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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. 396, expired... 934, whoa, we've got a winner! Yes indeed, this new Sweet Emotion is going home with James Bennett! Congratulations James, now let's go see what else we can give away for the next drawing!
  2. Alright, who wants some chocolate?
  3. Update... casey - 1138 Bandulla - 1139 Steveo - 949 (renewed) skline - 1140 Allan Pluchos - 1141 Greg McHugh - 1142 audit23 - 1143 Thanks so much all!
  4. Welcome to the forums Paul Deutsch :)

  5. Ha, sorry - too many plates spinning here, I walked right into that one!
  6. Welcome to the forums jim.naysmith :)

  7. Brilliant, glad it's working - happy to follow up! The folks here are super nice, don't hesitate to post or reply with any questions or cool tidbits you'd like to share. And with the deepest sincerity, thanks for your support - KiteLife is a little "mom and pop" affair, subscribers keep it all going.
  8. Got a good coupon in my email today... Code FLASH30 gets you 30% off your order in the KiteLife shop on Cafepress (until 6pm PST today). * 30% off orders from CafePress.com, excluding shipping charges, gift wrap charges and applicable sales tax. Coupon code FLASH30 must be entered at checkout. Promotion starts on September 23, 2013, at 12:00 p.m. (PT) and ends on September 23, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. (PT). Offer only applies to orders from the CafePress Marketplace. Discount does not apply to Gift Certificates, SIGG bottles, licensed sports merchandise, Fathead® products, Trevco licensed merchandise, Brenthaven iPad® 2 hard case, Coveroo cases, custom stampers, Thermos® products, Philosophy shower gel, KOR water bottles, Snapily products, specially priced CafePress products, CafePress Groups and LogoSportswear orders, fulfillment products, bulk orders, and any products numbers starting in 030. Offer valid online at CafePress.com only, cannot be combined with any other coupons and may change, be modified or cancelled at any time without notice. This promotion cannot be applied to past orders.
  9. I may or may not have another PRO hiding in the kite bin, but let's keep our eyes on the prize here, shall we?
  10. I get around, and while I may be a *tad* high profile at times, it's just kites... Happy to share sky with anyone, anywhere - kiters are generally good like that.
  11. Thanks a million Nick.
  12. Done, there was a conflict between "resident of planet earth" and "lower 48 only" as both were included in the text. Making an educated guess, I re-wrote a bit to include North America (we don't do overseas in the Karma drawings at this time). http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5586-karma-9302013-g-kites-delta-conyne/ You should be able to edit your lead post at will, to keep a list of the "in" folks, or adjust your shipping a bit further. Let me know if you have any questions in that topic, closing this one now - thanks all for playing!
  13. Hi Greg, sorry for the troubles but welcome to the forum sir! I saw you tried to register a couple of times, and finally got through with the Yahoo email. Once a subscription is paid for, your forum group changes to subscriber but still requires admin validation before everything is 100% live (done just now). Why you'd be getting blank white pages though, I'm not sure... I'm on the same browsers using Macbook, iMac and iOS, no issues here. Magazine article - http://www.kitelife.com/tutorials/flying-with-intent/ Members only forum post - http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5325-presidents-letter-april-2013/ Members only video download - http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/387-promo-flic-dancing-wmv-320x240/ Gallery page - http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/ Let me know what you find at each of those links?
  14. Welcome to the forums audit23flyer :)

  15. Welcome to the forums Greg McHugh :)

  16. Welcome to the forums EddieL :)

  17. Doesn't even have to be kite related, although items useful "in the field" are a plus.
  18. Looks like the Sweet Emotion has been discontinued?
  19. I think that's a kite B-movie waiting to happen. HA! B-movie! I better quit while I'm ahead.
  20. Quit yer whining, grow a pair of whumps. ROFL! Just kidding, sorry - couldn't resist.
  21. Fly, share, make friends, and sometimes win cool kites.
  22. Just 'cause I've been having fun coining this term... I usually fly around 9"-12" out on the top leaders, depending on the amount of stretch in my top lines. What allows me to "whump" the kite is having the sail relatively flat to me on it's base setting. When I "whump", I hit all four lines and it loads the sail - flexing (curving) the leading edge, which in turn flares out the trailing edge... More obvious examples of the kite doing this are at (exact times, may want to start 5 seconds before): 0:53 - soft/medium impact, more subtle application, initiating into a straight line on the ground pass 3:08 - hard impact, again initiating forward flight mid-window, away from the camera 3:10 - " different angle, you can really see the sudden flex and speed (generally appears as an impact into the center of the kite, followed by authoritative movement) Once the kite is whumped and in motion, speed + wind sustains that pressure like a siphon. as long as you're on all four lines. Stop and the pressure slides out (kite flattens), tap it again (kite curves under tension) and you're off. Same effect as using less brake (shorter top lines), with more power on demand and less over sheeting. I'm using the same technique nearly all the time through many movements, but it's applied at length, grading power in and out to stay "at the end of the lines" in terms of tension. Over-sheeting (drives me crazy) in short, is when a pilot unconsciously releases the trailing edge (bottom lines) too much and pressure slips out the back of the kite, requiring larger inputs on your brake lines (speed, turning), over sheeting is easily identified by a distinct fluttering noise from the trailing edge... It's also visible at times in the center of the kite, around the logo, where you can see there's no pressure, it goes wrinkled or flat in full forward flight, instead of being fully curved from pressure. With more power (whump/load) and "brake", my controls are more sensitive (allows smaller inputs for same affect), smaller inputs equal less variable and easier accuracy, but I also have to be a little more dynamic physically. Totally a style thing, there is no right way to fly a kite (other than safely), but you got me excited and I had to get it out of my system - feel free to tear it apart. More KiteLife discussion on "whumping" and tuning here, including a photo of my favorite handles and leaders. Best advice I can give - taste it all (if only for a few minutes), borrow, morph and invent your own flavor. Most useful thing I ever did for my skills - (1) fly every possible kite variation (2) in as many different conditions as possible (3) as much as possible. Boy, am I whumped - sorry for the ramble!
  23. Hi Mike, this might be a good place to look for info... http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5429-what-to-do-about-a-tear/ Good luck brother, looks repairable, just need the right stuff and a little borrowed know-how.
  24. Woohoo! Just met Nick and his wife in Seaside, nice folks - glad to see you here, welcome!
  25. Also, the SLE spar itself will be a detriment in any case - too stiff, it doesn't allow the leading edge to flex enough for an airfoil.
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