Yes, you add some type of restriction to all that movement along the top leading edge stock bridle (side to side), such that you can pin the knots, washers and attachment elastic crap UNDERNEATH, so you hand can physically fit in between the sail and the frame and not touch either up at the top
here's the test, ....take you kite off of the strings entirely and toss it out, if correct if should fly almost infinitely parallel with the ground a few feet high, literally for several dozens of meters in distance (just like a frisbee would). It should be effortless too, that is the glide I'm seeking and will make any corrections necessary to accomplish this mission. I don't have feel-able wind more often than not, so ANY benefit it light wind is to be taken and utilized.
You don't need a new bridle, just enough restriction forced upon it so it can't move,.. to me that is one string from the down-spar end-cap to the center of the leading edge, holding it rigidly in place, arc-welded! Now with this rigid restriction in place you can rotate and adjust those caps & such so that the sail is pulled OVER the top, ... not pulled up squarely, rounded YES just like a speed series Rev. You don't need a reflex mechanism at all, just pinch everything down tight and see for yourself.
This glide gives you up-wind capabilities,... or a catch on 120s!
experiment and see what happens, but just change one variable at a time, comparisons are the easiest testing method I've found, go get a partner and enjoy a cooperative caper together.
Wayne, we can spank a few comparisons out in August together, low wind is best so early mornings,... ok?