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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. When I dogstake, part of what makes it easier it being able to see the back of the kite and imagine that it's the front... When the kite travels too far away from me to the other side of the window, I can see the front and it confuses the out of me. The trick with longer lines, you'll have more of the window where the kite gets in this position. But, it's all personal taste... Play around, let us know what you find?
  2. Hey-o nckiter! Here's a thread on GWTW where I addressed some of those questions, and other's responses, but feel free to come back with anything I missed... http://gwtw-kites.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=24378 Also, Paul LaMasters was kind enough to let me post his Dogstake diagram on this forum... http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showto...637 Cheers, thanks for being here!
  3. Howdy gang, Just dropping by to let you know that volume 6 of Kite Lines has been processed, and can now be found in the Kitelife archives... Still 100% free of charge to view or download, you'll find a bevy of historic plans, articles and reviews in these archive issues. Sorry for the delay, we were supposed to have it on line by January 1st but my busy travel schedule kept me off balance. Talk about history, issue 6-2 has a report and photos from the very first East Coast Stunt Kite Championships held in 1986... It's neat to see the "formation" of American sport kiting develop in these pages. http://www.kitelife.com/kitelines Enjoy... And if you like what we're doing, please consider becoming an official Kitelife subscriber - help support efforts such as these! http://www.kitelife.com/subscribe Thanks to all, for being a part of kiting.
  4. Just for record, and those who will read this thread... You've got this part exactly right.
  5. You might also check with "Small World Kite Company"... Craig Wong is importing special mini-kites, WITH nice wooden/glass display boxes... Great guy, can be reached at 510-501-4868. An example above, from recent trade show.
  6. FYI - Depending on overall response, the AKA SKC may be looking at amending this rule so that props are allowed.
  7. Tails should not be counted as a prop, I can tell you that much.
  8. Looking forward to this one... I'll be missing Windless due to lack of transportation and lodging, but at least I'll get some indoor time. I have the address as 1009 E. McLoughlin, Vancouver, WA 98663... Is that right? Found here.
  9. Not me... Transportation dropped out at the last minute, due to an oversight. Enjoy, and hopefully we'll see a report and photos for Kitelife!
  10. Thank you for your positive viewpoints... Refreshing. Kudos to you Chris, for getting involved... Remember, nothing is solved overnight... And combat rarely encourages anyone. Fly well, fly free!
  11. Hi Chris, you might consider posting this query on the GWTW forum as well, if you haven't already... You'll reach other fliers too, some of whom don't read our forum for whatever reason. http://gwtw-kites.com/forum
  12. Thanks Rob... For more controversial discussion, check out this thread on GWTW: http://gwtw-kites.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=26145 To all, drop your 2 cents in that thread... Pro or con.
  13. Yay Bill! {{{hugs}}}
  14. Come one, come all... http://www.kitelife.com/archives/ktai06/index.htm
  15. I thought there was a distinction between Open Indoor Unlimited and some kind of standard Indoor Ballet... Is this not the case? Seemed to me that Indoor and Outdoor Unlimited were more or less, parallel... Show disciplines, both allowing the use of props.
  16. My pleasure Kent! Hope to see you in Clearwater, I leave for Florida on Wednesday.
  17. Big winna! Got your email Isaac, I'll try and get the Dot in the mail after I get back from KTAI on the 10th... Leaving on Tuesday for Clearwater, we'll be doing daily updates from the trade show.
  18. I actually thought it was the 31st... Got everything changed over, and then realized the correct date. However, if you were to audit past drawings... You'd find the same thing a couple more times. After we draw for the NTK Guitar... We've got a full size Fury from Robertshaw, so don't give up yet!
  19. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Air Guitar, thanks to New Tech Kites! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/175, and will be drawn on January 31st! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/guitar45/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you!
  20. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Isaac Trejo - Subscriber #107 Congratulations Isaac! Our new prize(s) will be announced later this afternoon.
  21. Fixed the font/size tags. Working on the drawing now... Give me a few more minutes.
  22. LOL! I really should make more of a circus out of this... Just haven't had much time for promotion in the last few weeks.
  23. Cool Christopher... Well said.
  24. Whew, that's a tough one when dealing with a kite like the Blaster... In most cases, kites at that level are not made as "adjustable machines"... So, you might be able to move the bridles up and down, but it may or may not make much of a difference in trick performance (perhaps only in the amount of lift). Someone here on the forum might be able to come up with a solid bridle tuning reference... It's a bit lengthy for me to get into at the moment.
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