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Indoor dual.


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Keen to hear from you all, what is the 2 line direct equivalent of the Rev Indoor?

Due to time and lack of wind I find I am on my Indoor more than any other. I use it outside mostly on 20 feet, sometimes on 10. My interest is turning to 2 lines and I'm expecting pretty much the same conditions. Absolute 0 wind to about 2-3km/h at max.

I can find what kites are stated to be inside kites or SUL's but I would rather hear from you all what you think. I am in the situation where I have to buy to try so I would like to hear personal experiences before I purchase.


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Yep, deep, dark, dualie secrets to be exact!! LOL!! :ani_whistling:

Matt - I'll guess you have never seen me fly a dualie, have you?? Flew them a long time before I started on Revs!! Started flying back in '93, my son was only 5 at the time. Bought my first Rev back in '98 and still have it. :ani_giveup:

Just gave him a list of some kites that I've seen or heard of over the years - deep secrets!! :ani_idea:

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OK. lets see:

3-D, 4-D and Vapor from Prism, 3-D and Vapor are no longer being made, got to find them on the used market.

Inak from Skyburner.

Itrix from ?

Airwave Zero from Flying wings.

Older Wrens from ?

Paul de Bakker's Echo and Reflection ( Echo still made, Reflection used).

Very old ID/OD from ? Name says it all.

Some are available new, some you have to find used. Some are more "floaty", some require more moving around. I never connected with my indoor dualie - an Inak.

The Vapor was Prism's top of the line super light wind kite, out of production, and rare to find used. Most get bought up and put away for use in special times.

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I don't have a place to fly indoors either. The only time I've flown inside was in the Cavalia tents. I do have a lot of "zero" days/nights that I fly. Also, in summer we have quite a few dead calms in the middle of the day.

Keep 'em coming. Nice and floaty.

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True SUL kites...

The Pro Dancer is certainly one of the best I've flown. It can be flown in 1/2 mph wind without moving. It is difficult to trick, but most true SULs are. I'm sure it can be flown indoors, but I've never tried.

The Prism Ozone is another true SUL that is a little more robust, and a little easier to trick. Although it's not produced anymore, it is still pretty easy to find one on the used market, and should be half the price of a ProDancer.

Forget the Prism Vapor, unless you're hung up on the way it looks. It can be flown in zero wind, but is a little more work than others. Plus, you'll always be nervous about damaging the fragile sail. I sold mine to a collector who will probably never fly it.

The Prism 4D is easy to get, and cheap. It will fly in no wind with ease, but... it's small & twitchy. It's enjoyable only if you don't have anything else to fly.

Some others to consider would be the Jordan New Millennium ($$$ !) Skyburner I-Nak and there's one called the Syncro that I've seen to be popular for indoor.

Good luck finding what you need !

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One of the things I'm really appreciating with duals is the way you can really connect with a certain kite. And others the connection just isn't there no matter how hard you try.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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