Those of you have been reading the GWTW Forum thread know that we got hit with an email bomb of over 200,000 per hour sometime yesterday morning, and it took our site off line for part of the day.
Here's the latest update...
We're still getting over 200 emails per hour (down from 100,000), from dozens of servers and hundreds of IP addresses... Probably some punk kid with a two bit Trojan script and nothing better to do.
My server provider is being very considerate, has spent some time in chat with me, and has left the our site on line... While personally monitoring and deleting the email as it comes in (along with my own legitimate emails).
We're going to ride it out for a day or three, and then if it does not subside we'll have to turn off the name servers with my domain registrar which will leave nothing for the bomb to hit for a few days... If we end up having to do this, all of the Kitelife site, email and mailing list will be off line until we switch it back.
We're looking to avoid this, and will be on line for at least 1-2 more days.
I will of course be posting in here immediately if we do have to shut down temporarily.
Thanks again for all of your support and patience!
In the event of site outage, you can reach me here - kitelife(at)hotmail(dot)com