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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2020 in all areas

  1. I don't think I've carried only two since I got my third.. You don't even want to know what I show up with now...
    2 points
  2. Join us for two full days of in-depth roundtable quad instruction for all skill levels with 31-time US champion John Barresi at the Bolstad Beach Approach in Long Beach WA on March 21-22, 2020... This is the workshop for folks who want to build up their solo skills and the very basics of team flying! We'll be covering everything from absolute basics (pure beginner) all the way up through advanced techniques and team flying, as well as identifying short flight routines that are sure to help your skills along while having fun at the same time. Saturday morning is always a group presentation, full 101 on the ins and outs of quad kites, equipment and related theory, this covers a metric ton of stuff that even the "pros" think they know, but often don't... From there, we usually go through the fundamentals of clean launching, landing and control methods... Students then break up onto their own kites to work on the "homework" (maneuver combinations) that I'll distribute beforehand, during which instructor(s) will make the rounds between each flier, offering supporting instruction, as well as addressing individual interests. Sunday is the same without a 101 presentation, followed by a couple hours (or more) of team skills introduction to close out the day. Students will use their own kites, any line length will work (80'-90' is very common) but 120' length will be required for team exercises. Must be spectra or Skybond lines for team flying. Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/jb-testimonials == Registration is $150 per person and includes full access to the clinic on both days (10a-4p), discounted to $125 for KiteLife subscribers. Clinic sign up here - https://kitelife.com/forum/store/product/103-2020-northwest-quad-clinic-mar-21-22-2020/ == Please note, there are only 12 spots available and it can sometimes fill up very quickly. == Signed up so far: @Russ Wilson Jennilyn W. @handymanrae @bowtie TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
    1 point
  3. I'm riffclown in the making. I only take two because that's all I've got!
    1 point
  4. I'll usually carry at least two kites, more likely three or four because whatever the wind is when you decide to go, it will probably change by the time you get there. I live in the Chicago area and the only part of weather you can count on is that it will change, soon. I had meters but ended up using them so infrequently that I gave them away. It's nice to have one early in the game, but as you gain experience you check it less often.
    1 point
  5. Only two? Many people here bring out a bag of kites that cover the entire range, from still air to raging gale. No matter the condition they are prepared.
    1 point
  6. OP here. I've enjoyed all the interesting points y'all have been making. And I realized that I didn't really ask my question in the right way -- or at least the motivation for my question was missing. My issue is that I'll check the wind forecast on Windy, go to the beach, and then be like -- so what is the actual wind speed and how does that compare with what I read on Windy so I know what to expect next time? And it seems like I'm better at remembering numbers than feelings. But I'm resisting the urge to get a new gadget and will just try to pay better attention. And carry two kites unless I'm very sure about what I'll be facing.
    1 point
  7. Just always err on the side of too strong a line, rather than take a chance with too little. Tails and or laundry will add to the load, so be prepared with several different strengths for conditions.
    1 point
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