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Washington State Intl Kite Festival (WSIKF)

John Barresi

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I'll be there Mon and Tuesday and then back down Fri. night through Sunday. Woo hoo..

You can find me in the Rev. field most of the time. Come get a free REv lesson 101 or advanced moves if you need it. Oh, and we're going to have Lee Sedgwick's UFO with us. Come try it, it's awsome. 1 line, 2 line 4 line wind or no wind kite. What a kewl toy. I'm looking forward to it! Aughhh!!! I can't wait! :devil:

Oh, this Sat. and Sun. I'm foot loose and headed to the beach.. I'm thinking Westport and Seaside... friends and perhaps a little buggying while I wait for Long Beach to start. You all have fun in Ocean Shores!



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Hey Monkey, Wildwood is open again. I may park my van there, or closer into town. Just FYI. I heard all they have left is overflow already.



Heh, no worries, Im not camping this year, im in a motel right beside that main arch way. But, if others are going I may have to pop in and say hello!

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Hoorah! Glad to hear it Todd, see you then. :)

Wind has been 3-6 mph almost all day both yesterday and today... A little mist at times, but quite warm if you're flying! Been flying my new 3PT (Light) Sea Devil like crazy, especially working on a double roll up into multilazies... Got my first complete Comet rotation today, not sure how I did it... Gonna have fun finding out. :D

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Woo Hoo.... Long Beach is awesome this year. I had to come home, but I'll be back Friday evening.

Love,,, I said LOVE ... :D the new UFO. I was so excited to be getting one, then we found out they are marketing it as a single line. lol We were so bummed we didn't even want to take it out of the package. We finally did and it's great.

It can be launched from either direction, has a great spin capability and is very manuverable. Now I still can't wait to quad it!

We Crazy ladies of Kite flying took many 1st places. We even took Best in Show! How.. We had our banner poles out with spinners and socks and we performed maneuvers. Ever see 6 woman pole dancing? lol Well, it was good enogh for best of show. How much fun is pun fun?! Extreme!

We, Jessie, Christian and I took 3rd in the Rock battle. The credit goes to Christian, though it might be interesting to see him and Jessie compete against each other.

I took a day and buggied in Seaside.. woo hoo.. misty, scary but fun run. Enjoyed barbequed clams with Eli Anderson friends and family.

Stopped in Westport on the way down. It was great to see some friends and visit.

So now it's back to reality.. work... and then L.B. for the weekend. Where we will be in the lesson field.

See you there!! :)



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Physically, I don't leave for Long Beach again till 5PM tomorrow night. :) Mentally, I'm still there from Monday and Tuesday! :D Woo Hoo... Awesome, Awsome.. The most laid back, fun festival and it's an International. which means we meet people from around the USA and Japan, and Thailand, and all over. Each year many of them return and I go looking for those smiling faces.

Save me some sky!



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Hey Monkey, There is a perk to having to come home and go to work.

I remember being at Long Beach all week and being so tired I couldn't walk down to the end of my lines to meet some kewl flyer standing there. And the new flyers coming in on Fri. all fresh and rested... hey... that's going to be me! See you tonight. I'll pop by for a minute. Lots of friends coming in town, and we've got fireworks.

Era, my daughter, and the kids are coming down tomorrow! Yeah!

See you tonight.



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Watch out world here I come!!

Going to get the chance to come and see my first WSIKF  :clap;   Thanks to my good teammate Toddy.

See all of you guys and gals this evening.  :D

Watch out, here comes trouble  :P   B)   :D   :)

Have fun! We sure missed hanging with you earlier in the week!

Todd will be adding one more Sea Devil to the skies!! :devil:

Thank you again Todd!! :clap;

Say hi to everyone for us!! Wish we were still there!


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;) So wonderful to meet you !!!

I had a great time , and thanks for all the tips.

Between the lessons from you , bosley and Toddy, I will be ready for the island.. in the year 2008.... snort.

Kidding, but I have alot to work on...all of it a blast!!!!



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Absolutely amazing... Between Summer Heat and WSIKF, I must have flown 5-6 hours each of the last 10 days... AWESOME wind... Sun on two days... And yes, I have photos of not only the Long Beach arch before and after, but also of the flying Pepsi Arch that fliers erected on Thursday.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, lots to do... But I will try to get those photos up asap.


How long until the next event?

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