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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Tennessee summer flying
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. What a perfect tableau.
    1 point
  4. Plus a kabillion....no to low wind flying is a different beast altogether. It's also a good thing to learn to fly a "standard" kite at it's lowest wind range....for instance the other day I was out with an Aerie K3 and the wind kept on dropping until a PD UL (have a PD SUL as well) would be comfortable, but I kept flying the K3 just to work on those techniques. I would much rather fly a standard in it's lowest wind range than an SUL or UL at the top of it's wind range. So when the K3 just wouldn't stay in the air anymore I put up a 0 wind glider kite...the PD sul was at home. I have a bunch of SUL and UL kites (duals and quads) as I don't much like winds over 10-12 mph.....5 and below are my sweet spots. I have also embraced 0 wind glider kites....Wala, Skate, Emong, iFlite, etc. over the past couple of years as well.....way way fun!!! So yeah...the moral of the story is buy more kites!!! However ya gotta learn to fly the ones you have already at their lowest wind range.... bt
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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