1200 - 1500F..........

(don't worry, it was just an old delta SLK)

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So what other kites are tucked away back there, the blue bag looks like a flying wings bag.

Thanks for the pic, glad I m not the only one

I have enough parts coming to have a spare LE, I have a horrible feeling this is not going to be the last time, ESP when I start practicing the stunt where I am going attempt landing on one of the edges, :( don't know my stunt terms yet


JP, Tip stab ? Spike ? something like that... John would know...

Nick, nice E2 ! Old one with Hot Rods ! If that break is right at the ferrule joint, it just goes to show that it is worth the time to physically inspect that the ferrule in the ULE is firmly glued in place by grabbing it & twisting it. If it moves, it could slip further up into the ULE, leaving little to none of the ferrule to sink inside the LLE when you put the two together. That just makes for a real weak joint, and on a curved leading edge kite like the E2 it's extra critical because the joint is continuously stressed.

I am guilty of not checking that enough, and it may be why I snapped the LE on my red Fearless the last time I had it out. It couldn't have anything to do with my crashing it into the waves... :ani_wallbash:


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ESP when I start practicing the stunt where I am going attempt landing on one of the edges, :( don't know my stunt terms yet


Nose down or nose up?

A tip stand, tip stab or spike would put the kite balancing on the wing tip, nose up, at an angle like this:


Leading edge landing is also very real, kite lands on one wing, nose down at an angle (ready for a flip or leading edge relaunch) like this:


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Nick, nice E2 ! Old one with Hot Rods ! If that break is right at the ferrule joint, it just goes to show that it is worth the time to physically inspect that the ferrule in the ULE is firmly glued in place by grabbing it & twisting it. If it moves, it could slip further up into the ULE, leaving little to none of the ferrule to sink inside the LLE when you put the two together. That just makes for a real weak joint, and on a curved leading edge kite like the E2 it's extra critical because the joint is continuously stressed.

Yep, it's one of the old ones. I just looked, and those pics were taken back in late 2008. Your description, as to the likely cause, is "dead-on". That is exactly what had happened in this case. The glue holding the ferrule in place, had given way, allowing that ferrule to slip too far into the spar, leaving very little ferrule, extending into the adjoining spar (weak joint). Of course when it caught a little air pressure, the short end of the ferrule, split out the end of the spar, causing a mid air wing collapse, along with an un-planned landing. Nothing serious at all, but obviously quite disturbing to someone just starting out, especially if it happens to be their only kite............but, as you said, fixing is part of flying, and you really do learn a lot, when you just dig in :ani_victory:

Speaking of digging in, I'll never forget my first rev. I was scared to death to disconnect even one of the bridle points, for fear of not being able to put it back in place, and oh my, that connection between the short upright bridle sections, where they connect to the longer horizontal bridle section - very, very scary looking knot, that is, until you take one apart (piece of cake). So after a bit of digital camera documentation, and just another bit of digging in, it was no time, and I had actually built myself bridle board, and was making 1.5 bridles, right & left. I love to make the two upright sections one color, and join them to the horizontal section, made from a completely contrasting color. Again, these kites, "just aren't rocket science" ! :ani_rtfm:

I can take em apart,

I can put em together,

I can repair anything about them.

My problem is simply :single::dual::rev_clockwork:

Well, I got that first kite down, pretty good !

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So what other kites are tucked away back there, the blue bag looks like a flying wings bag.

Actually no, that's not a flying wings bag.................(not sure which one you were referring to)


The light blue bag, on the left, is my very first Rev, which is a standard sail 1.5 SLE (blue & mango)

The dark blue (denim) bag, that you see on the right, is a home-made, quiver-style bag, which (at that time) contained a Night Hawk (Blue Magnetic), a Night Hawk (Red Hot), a Magnum (White Lightning), a Magnum (Red Sunset), a Prism Fanatic, and two Prism Microns. The individual kite bag in the center is the sleeve for the Prism E2, which had the wreck. The green box (in the back right of the truck bed), is my flight box, where I keep lines, kite stakes, wind gauges, wrist & finger straps, spare parts, extra rev bridles, etc :cat_lol:(I can't believe I remembered all that)

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@ JB nose up so a tip stab ? @ Reef, was just going by color. The light blue reminded of my flying wings bag. @Wayne , yikes my trunk , the rear seats, the r/f seat is filled, drives my wife crazy, at any given time, astronomy, archery, canoeing, spotting scopes, fishing poles(fly fishing, spinning , bait casting and a cane pole) shooting sports, violins , guitars or anything else that makes some sort of noise, tools, hiking boots, water pistols, super soakers, tennis rackets ,food a gallon of water (at all times) three iPods and multiple CDs not yet in my iTunes's , must have 30k songs at all times,, Whew now throw in the kite(new) I have my old dual string and a number of single lines. Fit in wife and child, all this in a compact car

NOW for the great news, repair parts arrived, Rebuild starts. :):):)

NOW for the great news, repair parts arrived, Rebuild starts. :) :) :)

Just don't forget - Make sure that you put together, the "side that you are repairing", identical to the "undamaged" side. Again, I would take out the undamaged leading edge, and lay it all out on the workbench, so there would be no question when putting the new one together. Nothing like a good side by side comparison, and don't think for one minute, that just because parts come directly from a kite manufacturer, or from a kite store, or "IN" a new kite, that they will always be 100% correct, and that goes for bridles, flight lines, handles, straps, etc. As Rob mentioned, both flying sides must be identical (in ALL aspects), or the kite won't fly properly. It's very important to check everything, from your wrist straps, to your flight lines, to your bridle, all the way to the nose of the kite, checking for symmetry. Everything, must be the same, when comparing right side to left side........good luck :ani_victory:

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Sorry guys, I had to get new blades for the dremel, Measuring measuring and more measuring, I am using shrink wrap for the spreader stops, will they need to be glued also? The mrs had to work today. So The child and I went to the movies, no kite work tonight, having adult beverages, watching the peppers pop,, the misses is so happy I have kites/pieces all over the dining room table, along with the soon to be garden 175 seedlings.


Measuring measuring and more measuring, I am using shrink wrap for the spreader stops, will they need to be glued also?

Not too sure what you are referring to (shrink wrap for the spreader stops) ?? :blue-confused:


If the shrink wrap it properly shrunk, it shouldn't need extra glue. If you can't move it with your fingers, it should be fine. It is very important that they don't slip, though.

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So mostly good news, the E3 lives, after some running around, I was just about to cut the LE's, Putting a new blade on the dremel, I dropped the screw that holds it in place, one more trip to Home Depot.. Measured one last time, cut them, glued what needed to be in place, The kite is back together, tomorrow bring home a couple of tie wraps to secure the Yoyo stops.. I did find a small tear in the sail, so not completely fixed, I saw prism has a sail repair kit, so one more order and hopefully be up and flying during the week


So mostly good news, the E3 lives, after some running around, I was just about to cut the LE's, Putting a new blade on the dremel, I dropped the screw that holds it in place, one more trip to Home Depot.. Measured one last time, cut them, glued what needed to be in place, The kite is back together, tomorrow bring home a couple of tie wraps to secure the Yoyo stops.. I did find a small tear in the sail, so not completely fixed, I saw prism has a sail repair kit, so one more order and hopefully be up and flying during the week

Man, you must have taken a terrific hit. Hard to believe you did so much damage, in just one crash :cat_shy: Might be a record, or something. However, glad to hear that things are coming along. Picture looks good (can't see the rips, etc), so at least you've got it back in one piece. Now, didn't you learn a bunch ??? :cat_shifty:

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Yes I learned not to crash,, learned i need more than one kite,I learned no matter how hard I tried, I tangled the bridle up trying to put it back together, even had the top rt on the lt side,, but besides that yes, was pretty cool , i love learning new things. followed the advice of lots of pics,,only needed two of them, had the lt side out to match the new rt side to, can't wait to tape it up and get flying. I said thanks to everyone before,, need to say it again, thanks to everyone for help, guidance and advice. So happy I joined

I did have a couple of kites with us today,,, it was very windy, I learned not to take them out

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@ JB nose up so a tip stab ?

Tip stand = up on tip, simply.

Tip stab = Hard landing on one tip only, holding the tip stand. (also called a spike)

Black hole = Hard sideways drop onto one tip only. (works best with older, flat-sailed kites)


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@reef. Back to an earlier post, you had something along the lines close is close but not good enough, with the archery supplies,, I learned fletching glue that keep 300 FPS feathers on arrows. Does abosutly nothing going carbon to carbon,,, @JB, Tip stab became a tip smash. Yikes my poor kite. Hopefully be up in the air this weekend


As a side note, before I start a new post, looking for some quick tips, any insight on a ul, the winds around me go from nothing to failure stage, prism 4d, flying a wings air wave, Need to be somewhere in that $$$ range

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