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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Try a Youtube proxy, it's worth it.
  2. Hello @Immortal, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  3. Hello @joefaust, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  4. Hello @clark moon, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  5. Hello @Droneagemedia, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  6. Hello @captainkite, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  7. Hello @Joe Ludwig, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  8. Maybe a dumb question on my part, but did you try clicking OK?
  9. Says you're a subscriber... Please tell me more about the error / steps / page that is stopping you from downloading from the video links above?
  10. Note, I think you'll need to use your browser the view those videos - the KiteLife app is quirky for that sort of thing.
  11. You may want to study the bicycle rotation and clockwork tutorials... Both of these directly address topics that combat loss of altitude during a spin / rotation. http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/691-rev-tutorial-bicycle-rotation/ http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/814-rev-tutorial-clockwork/ http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/820-rev-tutorial-traveling-bicycle/ All those tutorials are accessible to you as a paid subscriber (thanks), you can also download them and copy to your mobile device if you like. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  12. Panic mode. Exactly, I saw the break from your normal mode when the problem occurred, obviously not the norm - your control looks pretty solid overall. Just keep building the "cool" response, put yourself in those positions repeatedly and work through it, build a convention of response. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  13. And @FranckPG, please know I LOVE your video and what you're doing - we're just talking shop here.
  14. Hopefully I didn't go overboard, thanks for the prompt brother Wayne.
  15. Aye, that too. Moving your hands up doesn't do a lot... Better to convert that into a clear "thumbs back" position on the handles, IN FRONT of your chest while stepping backward and drawing back straight away from the kite. To say it differently, vertical, lateral and diagonal movement does nothing to give the kite power or drive - the only thing that can do that is forward control and movement directly away from the kite (to create pressure against the sail).
  16. Got caught in a stall while upright, where you never ever want to be caught... Part of the instruction that I give for urban, low wind and water flying is to "keep your logo moving" (forward) as long as the kite is the least bit upright... Once upside down or sideways, you have a chance to glide or hover more effectively. Bear in mind, this primarily applies to break-heavy fliers (correct tuning IMHO)... Old school Rev folks with short top leaders won't have this problem nearly as much.
  17. FYI, these guys were very instrumental in my old team (iQuad) coming to the UK in 2008... Looks like they have a good selection? http://www.kiteworld.co.uk/acatalog/Revolution-Kites.html
  18. As for offense, you'll have to try harder than that.
  19. Aye, but "Icarex" is kind of like Kleenex these days - it's become a ubiquitous term, but there is one true Icarex (brand). What Freilein actually uses remains to be seen / proven.
  20. I think bskites.com still sells the Griffin (new manufacturer), they might have the specs. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  21. John Barresi


    My KiteLife associate Brett Marchel lives in Detroit MI, maybe close enough for a meet up somewhere? He goes by Flight Risk on the forum. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  22. Those are my two main flying locations, wouldn't mind myself - only the RNG will tell. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  23. AWESOME! That's the kind of thing that you learn from, and now that it's done the water will never again be quite as scary. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  24. Aye, I've seen some diffusion of the color in the sail material where the two major folds are when the kite is stored - these are young kites too, wouldn't expect to see that - Unknown at this time if that break up of color is indicative of material break down as well - time will tell. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  25. Hello @mnagley, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
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