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Hello there, since you've stopped to read this it's safe to assume you have some interest in this topic...

My question for you today is, what do you want to know about quad line flying?

Please post any ideas for topics you'd like to see covered in future issues of Kitelife.

We have a truly extensive group of master quad line fliers in our network and we'd love the chance to provide information that you've not seen before... Quad line kites are totally unique, and we probably have the in depth answers you're looking for.

However, any "quick and dirty" questions like "how heavy should my lines be" would be best directed to the quad line discussion area found here.

Thanks in advance! :)


By the way, as you can see from the image next to my post, questions do not have to be limited to ones about Revolution kites. That is my Spirit Quad 5-stack.

There are other quadline kites in the world, y'know. :)

By the way, as you can see from the image next to my post, questions do not have to be limited to ones about Revolution kites. That is my Spirit Quad 5-stack.

There are other quadline kites in the world, y'know. :)

I think it'd be best of you sent the Spirit stack out to the Northwest so John and I could play with it...

While the vast amount of what I own is Revolutions, theres a few Decas kicking around and I've flown most of the quads available at some point with the exception of the Airbow.

I liked the Spirits I have flown, just not enough to own one yet :(

  • 1 month later...

I owned an M-Quad for a while, but sold it. It was far too sensitive and twitchy for me to fly to my satisfaction. I think the symmetry of the sail added to my problem, visually, and I could easily get confused which end was up, after a few twists and rolls.

I also had a Deca for a while, and the symmetry of its shape gave me the same problems. Both were fun to fly, but I never really felt like I was in "control" of the kites, only waiting for the next aerobatic excursion. :)


All I see at the upper right of my posts is "Report", "Edit", "Quote". The "Edit" function doesn't bring up any method to delete the post, so I guess the best I can do is delete all the contents and leave an empty post.


John - Now that the delete function is working, could you please delete these "off topic" posts that you and I have left in this thread? I can delete mine, of course, but it will appear you were talking to yourself, if I do. :)

  • 9 months later...
By the way, as you can see from the image next to my post, questions do not have to be limited to ones about Revolution kites. That is my Spirit Quad 5-stack.

There are other quadline kites in the world, y'know. :shifty:

We love our Spirits, we have two and plan to get at least one more, any tips on stacking?


Dorsal, sorry I overlooked your last post to me in this thread... I like leaving the breadcrumbs, as the information is oddly useful.

As long as an off topic post of three doesn't turn into an entirely new thread, I'm not inclined to moderate. :shifty:


Jacob, both photos seem to show the upper center line as being a little loose. If the lines are all the same length, maybe that one was attached a little differently and more line was "free" between the kites. I had to adjust mine a little, by turning a Lark's Head knot into a Prussik, if I recall correctly.

Just an observation from the photos - it does seem to fly pretty well in the video.

Congratulations! :shifty:


if this question fits here,

Are there any online sources that show all the tricks for quads? i found one for dual lines, ReedDesign i think it was?

Any trick articles out there for quads?





newbie to rev kites

i want to know the basic line sets for enjoying rev flying in various wind/space conditions....

what do people do with line sets...

the set that comes with my vented, SUL and SLE are all the same

90 lbs, 85 feet... doesn't make much sense to me....

what about SUL in light wind, using the same line as the vented?

strange ...

can someone tell me how to start a basic assemble of line sets ? we don't have a kite shop here in RI, and a few of us want to make a kite co-op sort of network to make line sets together... advice?

Wen and Litsong

in Rhode Island now


I fly with 90# line in most all winds and with all three kites. But that's mostly because I wind my lines around my handles and it's a bit of pain to change linesets.

I've flown the vented in up to 25mph with 90# just fine. (Someone had a wind meter so I know that's accurate)

If the wind is very light I'll switch to 50# line on my SUL.

Some folks will switch to 150# line in the strong winds, so if you want a complete set, get some bulk 50# and 150# and make up some sets with your buddies.


I never have enough line sets!

I have my original 150 lb 100 ft. cut down a little.

Usually I fly on 80-90 lb @ 75-80 ft.

The stock lines should be good. Much heavier or longer and you'll have drag unless you are flyingin good wind.

Then the short lines and no wind I use 25-10 ft. all 90 lb for me. I'm just to hard on my Rev. to fly 50 lb. I've broken all 4 strings with that weight.

I've got 200 lb which can be very fun in high winds or used for dog staking.

Now the Rev. flyers are calling for 120 ft.(?) to fly team. hummph... I just can't keep up with the Jones. A day late and foot short. :animal_rooster:

It depends on what you fly Wen as to what your co-op will want to make.

Don't fly to light of weight lines in good wind, or you will snap them.

I'm still of the theory if your lines are singing change something. Snapped lines can be dangerous.



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