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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Welcome to the forums Botham :)

  2. Welcome to the forums kff :)

  3. Far and away, February 21st was the most common requested date... It's a lock, mark your calendars! Speaking of, we've added it to the KL calendar - http://kitelife.com/forum/calendar/event/312-nw-casual-clinic/
  4. The one thing that does irk me about some Rev fliers is the "exclusive" energy they send out... A good product will prove itself out, especially when it's not implied that someone is stupid for buying anything else - they just making the best decision for them, based on their own finances, location and experience. All are welcome, as is ongoing discussion from all angles. I for one can't wait to hear about your experiences with the Chinese kites, especially after you've had a chance to compare side by side with others, and time with other able quad fliers who really understand flight dynamics.
  5. Welcome to the forums LenorEVOLuion :)

  6. Thanks for taking that on Barton, it's a really fun "show and tell" venue.
  7. Stoked! We'll be as we are, kite fliers, and circulate around the field through the day as we work with each flier one on one, and if there is enough interest in basic team flying we can do 2-3 fliers at a time, easy and fun! Wind is what it is... With most types of kites, there are a lot of essential and very doable adjustments that can extend our fun wind range both higher and lower than before. It may be to your benefit to have a 3-4 things / goals clearly in mind, always easier to share knowledge when it's being tugged on. <grin> Did I say I'm stoked???
  8. This is the real benchmark for me... The same one I try to hold all manufacturers and stores to... Are they involved in the community that supports them, or do they simply show up at the office and turn out product? I'm always in favor of supporting businesses that support kiting.
  9. And yes, much of Rev's popularity comes from the backbone... Key fliers, educational resources, variety of parts, community efforts, etc - not seeing such forward effort from any of the Asian companies.
  10. In all fairness, one could say that every dual line kite today is a ripoff of the Hawaiian, or Hyperkite, or whatever... After a while, even the patented zipper went up for open improvement and redesign. Trick is, they kind of "broke the mold" with the functional design... There have been other quad designs not Rev-based, but none handle even close in my opinion... B or not. I'll leave deeper discussion to others, but the B does represent a lot of evolution and refinement upon Rev flying, although some of it isn't always obvious to intermediate fliers. Great topic, thanks for posting it Povl, and truly - welcome to the forum!
  11. Not in, but wanted to say - WICKED good prize(s)!
  12. Welcome to the forums dougie :)

  13. Welcome to the forums povlhp :)

  14. Aye, the affliction extends beyond KiteLife... Not sure why, something in my gut says we've become more of a spectator society, less folks as quick to take the "long road of learning", also more buried in debt and other life worries, shrinking middle class, etc... I could be totally wrong on some of that, but it does come to mind. That being said, I do have good luck at increasing the ranks (KL and kiting) when I'm able to get out in the field and dedicate my time more fully to the task.
  15. Indeed, would love see this kite get some love! FYI, for those interested... Notification of a win is sent to: 1 - the email address originally entered with your PayPal subscription 2 - the email address currently attached to the PayPal subscription, if different than #1 3 - the email address currently attached to your forum profile, if different than #1 & #2 4 - also to your profile via private message here on the forum
  16. Ya, sorry about that... I generally do the actual draw after I say drumroll... Due to the way our master list is organized and how random.org's drawing system works, we have look up the drawn number in our master list, see if it's expired, make sure its really expired if so (via PayPal), then find an active number, look it up on the master list, make sure it's really active (via PayPal), all before pulling the trigger - a pain to be sure, but all in the interest of fairness.
  17. This brand new B-Series Rev is going to #987... Deepest congratulations to Charles Ashburn (aka chucka)!
  18. Y'all still put a HUGE grin on my face and warmth in my heart, I love this place! Audit done - I got our new folks added, culled the latest expired numbers, read all the trash-talking, and laughed out loud several times... So, LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!! Insert imaginary drumroll here... *
  19. Big heartfelt welcome to our latest subscribers... 1239 @Flight Risk 1240 @sdion42 1241 @inthecloud 1242 @wanglody 1243 @idobar35 1244 @rch911 1245 @Brucifer 1246 @fredgisler As of this morning, our master database shows a total of 342 active subscribers. Always and truly, thanks to all - this KiteLife community and our resources would not exist without you!
  20. Welcome to the forums fredgisler :)

  21. Welcome to the forums kc5cqo :)

  22. I'm personally in favor of staying with Wed night, my guess is that the short night / holiday season will naturally slow things down a bit... End of Jan, Might pick up again. I don't really know for sure - just my hunch.
  23. Welcome to the forums gubi820 :)

    1. gubi820


      Thank you very much !!

  24. Welcome to the forums Tommyb23 :)

  25. Welcome to the forums Brucifer :)

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