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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Quastions are always welcome here, and some kite builders in our forum should reply soon with links to plans and such... Also, there is a specialized kite builder forum here that you might check out: http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums/index.php
  2. Unfortunately no... I was hoping I would find footage of our 4-man team as well.
  3. Of course! You and I did not get a chance to talk much or share the sky with our kites, but I clearly remember meeting you and your mother. You are 11 years old, is that right?
  4. Yeah, I had the same thing happen with ONE sock... So I have one pair that it pink on one side and white on the other!
  5. Sounds good Ron, I'll check with Cal before converting anything.
  6. Hahahaha... Yeah right.
  7. It's up to you... Try a range of 50 feet to 100 feet, see what you like. The shorter the lines, the faster the kite and less sky you have to fly across... But everything is more responsive, and better for tricks. The longer the lines, the slower the kite will seem and you'll have more sky to cover... Making it more ideal for flying shapes and executing precise manuevers. Always feel free to ask more questions, kite fliers are a chatty bunch.
  8. Torsten... Check it out, I have added our old pairs routine already! Just look for 1994 Hawaii Challenge: http://www.kitelife.com/videos/index.htm
  9. I agree with Progcraft's long vs short line comparison... Being a bit more "old school" or precise flier, I generally use 100 foot as my short lines and 110-120 feet for long lines... I think the majority of fliers these days however, play on 75-100 foot lines as a rule.
  10. Kite? What kite?
  11. I think you might be right... Bosley can't very well be seen with pink! Black, teal and yellow... That sounds awesome! Does it come with an autograph?
  12. Here's the latest: The email bomb apparently started with a virus spread to various external computers, and at some point it picked up the kitelife.com domain out of someone's address book... The incoming emails have trickled down to 20 per hour, and may continue or renew until the virus is removed from all infected computers on the world wide web. We're still going to ride this out for a few more days and hope to see it subside very soon... Keep your fingers crossed, and hope that the virus does not open up again somewhere and begin this all over again. For the time being, you should feel free to reach me using either kitelife(at)hotmail(dot)com or my personal email barresij(at)comcast(dot)net until these issues are resolved. We are welcoming article submissions for issue 39 of Kitelife until November 20th, and will be releasing the new issue on December 1st.
  13. Well, Bosley is still waiting on his Cody... What's the word Rick?
  14. Matter of fact, yes. Showed up yesterday... Got the DVD from Steveston, thank you Ron! It's funny as heck hearing Andrew Cimburek yelling "YEAH!" during my quad routine when I did the 360... Considering he was a judge! I assume it would be okay to convert footage for Kitelife, provided credits are included?
  15. Is that a video game Wen? I have never played it, although I do like many video games. For those who don't know, Wen is a young gentleman who I met on my recent trip to Taiwan... And a budding sport kite flier!
  16. I'm working on the videos from Taiwan and AKA Nationals as well, should be ready within 1-2 weeks... Just waiting on the soundtracks.
  17. Wow! Still, 40% is an incredible offer for those who subscribe to Kitelife between now and November 30th! Existing subscribers still quallify for the 25% off winter sale of course.
  18. Go to your local main library with a CD walkman and headphones... They generally have TONS of music, and you can then listen to anything that grabs your eye without even having to take it home or buy anything until you know you like it.
  19. To avoid any future confusion, does this offer still honor the AKA discount? If so... 10% AKA + 15% KL + 25% sale = 50% off?
  20. Up to 23 out of 50 now... Well on our way! Also, for those who are interested... Kitelife finished with an all time record of 36,600 visitors in the month of October!! All despite our main email having been down for the last week due to an email bomb.
  21. Just wanted to wish ya'll a very happy Halloween, don't eat too much candy!
  22. Too cool Mario! I'll try to remember and take a look. Congratulations for getting kiting on the map in Big Bear!
  23. I don't see anything to make my head explode... What's up? By the way... Where's my Cody?
  24. Those of you have been reading the GWTW Forum thread know that we got hit with an email bomb of over 200,000 per hour sometime yesterday morning, and it took our site off line for part of the day. Here's the latest update... We're still getting over 200 emails per hour (down from 100,000), from dozens of servers and hundreds of IP addresses... Probably some punk kid with a two bit Trojan script and nothing better to do. My server provider is being very considerate, has spent some time in chat with me, and has left the our site on line... While personally monitoring and deleting the email as it comes in (along with my own legitimate emails). We're going to ride it out for a day or three, and then if it does not subside we'll have to turn off the name servers with my domain registrar which will leave nothing for the bomb to hit for a few days... If we end up having to do this, all of the Kitelife site, email and mailing list will be off line until we switch it back. We're looking to avoid this, and will be on line for at least 1-2 more days. I will of course be posting in here immediately if we do have to shut down temporarily. Thanks again for all of your support and patience! In the event of site outage, you can reach me here - kitelife(at)hotmail(dot)com
  25. Thanks Bill! We couldn't do what we do without you guys!
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