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The bits that stick out on either leading edges are called "yo-yo stoppers" and they catch your lines so you can do rolled up tricks. Some have various versions of yours and some have a roll bar which is like a standoff bent back around to the trailing edge of your sail.

Lam's kites, drool. One day I will have a transformer 2 UL Mid Vent in yellow!

Nice to hear about your journey. You will click with some kites and not others. Don't be afraid to let go of the ones you don't like. Unless you want to save them in your "B" bag....

My name's Rob and I'm a kite-a-holic.

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16 hours ago, whtmtn said:

I wouldn't worry about it. I would however release the stand offs though, don't wanna leave any tension in the sail.

And the tips, too. No tension = no sail stretch.

Also, check EVERY time you fly if your lines are equal. It'll sneak up on you over time and you'll wonder why your kite flies weird.

Guest LeeBB

Thanks Rob For All the  Information , The transformers Look very Nice , I was looking at flying Wings Soul And Soul Ul last Night, These Kites Look Like Top Of the line Kites 

Maka, Thank You, I did undo the wing tips also , Last Night early this am I was measuring and adjusting the stand off perfectly, I measured the bridal to make sure everything was perfect.  I melted all the bridal cut ends and uniformed everything perfectly.  I’m impressed With This Kite

Guest LeeBB

Hey all, I have a question, After The Kymera Is together, Why Is the Sail Material So bagged out and wrinkled everywhere, This seems kinda odd and not very aerodynamic.   I’m Not Complaining, I’m Just Wondering If This Is Normal or excessive wrinkles/bagging


Normal. The design was to fill those baggy areas with air during lulls, and therefore keep flying. Also it will be noticeably louder than some kites. I'm sure JB  will jump in with info after decompressing from his Japan trip.

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Guest LeeBB
19 minutes ago, Wayne Dowler said:

Normal. The design was to fill those baggy areas with air during lulls, and therefore keep flying. Also it will be noticeably louder than some kites. I'm sure JB  will jump in with info after decompressing from his Japan trip.

Ok, That Makes Sense to me now, I was wondering if I had Missed Something.  You know Man I was up till 4 this Morning Messing With This kite, Like a child on Christmas Morning I felt Like, I was getting everything uniform as possible.  I worked for quite some Time buttoning Everything Up Perfectly.  I measured everything, Everything was then adjusted if it didn’t match the adjacent side. The standoff, I measured them to make sure they were perfectly symmetrical, I had to move them quit a bit.  I was also wondering, whats the best Degree Of angle for the inside wiskers to be?   I have them 5.55 inches from the spine on both sides , Outside whisker I have Perfect straight up and down .   Also I anchored The Standoff’s with super light zip ties on each side of all the stand-off connections 



The wrinkled parts of the sail has to break in too. It's called crispy. The longer it flies the smoother it becomes. They say after hours of flying sails get a almost silky feel. When my Zephyr was new the material on the front of the spine was really out of line from top to bottom. Pretty disturbed. Read up some on sail break in and decided to not complain. Around 35, 40 hours realized  it was now aligned. Bottom of my Widow ng did the same thing but a little faster. I have the impression that it's more common in rip stop nylon than Icarex. On my Widow Maker I put everything together, up, hard left crash. Happened several times. After each crash I inspected, up, and crash. Dawned on me that I had read somewhere to take some of the kite down to release tension. Sail has more air time and has not happened since. Odd and I still don't really get why. Hit gwtw,search sliding stand offs and read what Steve Tapp had to say. Was going to do that to my Nighthawk but alas had to go for the WM Pro. Loved that Nighthawk. Really should get a Wolf ng. Pretty much leave mine straight up and down. Angle in on the Zephyr in low winds sometimes. 25 + angle out on the Mind Trick all the time.In puts more billow to catch wind. Out flattens to deflect more wind.

Guest LeeBB

/////Zephyr was new the material on the front of the spine was really out of line from top to bottom.////// 

Hey I notice This Also On the Kymera and Fixed it By simply relaxing the pressure off the spine tail then I rotated the Material to the Correct alignment, I was Thinking That Everything Would work it’s way In during breakin, But I just wanted everything as close as possible For Now


Believe it or not you'll quit being so wound up about things as you grow. At least I think you will cause I haven't yet LOL.

Guest LeeBB

Lol, I don’t Know, I’m Kinda a perfectionist and Purists.  I get a relief From These type hobbies, Something To mess With keeps me happy and not idled , I like It, Calms My Mind to Tinker 

Guest LeeBB

Lol, Keeps Me sane Wayne, I can’t Not Mess With It.  I’m also learning, Messing around with everything taking apart and putting it back together is teaching Me What I have, I’ve never even put eye on one of these kites, I don’t really want to depend on anyone to Fix problem that may arise during Flight or in the field, I need to be very knowledgeable about this kite and How things work and How everything Goes together.  Yes It seems Very Simple , But I’m Learning as I Go, I don’t own anything That I’m Not Completely Familiar   With


Flying is only learned by putting that kite in the air! Yes it is nice to know the whys and whats, but learning to fly requires just that - flying! Got a saying here - Time on the lines!! Can't substitute anything for the experience gained while flying.

As a survivor of a stroke, I know this to be so true!! Gotta get that thing out there!!!!

Guest LeeBB

Yes Thanks Man, I flew It late evening Yesterday as soon as I put It Together, On very short Lines, It was very Nice, Just Flying Around Normally, Like I want To Fly It Now, It was very very simple Indeed, Not even close to as demanding as a acrobatic  Rc , Not even comparable, These Kites Are For My relaxation!! One Thing For Sure, If I do crash The Kite it’s Not Going To hurt near as bad as one of my Rc Planes that I spent 1000 hours building and thousands of dollars investing in.  

Guest LeeBB

I’m Sure All those Tricks That The Kite Will Do Is very demanding, But I’m Just Flying This For My family To Watch while we’re on the beach relaxing.  


I fly quads mostly, dualies at times. But I started with dual line and kept going. Took an enforced break for a couple years, then got back into flying. Group flying really got my attention, but it took a while to regain my hand, eye coordination needed. Then I joined a team of quad fliers. That brought my game up. Then I learned indoor flying, brought my game up more. Then I joined a second team!! Biggest thing I got out of it?? Confidence!!  Found something I could still do and do well !!! That keeps bringing me back!!!

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Guest LeeBB

That’s Great Wayne, I’m so Glad that Your doing good and enjoy life again after your Stroke, that’s a blessing, My Aunt , my Granddad and My Father we’re not as lucky.  


I want  to buy this large 15ft kite to put in my background to fly at the beach , I think It Looks Great. I could hang some laundry On the line, My Daughter should Be very mesmerized , Here is the kite I’m Looking at 



Similar reason as Wayne that I'm here. When starting out I too wanted to know and do everything on a kite. Obsessed is what my wife called it. Got material and a sewing machine. Read up on mods ,dynamics, kite plans and the like. Took the advice from a 30 year flier. He said the thing he regretted most in his 1st year of flying was not just flying. Calmed down and that's what I'm doing now. That kites cool.

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Guest LeeBB

Thanks Breezin, I’m leaving Now Heading to my Beach, O don’t worry If This Kite will be flown, I’m going to fly the wiskers off it

Guest LeeBB

Yes Exactly Wayne, ITW.  I like them a lot both kite and Company.  I think with some laundry twirling and the kite about  200ft up will be real nice, Get one of those alligator anchor Bags for my girl to see and the kite will be pretty 

Guest LeeBB

My Wife says, What all are we going to have on the beach Flying, She said, After I Put Out the GP Bali Banner I’m Getting For us, The heaven Gate, That Big bird or the Ultra foil 30 , The alligator anchor, The Riviera Snake wheel as laundry and Flying Squids.  We’re Going To Have Folks Stoping To try and Rent The Jetskis, Lol. I don’t think it’s over kill, It’s all For My Child , Maybe several of those twirling art deal, or a cat riding a bicycle.  , Maybe Someone likes reading about kite Fun with the Family., too bad picture are gig limited 

10 hours ago, LeeBB said:

I was also wondering, whats the best Degree Of angle for the inside wiskers to be?   I have them 5.55 inches from the spine on both sides , Outside whisker I have Perfect straight up and down .   Also I anchored The Standoff’s with super light zip ties on each side of all the stand-off connections 

Ok -- bad move. That's an oopsie. Unzip-tie them. You will be moving them left and right, towards and away from the spine and the leading edge and towards or away from each other, depending on wind speed and how you want the kite to fly. Do you want it to trick, or track, heavy wind or light? You can adjust for the extremes or blends of what's in between. You can even make one side fly different than the other one, if you have something special in mind, but usually they will be symmetrically adjusted. You can use them also to put more billow in the sail. More on that later once you're flying in very light wind confidently.

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