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Greetings all,

I'm back from the France and China trip, trying desparately to catch up on email and other work tasks.

Bad news... Our lap top's video card has died, and since it's attached to the motherboard, requires:

1. Replacement of the motherboard and video card, $400... With no service plan.

2. Brand new, upgraded lap top, w/service plan... About $1,200.

I'd like to solicit monetary donations for this new expense, since our daily updates and regular travel schedule requires us to carry a lap top wherever we go.

I'd welcome any suggestions or assistance, and all donations over $50 will put your name on the "Kitelife Patrons" list.

For donation instructions, visit - http://www.kitelife.com/friends/


Hey John, here is $ 100 for you, hope that will help out a litlle for your laptop my Brother.

I think everyone should help, John will work harder and give us more stuff to read, to see and to watch.

He need our help and he really mean it, every dollars would be appreciate. Thanks for listening.

One day John give us back many thing with kitting you need to know right here " kite life " Great job John :)

Good day B):)


Okay, I'm in for $50.00. Sorry you caught me in a big expense month or I'd give more (between the daughter's Prom Dress and her H.S. Graduation party, I'm feeling kinda strapped for cash. I know, excuses, excuses...).



:) John

Count on Trish and I for $100.00. Am writing the check now and sending it off Saturday. Let's see if we can get you a new one.



Inline with a the fabulous idea I saw...

There will soon be a very very special all aerostuff mohawk for sale, with all proceeds going directly to kitelife.

Be ready I'm starting to put it together tonight :) It will be a work of art :)

If you KNOW you want the kite please let me know and I can make it hardcore cutsom specifically for YOU.



I was gonna jump in and buy it for 300 but I fell asleep.

Ok John, give me something I can buy. Meanwhile you can advertise this KL special edition mohawk very soon :)


Question... If I put up one of my custom blue fade Rev I's, flown to six national championships... Would anyone here be interested in bidding on it?

I'd set it up in a 4 wrap frame, w/out lines or handles... Used, but easily 2-3 more years left on it.


Signed, if the winner likes.

Minimum bid would be $150... Never before has one of these left my bag.


I fly a 4 wrap frame myself, in 8-14 mph... A 3 wrap frame in 6-10 mph, and a 2 wrap frame in 0-6 mph.

Indeed, I'd hold the auction here... And post updates cross-ways to GWTW.



Make it a Two Wrap and I'm in. That's your fault! You know what the wind is like here. How about letting the winning bidder decide which frame they like.




Alright, 2-wrap or 4-wrap... Winner's choice.

Give me a day to get things together... I'll make a separate post officially opening the auction tomorrow.

It will be a $150 opening bid, with $10 minimum increases... No 1 dollar raises, to save everyone's time.

I've never let one of these babies go before, and I want to do it right. ;)

Keep an eye out for news sometime tomorrow.


If I win, I want a set of handles too. I still dont have an 'official' set of extendeds.

And you're gonna do it John or else... I'll.. uhh... I'll sell your kite on ebay!!!!


Handles are in short supply for me... I have 2 extended sets, total.

You're on your own for that... But they're easy to get.

If they're being ordered from Rev, ask for:

"The new 1.5 handles, which used to be SUL Rev I handles."

They just made this change, recently.


I dont think you heard me...

I said: "And you're gonna do it John or else... I'll.. uhh... I'll sell your kite on ebay!!!!"


I have a feeling the threats aren't working... but the caffeine sure is!

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