It all started looking for parts for my 2 line stunt kite (never let someone tell u they can fly a kite ,pile drove it into ground ).So as I search the internet I come across static 4 line foil kites start watching videos then I see the FAIL videos and decide at 57 my body doesn't heal quickly enough lol
Then I come across this thing called a revolution, start watching videos (this guy JB makes it look so easy and fun ) One of the dealers i'm looking at for parts sells them and its on this side of the border ,more reading and I read about the B series (and this guy JB again designed it )so I watch some tutorial videos he makes it look fun and challenging. Read on Kitelife about the differences between reflex and B series ,the dealer has a B series full sail in stock still and if I order it with parts shipping is free for parts so 535 cdn dollars later its on its way .
I live on a 160 acre farm plenty of room to fly ,its been windy here so much so that we actually complain about the wind regularly.8 days later kite arrives (Canada post but free so ).First I watch all the dvds , One thing I hoped the dvd would tell me is how to hold the second leading edge in place when using 2 together (john didn't mention it in any of the free online videos I had watched) and it did !!
So for the next 3 days wouldn't you know it no wind, on the 4th day 5mph I take it up to the field ,not good NO FLY ,hay was too high, wind was so weak kite would fall forward 5th day no wind ,6th day 6mph gusting 10 .start on leading edge its just doing cartwheels leading edge to leading edge (I've moved to soccer field 2 miles away ).I'm getting depressed 7th day today after watching videos again reader some more I head out to soccer field 7mph with a few drops and some gusting but I have to try, check line lengths, check bridle set up
Got it to flip upright from leading edge and stay there YEH Launch, spin ,wack on leading edge again and again and again .That JB guy gets in my head --pull those thumbs back Hold them there for forward flight-- YEH its in the air, up to the top of window YEH I bet I had a big smile on my face Then I tried to fly it around a little here it comes towards ground ,I believe it was riff that said slack the lines for softer crashes I did learn something from all that reading
I'm so happy I got it in the air and I also learned u can't fly a rev like a 2 line kite its going to take a few more hours to get that in my head >use the brakes >and I also understand why that JB guys hands keep twitching in the videos . by the time I finished flying today I was able to hold kite in one place and do it on edge as well> plus land it Upright YEH