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Prism Framed Kite


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The QPro is the flagship of the current Prism line. If you can find one, scoop it up. It is a frustrating kite at times, because it demands exact, precise inputs, but when you get it right, the results are phenomenal. The Quantum and Hypno are tough, robust, capable kites that need a bit of wind to fly (5-7 mph, at least) and the E3 was Prism's attempt at a modern trick kite. I really don't like mine, or the others that I've flown. A better bet would be the Zephyr, it flies in less wind than the Quantum or Hypno, but it isn't as robust. It's a tough kite for it's lighter construction, but it's not a tank like the other 2. If you're only buying one, I would choose the Zephyr, unless you can find a QPro...

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Got to talk to a experienced flier yesterday. He has and has had a bunch of kites. More of a quad flier now. In the short time he flew my Pro Dancer I was impressed with his skills.He thinks his Quantum Pro sul and hyper vented are 2 of the best kites he's flown. Speaks highly of the Zephyr but likes the earlier model over the later but not by much. Not sure what mine is. Zephyr is another kite I've thought about selling a lot to make room for a higher end kite. Still here. Think about selling it.Go fly it for the last time and back in the quiver it goes.It feels a lot like throwing away an old comfortable pair of shoes. Ya just don't want to do it.Very different than my Tekken sul. Most folks say the Z is a light standard more than a ul. All I know is it took a lot of hours , 2 broken spreaders and 3 broken LEs to be able to fly that kite in 1 to 2. Won't trick much that low but as Rob has said sometimes the trick is staying in the air. Moving from my Widow ng to the Zephyr was always a smooth transition. I've probably learned the most as a newbie on the Zephyr.Yeah I think I love that kite. 

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I guess my question is - is there a "hole" in your quiver of kites that you want to fill? Low end? Middle? Personally not really into high winds here. Rather go quad if the winds are up.

A low wind Prism would be the Ozone. Flies when most stuff is grounded. Not a "trick monster" and takes a light hand, but flew in winds my friend's Qpro sul didn't handle. But again, not a trick monster.

The only other Prism I have really flown was the Alien. Odd little kite with a bent LE. I tend to fly it in slightly higher winds as the design seems to pull less. But again if the winds are up - I grab a vented quad.

Both are no longer in production and there seems to be a cult of Prism owners that buy almost anything Prism. So keeping your eye on forums like GWTW is key - and having cash at the ready! I've seen kites posted for sale that go in minutes!!!

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9 hours ago, Breezin said:

I've probably learned the most as a newbie on the Zephyr.Yeah I think I love that kite. 

This is why I recommended the Z. It will allow you to fly in low winds that would frustrate  the Quantum & Hypnotist. It is heavy enough to be robust ( I have never broken a stick in mine, and it is from the first release of the first batch (~2007) ) and heavy enough to do all the tricks with standard technique. Once winds go over 10-12 mph, I stop flying dual lines and switch to either single lines or quads. Maybe a foil, once in a blue moon...

Good luck with your choice, but just accept that if you're bitten by the kite bug, you will end up with many choices in your bag to fly, depending on the WOD (wind Of the Day) !

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In the Prism line it is an Ozone (out of production) or the Zephyr. The Zephyr seems to be a well liked, light wind choice here!

Are you only considering Prism? There are many other manufacturers out there to choose from. But Prism is a known, tried and true brand.  The Kite Shoppe is a good online source, so too are ITW, Kite Connection, A Wind of Change, and Flying Smiles Kites Also offer several in other wind ranges too. Right now on ITW, there are sales on 2 kites - The Hydra and The Kymera. Both are good capable kites in the mid wind range. Nice thing both on sale for just over $100!

 But it all depends on what wind range you want to fly in!

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My Tekken sul is rated 2 to 12, Zephyr 1 to 18. The Tekken handles gusty winds a lot better. I've flown it in 15 with no shake. Z I usually don't go over 12 anymore. Z feels very methodical to me. Almost plodding at times.The Tekken is more snappy and I can control the speed better. I broke the Zs LE trying a comete not realizing I had the line wrapped tight around the kite.Yanked trying to get out of the spin like on a insane and snap.Did that to 2 other kites till I figured it out. The LEs were broke trying tip drag to cartwheel. Did that to 3 other kites.Should have stuck to learning that trick on the Addiction and Black Dog. They have carbon rods.I'm at the point now where I don't try the trick intentionally. Doing a low pass if the setup appears I'll try it.Sure is a cool trick. Not breaking things as often now. As I get better I'll be able to do it more on purpose. Both kites came from the GWTW forum. Tekken well flown and taken care of.Z from a guy telling me about a sale and I got the kite new. They fly very different so it's easy for me to justify having both. I don't know about the quad thing in the higher winds. My thoughts always turn to a Vicki or thonged quad. I do know I have a blast between 20 and 25 on my Mind Trick vented.HONEST it will trick in those winds.Last week in 20 plus just left of center doing flic flacs nose dived so hard US and both LS popped out. The soft connectors on that kite can be a pain at times. When doing poor moves like that though they save the day. Got that kite 2nd hand here. Without the forums doubt I'd have any of the 3 yet. They're not cheap and rightly so. After my next Sky Burner I'll get a Benson. Benson Super Fly ul for sale at GWTW as of yesterday. I'm kite poor right now and my trade offer wasn't what the seller was looking for or I'd have it.

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I have a Widow NG, and a Prism E2. 

I really like my E2 using a skybond 85' x 100# lineset, but i have read alot of negative feedback about the E3 for some reason. I think the E3 went to a heavier frame to make it stronger and that changed the feel.

The Prism Hypnotist has a Quantum pro sail, with a regular Quantum frame. So the frame is stronger and heavier for beginner crashes.

There seems to be some negative opinions about the Hypnotist for some reason, which is wierd since the Quantum, and Quantum pro generally get positive feedback other than the weight of the quantum.

I read where someone put a quantum pro frame in a hypnotist sail and was ok with it.

Seems like i read that the quantum pro is more of a precise tracking team type of kite. Which sounds like fun.




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On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 4:42 PM, Wayne Dowler said:

In the Prism line it is an Ozone (out of production) or the Zephyr. The Zephyr seems to be a well liked, light wind choice here!

I've been looking for a Zephyr but I think they are out of production and increasingly out of stock.

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In response to your quote - I was just on the Prism  website - unless something has changed, they are still in production. Might be harder to find, but still made.

After reading other threads - that may be out of production. I see on the Kite Shoppe website, that she has one. Slight sail discoloration and discounted $40.00 USD. Don't know about shipping and taxes, maybe the discount makes up for some of it? She is one of this site's sponsors, look under Ultralight Wind Range to see it.


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