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Where to purchase linesets


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Can anyone tell me some of the best online stores to purchase line sets. I've used (A wind of change) for my first kite and linesets. I'm currently using laser pro and known the other choice is Shanti. Somewhere down the road I may make up my own set, is it really that much chaper then buying premade?

Sitting here waiting for the wind to pick up.

As always I appreciate all the information you folks give.


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Hi Ron,

I get all my line sets from Theresa at The Kite Shoppe. I've bought a ton of them from her. All have been dead on even and top quality. She also has the largest in stock selection I've seen and is happy to and capable of making up anything you want. When I go to the field to fly today, my bag will have many of her line sets in both quad and dual.

Good luck!


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Many other places also, but The Kite Shoppe does have great selection of pre-made and bulk also. Building you own does save you about 50%, and you don't really have to sleeve them like the ones you purchase ready-made. I like sleeving at the handle end, no sleeving at the kite end. See no reason for the kite to carry the extra weight. I admit it's probably only about 2 grams, but 2 grams here, 2grams there, and pretty soon the kite weighs 40 grams less, and others stare at you as you fly in the lightest breeze, while they can't get theirs off the ground.

Sorry, got sidetracked there, but if you decide to build your own, remember to pre-stretch the line, or you will need to adjust later, and don't forget that you'll need more line to form the loops and knots at each end.

Shanti is good, LPG is good. From my experience Shanti Skybond is slicker, LPG is stiffer and a bit more wear resistant. They both have different purposes in the way I use them. I like the Skybond for short lines because shorter lines begin to bind quicker when you spin the kite, and when the sky is overcast because the bright yellow is easier to see. Each has a place in my bag. The only way to decide what you use and when is to try them.

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I see on line that The Kite Shoppe sales Laser Pro Gold 90# x 75 for 95.00 and A change of wind sales Laser Pro for 52.00. What am I missing, is Laser Pro a lower quality version of Laser Pro Gold if so is the quality that much better to cost more?

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I see on line that The Kite Shoppe sales Laser Pro Gold 90# x 75 for 95.00 and A change of wind sales Laser Pro for 52.00. What am I missing, is Laser Pro a lower quality version of Laser Pro Gold if so is the quality that much better to cost more?

Sounds like you may have compared 50# to 90#. Possibly? Or maybe 120ft? Don't know. Check again.

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That's why I was confused everything appears to be 90 pound test at 75 feet



Huh? I'm reading all different lengths of 90# on the first pic, and different weights and lengths on the second.

Edit: Ok, second look and now I see the price difference you mentioned. Call them and ask if it's Laser Pro Gold. I have purchased 90# x 120' LPG for $75-90. For shorter lines I cut down used 120's, so I don't know the normal price range on anything less than that. The Kite Shoppe prices seem a bit high, unless that includes shipping. Call and ask.

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Had another great flying only crashed a few times. That darn dual flying keeps kicking in from time to time. I am getting better on the landings also no bouncing just a soft touch down. Started figuring out how to turn by using break. When the kite was going down to the right I gave a little left brake which turn the kite to the left.


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both those pictures you posted are LPG.. the description on WOC says gold.. as far as the prices I'm not sure why they the big difference.. maybe they have real strands of gold in them? ;) send em a email or call em.

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I think I made the mistake of ordering through The Kite Shoppe (TKS) without doing my due diligence as a consumer and shopping around for prices. After comparing prices with WOC, I found WOC to be 46% cheaper (including shipping charges) :ani_wallbash:

I have reached out to TKS and asked if there is a reason for their pricing or if perhaps I have misinterpreted the item details justifying the price discrepancy. If they are in fact the exact same items (as I believe them to be) and TKS can't adjust I think I may have to cancel the order. A $77.50 price difference is really a tough bullet to bite... Here's hoping for the best :ani_giveup:


Since we are discussing various vendors, I had decided to inquire with TKS regarding the price differences. I was satisfied with the explanation and justification in price variance. I have posted TKS's response to share with you all. Ultimately, it is your decision to make.

Excellent question. I will try to explain.

To my knowledge, I am the only retailer that hand makes all the line sets. These are custom made by me, hand stretched, equalized and sleeved with the smallest tightest sleeving material, Laser Pro Bridle line, with the core removed. Each year I go through approximately 80,000 feet of Laser Pro Gold fly line to make line sets for kite flyers. My pricing has not increased in 3 years.
I have many many satisfied return/repeat customers for my line sets who appreciate the quality. However, I certainly understand if you wish to cancel your order. Just let me know, and I will either ship, or refund the amount to Paypal.
Thank you again for your inquiry!
Have Fun Flying!
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I have purchased many line sets from TKS. One thing I like best is the super light and strong sleeving. For me over time, it has proven to last way longer than that provided by other vendors. Also, I can call Theresa and get any length and strength I want and it arrives quickly. I looked in my dual line bag and found her linesets in 60' 50' and 40' and that's just in 90#

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I can appreciate the pre-stretch and super-thin sleeving because I have made a few line sets. I know how much time is involved. I really dislike the fat sleeving and don't sleeve my sets, at least at the kite end. So that said, I can make three sets, 40-, 80- and 120-ft from a 1000ft spool, but when I add my time to the price of the bulk line, it's actually cheaper to buy pre-made.

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If you do make your own sets, it's all about how you value the time you invest in making them! Buy all the right supplies and yes, it's about 1/2 of what you pay from most stores. But then add the time in to make GOOD sets, sleeving if you do, stretching, equalizing, and it's a several hour job for those of us that can. So it really becomes a balancing act of what you consider time is worth to you. I have made many of my own sets for many year, but I pick a no wind day and make sets instead of flying, Being disabled, I have the time. Many don't. Theresa's (TKS) sets might be a bit more, but she makes every one of them by hand, using LPG materials. I know, I've used her lines myself!! They are accurately measured, prestretched, use light bridle line as sleeves. and are ready to fly as is!

So like I said - it's a determination of what your time is worth to you if you decide to make your own!

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I'm pretty new to Revs, and like them so much I want to try to attend some events, mega flys, etc. To do that I need a 120 line set. With my low experience level, its more important for me to get well made, truly even lines, than to try to make them myself. So when the time comes I'm just gonna call Theresa..........

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their input on this mater. My current line set from WOC has large loose sleeving making undoing the Larks Head knot a pain, plus I'm still waiting on my second set of line 90# x 75ft that they didn't have in stock over a week now. When I'm in need of another line-set I'm definitely going to give Theresa at TKS a try. With better line quality and service I'll pay the extra cost.


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I just wanted to thank everyone for their input on this mater. My current line set from WOC has large loose sleeving making undoing the Larks Head knot a pain, plus I'm still waiting on my second set of line 90# x 75ft that they didn't have in stock over a week now. When I'm in need of another line-set I'm definitely going to give Theresa at TKS a try. With better line quality and service I'll pay the extra cost.


It helps to tie a knot at the end of the loop in the sleeving. Gives you something to grab when you're trying to get the larkshead undone.

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Spring is here & time for some new lines on a rainy day. Too wet outside to use the driveway for layout so I try to measure 100' lines in a 44' foot room.


Rock climbing pulley from caving days is handy.


Have to keep the line on the wheel somehow. How about a small combo wrench?


Read out shows length. Now repeat three more times.


Did it work? Well with some variation. Made the set, but next time? Back to the driveway.


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Necessity is the mother of invention, where there's a will there's a way, and all that sort of stuff. Yada yada yada. I love it!

This could very well be your master's thesis in your jury riggin' degree! Congrats!

A country boy will survive... :ani_victory:

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  • 1 month later...

Well folks just got two new linesets from Teresa at TKS, 50lbs & 90lbs @ 120' took them to a local school and attached them to a wire fence, not only was the sleeving nice and small and tight but the line length were almost dead even. The workmanship on the these lines was outstanding. When I need more linesets I'm going with Teresa at TKS.


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Theresa makes great line sets, and accurately. Any minor difference you find in the new linesets she makes should NOT be adjusted until the lines have been flown a few times. No matter how accurately the pre-stretched lines are cut, once they are wound onto a line holder, the inconsistency of us mere mortals putting uneven winding and tension on them will cause one or two to stretch just a bit. Once you use them a couple or three times they will settle into their "comfort zone". At that point you can check for equal length and make adjustments. You may find that any difference there was initially has disappeared.

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