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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Makes me very very angry.. Playing around with some of the scraps.
    3 points
  2. Personally I want my kites able to bowtie.. I intentionally bowtie them for a half-turn and landing.. I call it the inverted Kip landing. That being said, like others, I don't like it to happen accidentally. I took the reverse approach and intentionally induced it until I got the break point pretty close. It not only helped with a few new moves but also made my inverted side slide much more stable. The link between you and the kite is always fixed. With minor variations based on winds/conditions, no matter what you want the kite to do, it will blindly obey only what your hands tell it to do.
    2 points
  3. Definitely some possibilities!!!!
    2 points
  4. I wrote the instructions up and posted them for your use. This takes a small Dual line foil to a whole new level. Stops on a dime and spins like there's no tomorrow. With a few materials and bit of time you can tweak an otherwise good stunt foil into a Quadline Contender.. ***Note the plans are for 8 point bridles and will work fine.. The kites I customize will have a 9 point bridles which aids in reverse flight and stability. http://www.riffclown.com/kites/HQ2.2.4Conversion.pdf Flying Demo And in a bit higher wind I even took my first buggy ride using this kite.. Enjoy..
    1 point
  5. Some strong wind Sunday at the Treasure Island Kite Festival. The KiteLife team was amazing to watch.
    1 point
  6. Did you meet any of the QSNW team? 2 of our members made it over from here! Terry and Sandy!
    1 point
  7. That's just Marvinlous.
    1 point
  8. I agree, it would be nice to see more art in quad line kites, although I do like the stained-glass scrap kites, too.
    1 point
  9. That would be a crazy center panel ........!!
    1 point
  10. "take the best & dump the rest!" That means you accept advise that fits your needs and forget about everything that doesn't. You'll hear five ways to do it from a couple of individuals, you'll see it done a couple of different ways as well, then there's an explanation/dissertation by someone standing next to you (uninvited!), ... ultimately you might even play around with variables to try and recreate "IT" as a do-it-yourself project back home. If you go often enough to festivals and see it all done before your eyes repeatedly, it's easy to find somebody for particular advise with one issue that troubles you. It's unlikely there's only a single solution or path to follow, so seek out several folks and hear/watch what is recommended. Then decide if it fits you personally. How, where, why, when,... even whom!!! Take their best as your own & dump the rest
    1 point
  11. Got everything worked out and kite received today. DH works long hours so if your trying to work out a deal be patient as it will take him a bit to get back to you. I'm quite satisfied with the deal.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. You probably cut a 100 hours off your learning curve as opposed to flying alone. And it's fun too.
    1 point
  15. OK, I gave the situation time to rest and decided by backing off some of the techniques I usually use near the leading edge (Double Fold, lashing down the uprights tighter.) and leaving out the camber, I could make this sail fairly close to my original intent. The verts are a little tight (which means I'll trim the final frame 1/4" to make this work. It's not perfect but one I'll gladly fly when conditions warrant.. Normal bridles will work just fine and I have those already tied and ready to install. Flying video soon I hope.
    1 point
  16. I'll shout, I told you so.. Glad you made it.
    1 point
  17. This is a list of tricks. Fairly comprehensive basics. http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/p.j.f.peters/kites/basics/alphaidx.frm.html
    1 point
  18. Piecework for the center panel is done. Decided on 3 vertical orange panels to define the middle. I tried several pics to get the UV/Flo Yellow effect and got a pretty good capture.. First with the black light only.. Next is normal light Then Both Only this portion of the kite lights up. (unless I decide to use fluorescent thread.) I have not yet checked the white Dacron to see if it will light up well. Would be an interesting LE effect if it does..
    1 point
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