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  Penny Lingenfelter said:
Oh sure, it's started... Amy, I think he's blaming you for his dunkings.. Come on Monkey, take it like a uhhh uhh monkey? lol

See Amy, those sashay lessons will work. Now... you have to time this during competitions. :P



Well, she IS tough for a monkey to take his eyes off of, thats for sure...


My kites spent a lot of time in the water, waiting for a demo, TWICE, they leaped into the river and I had to rescue them as they drifted by me!

And yes, I'll certainly make sure my good butt-kicking boots are on if JD is competing in quad any time soon. Great flyer and great guy.

I think thats one of the reasons I like LC so much, I -always- meet some really great people there and the ones I know already are solid gold to hang out with.


The drive down from Portland was beautiful, with fall foliage and looming clouds, but the rain got to the festival before I did. I caught a little bit of the last demo, after which the clouds started to really open up, so there was no chance to do any flying. Had fun helping a bunch of the Lincoln City crew and the kite folks who were involved in various aspects of stashing gear out of the wet. Took my soaked self over to the local kite shop for some little items that I needed, then my somewhat drier self to the casino for dinner with a bunch of the kite folks. Despite the weird ambience of the casino, it was a lovely conversation with some delightful people. Ronda, thanks for teaching the falconer's knot to all of us at the table -- I owe you a knot, next time our paths cross!

The fishermen have a saying that "the catching was awful, but the fishing was great" -- I'd modify that for Saturday afternoon/evening to say that "the flying was awful, but the festival was great!"


:D Well, you all...seemed to have had a great time as usual.... i sure do miss the action at times. But it is nice to hear the feedback of what has gone on there. So many people put in alot of hard work and time. And many never get credit for it... but I for one do appreciate many for the years past! It too is great to see the many new faces. Please keep the reports coming!



Say, Godric,

I found instructions for tying the falconer's knot at http://www.themodernapprentice.com/knot.htm

and added it to my bookmarks. Couldn't find a falcon to attach it to. :P How is this knot used with stunt kites?

You could demonstrate the San Diego Jam knot to Ronda the next time you cross paths. http://www.netknots.com/html/sd_jam.html

BTW, is the double larks head knot the same thing as a Prusik knot?

Thanks, kitepilot


Howdy, Kitepilot --

Ronda uses the falconer's knot to tie down a single-line kite that has been hand-launched, so one hand is occupied hanging on to the line. The requirement is for a knot that can be tied with one hand, which is secure but easily released, and the falconer's knot fills the bill.

Thanks for the info on the San Diego Jam knot -- I'm a fan of knots, but my repertoire has shrunk instead of growing in the last few years!

The double larkshead sure looks like a Prusik to me. I was introduced to them in different contexts (the Prusik was commonly used by mountain climbers for ascending ropes in the days before Jumar ascenders became common), but the slip-and-hold feature remains the primary aspect of the knot in both that application and kiting.

Ronda noticed toward the end of the day Saturday, after hauling buckets of sand up from the beach that morning, that nobody had tied the tent down to the buckets! Maybe I'll show her the tautline hitch, so she can facilitate that process with her otherwise able and willing crew.

  • 3 weeks later...

OK, so it's been a while since I was last online. And, when I finally get a chance to peek around what do I read but you 'knot heads' discussing a double larks head vs a prussik. They are not the same knot. Hopefully, your reference pictures are accurate. Anyway, I would like to credit Phil Broder for showing me the Falconer's Hitch while we were at AKA Convention in Ocean City, MD. I like to pass on great information whenever I am able. I just wish I had prior knowledge of the hitch so I could take the credit. Oh well, keep sharing and we all benefit. Gotta go for now. I'll try to get back on soon.

BTW. Great job John!!! I absolutely loved your routine. I should send you the pics I took while you were performing and while I was trying to work the sound equipment and talk on the mic. I guess someone wanted to keep me in one spot during the festival so I wouldn't create havoc out on the field. Thanks for listening. I really am signing off. R


[FX: more intensive Web search than last time, discovering http://members.aol.com/goodheavens/dbl_lark.html]

Yep, that's me, being a knothead ...

Okay, Ronda, I now see the difference between the Prusik, which is a Lark's Head done twice, and a Double Lark's Head, which I'd never seen before. I'll have to tie that one a time or two and think about the situations in which I might use it. Thanks for the correction!


lol I really should read this more often....

Me? making monkey dunk kites? pffffffffffffffft lol.. sure sure .. blame the mouse for your crashes lol... and lets talk ocean slime..... for a minute...

I spent over 45 min in the shower with my trilby stack saturday night.... Hows thattttttttttt for a hot date !!! :blue-cool:


Have you two made your reservations for showers at Lincoln City's Indoor in March? lol Indoor showers, we don't care if it rains outside, or if you wear your clothes when you shower with your kites or not.... but make those reservations.... and you might better call around to find the rooms with the biggest showers. lol



  monkey said:
We havent reserved yet, however, we're definitely going!

way cool I cant wait that event will make my first year in comp.

funny to think how far I have come since then.

  Penny Lingenfelter said:
Great job Todd! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year. You have come far fast.



Thanks B) I wouldn't have gotten this far without great teachers. Their have been many

to help with that and I owe you all a big thanks!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t:

  • 1 month later...

Now how do you get on that list??

John Barresi

I don't know John, but I've got to thank whoever did it... I wish I could write like that. I would guess Ron Sears or Sandy Pfaff (sp) Now, I have to really bring it to the table. ooooohh... Practice! that's how you get on the list. :) And luvin every minute of it.

I'm having trouble with making a routine with my costume..

And I need single handles with a little shorter grasp in between. I won't need the swivel in the handles if I can use the pressure from my hands. on the ends without having to move my handles up and down the handle so much. With the handle I have, I really think I need to talk to Rev. Ok, I'm babbling... I didn't fly this morning.. I hurt all over. ;( But I'm ready to go tomorrow. B)



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