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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Trick is to keep power 1/2 way through the input, if you soften up too soon, it's got no guts.
  2. Definitely worked... Matt and I were out at the beach this past weekend, 10 grams on the tail of his Ocius UL really upped the trick ability, and made it a bit snappier, imho. FYI - we did nudge the bridle point up about 1/4" to compensate for the added weight.
  3. Oooooo, raffle for registration. http://kite.org/raffles/aka-convention-aug-2013/
  4. Moved to "Off Topic" section, carry on.
  5. Congrats Rex, karma works.
  6. Oh yeah, the 36th annual American Kitefliers Association convention is coming - this will be the 18th I've been to, really one of my favorite events of the year. http://kite.org/convention Early bird registration ends on August 14th but you can register on site as well - going to be a rockin' gathering of kiters and one heck of a good time. See any of you there? Frankly, I also hate giving live speeches - I can use all the moral support I can get. lol
  7. Report and photos? Curious to see the result.
  8. No video, no proof. (ala kwmf)
  9. It also likes to stay on it's back, the weights often help make it easier to get in and out of a turtle on command, but you lose a bit of drive and stability as you add more weight.
  10. My wife and I typically use one Rev bag each, and when we travel they both go inside one of these: http://www.evo.com/wakeboard-bags/liquid-force-wheeled-wakeskate-bag.aspx iQuad uses the same bag (x2) to manage 7 Revs and gear for each of our 6 pilots, they get thrown around (checked baggage in multiple countries), wheels are dragged through the sand nearly every event, and these keep on ticking. Most of all, I like the wheels... Beats carrying dead weight. Side note and reminder, if you're buying anything via Amazon and would like to help support KiteLife, check this out... http://www.kitelife.com/other-links/amazon/
  11. It's easier than it looks, and a little key knowledge goes a LONG way - tutorials, one-on-one with other fliers and fly time will provide that..
  12. Fun drawing, congrats Barton! Closing this topic now to avoid confusion, on to the next! http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5464-karma-8113-kite-currency-and-a-possible-bonus/
  13. http://www.kitelife.com/tutorials/flying-with-intent/
  14. Oh yeah, Thors Hammer is a beast.
  15. Two sweet raffles going with the AKA right now... http://kite.org/raffles/raffle-ozfeathers-snake-eye-july-2013/ http://kite.org/raffles/2013-rev-b-series-july-2013/ Tickets available until midnight, July 31st.
  16. If I remember right, Flexifoil set a kite speed record of 120 mph while flying in a hurricane. Dangerous as hell, but it looked good for promotion back in the day!
  17. Dang it ! That makes sense, perfect sense, and I see your point. Ok, I suppose I need to go to Amazon.com, and take another look. Hmm - Windtronic 2. Sheesh.............why did I bring this up? Oh, I didn't. I can blame this one on Michael I really like this comment made me laugh. I do think It is a great idea to see if John might be able to contact them. Who knows it might be next months drawing. I'd be willing to bet that he has almost never used a meter! Maybe someone in his group pulled one out, but I'd be very surprised if he's used one himself! I did use a wind meter occasionally, ummm, maybe 1990-1992? Since then, I just use the fuzz on my ears - I generally estimate within 1-2 mph. That being said, there have been a few years where I spent nearly as much time in the wind as out of it. Truly, there's no shame in using a meter - whatever's clever, it's all about the smoothest route to the sky. Race you there! <grin>
  18. Geez mom, you're not giving me any reprieve today, are ya? Thanks - I'd copy/pasted an older post and modified it, missed that line - should read correctly now. Jet lag, not now... Email/forum/Facebook lag, yes. lol
  19. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. B-Series Mid-Vent (package), roughly a $335 value! NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is LIME and BLACK with WHITE CENTER, on a MID-VENT SAIL. This package includes kite, 2 wrap and 3 wrap frames, adjustable handles, DVD and kite sleeve! This is regular (factory) model, it is not a Pro by Bazzer, but will still provide excellent flying for whoever wins this. You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/352, and will be drawn on August 25th, 2013! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  20. Aha, FINALLY the RNG gives me an active number right off the bat. Drum roll please... Wait for it... Congratulations to number 802! Yes indeed, Kevin Reynolds is taking home the B-Series. Thanks all for playing, I'll go dip into our goodie bin and find something new to give away, back in a spell!
  21. Aye aye, catching up now... Recent subscriptions: Donaldrke - 1061 Aeppler - 1112 Michael E. Allen - 1113 (2nd sub) oldcaptainrusty - 1114 Now that we have the master list reconciled, I'm off to prod the RNG for today's drawing!
  22. We haven't forgotten... Just back from the Westport Festival with TK, gotta drop off the rental car, will update the master list and draw a winner this afternoon! Thanks for your patience!
  23. Random thoughts - The main thing I find with the Rev I is that due to the high cut of the center "V" (just below the logo), there is less center pressure, and the wings tend to feel more independent. A local flier in my area, Chuck Wiley took his 1.5 bridle (different specs) and up-sized the proportions for the Rev I... Handled better, imho, more centered. Full sail Rev I... Race rods, 2 wrap and 3 wrap are all pretty solid. I wouldn't generally put 4 wraps in a Rev I full sail, that's more kite than I like in high winds. It is a solid kite though, with a lot of fans.
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