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Everything posted by monkey

  1. monkey

    Happy New Year

    And caused a few squirrels fill their shorts.
  2. Damn, weren't YOU a good boy all year, nice kites! And clothes!
  3. We're truly blessed by being surrounded by some spectacular people, no doubt about it! This winter time BS drives me crazy because I miss seeing my kite people regularily! I second the vote for thai in Long Beach on friday!
  4. Hmmm, is it as cute as this tho? (sewn for me as a surprise by Amy "mouse" Doran) (bear in mind, its an unfinished sail, its headed south to the Revolution Mothership for the leading edge, final hardware, etc, I'll post another once its completed. (and yes, I ADORE it!)(and Amy!)
  5. Well, to be honest, John only arrived back from Argentina a couple of hours ago, so, I'm willing to bet hes crashed on his couch. I was under the impression that a "kite safe" was something made by Trojan to guard against breeding kites but, I could be wrong... I have made room in my bag for a new 1 however.
  6. Ya, In january when the prize is a nice, spiffy new... windsock.
  7. monkey

    New to me...

    Ya, they have some pretty neat kites on that site
  8. Big hugs and congrats from meeeeeeeeeeee :-)
  9. No. *cries* we lost mine at lincoln city. However, I'm firmly in the John camp with this. I have very little leader on the bottom at this point, despite what Issue 43 : http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue43/r...ons43/index.htm may say... My current set has about 6 inches in the top, about 1 inch increments and the bottoms are maybe 2 (I don't love you all enough to go out to the car to measure them right this second) inches with one knot nearly snug against the buckle and another knot a bit more than an inch for light days when I really need a little extra forward just to survive. Balance wise, I aim for this : with my arms out in front of me and my wrists in a relaxed position, ie, not cocked back at all, I want the kite to basically stand still in the middle of the window. I'll usually start with the top leaders on the 2nd in knot from the end, the bottom snug to the bottom of the handle. Ok, I like a little reverse I will get a picture later on and post it. Also, I utterly prefer the 13 inch handles, what used to be called the SUL handle. I did try a longer set this summer for an afternoon, but, it just wierded me out a bit and I had a competition the next day so I quickly scurried back to the old 13s. I've also found that the best way for me to get my handles balanced is to let John fly my kite for a few minutes because he can NEVER RESIST tweaking them till they are "right"
  10. monkey

    a rev design

    thats one of the sexiest kites I have ever seen.
  11. Still waiting on the Maple Leaf version
  12. I have a friend out here who has the exact match to it. Still trying to con it out of him. it'd go nice with my matching purple/white 1s
  13. Even with its pink lettering?
  14. You are -always- welcome to store your revs at my house. I'll take good care of them.
  15. *noted for the next time we're out filming some flying*
  16. Ya, thats pretty WOW alright, nice work by them both
  17. How come The Kite Shoppe was not on your wedding registry anyways.
  18. monkey

    Ghost Town

    I finally got off my butt and took a stab at editing video clips we shot a couple of weekends ago in and around Vancouver's downtown. Enjoy! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8746085459463946296
  19. You'll find SLEs are very useful to fend off rampaging hordes of adorers.
  20. Gud DAYUM, how are you managing to fend off the ladies lookin' so fine?
  21. My vote is AYE Loooovin' how this will all look.
  22. I'm pretty taken with the royal blue as well, however as the jacket back is nearly black, something a bit brighter may be a good idea and 3901 would be a good choice
  23. Audacity and Garage Band are very similiar in what they do. I prefer Garage Band, its a little more intuitive, but, limited to Macs.
  24. WOW does that ever look great!
  25. monkey

    I need Help

    EMail me your mailing address and I'll send you some sleeving, I have a bunch hanging around.
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