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Off the Grid - short line


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Yes, Makatakam....The sail was wet.... from taking a unplanned swim !not so much from the mist.

The wind was blowing Down stream, But the down draft from the Falls overpowered the wind, pushing upstream.

Not much room for foot work, All good fun , loved it.... :crazy:

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Living the KiteLife has raised my awareness of the presence of the wind everywhere. You have shown us an amazing possibility. It is really cool that you found this air & thought "I could fly there." Even better, you made an beautiful video to entertain us all. I have recently been scouting a location in a large new shopping complex that still has areas that have not been developed. Large areas of cleared flat land are rare here in the mountains. As I was wandering around seeking the best wind I happened upon an area that had new small trees planted in a row. I tried to perceive the wind shadow of each tree as I walked downwind of them. As I felt each shadow in the light breeze I thought how it would effect the flight of a kite & how I might play with them. Now you have me thinking about a large waterfall in the Linville Gorge of North Carolina that I need to go visit with a few select kites & some short lines. Thanks for the inspiration.

a little note: achieved a personal goal with this post, thanks so much for all who have "liked" posts I have made. I have been trying to only make comments that others could perhaps enjoy for some time now.

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I think you'll find better air movement and volume at Looking Glass Falls. Plus, you'll be able to stand closer to the waterfall in shallow water, with a relatively large flat area for flying.

Linville Gorge has deep water at its base, and terrain that is difficult to say the least.

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Eli, that is amazing ! I had the time today to full screen that & HD it. Wow... just awesome. That would be a true life experience for me to get to fly in a spot like that.

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Thank you, all ..... If you get the chance ... take it , do it.....................

Once today is gone , it's gone.....Do What You Can Do, While You Can Do It......Smile and Be Happy !! :clap2::crazy::clap2:

Make Memories of What You Did Do , Rather than Thoughts of What You Could Have Done. !!

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