With the bicycle or traveling bicycle, you need to have top hand in "archers stance' as a reflex not as a thought. The traveling bicycle is a dance, a combination of arms and legs to keep the kite powered up thru out the cycle. I akin it the breast stroke, just keeping the kite above the water level. Reverse spins with just enough brake to keep it level. As your upper trailing wing passes through the top of the window, scoop just enough wind to bump the wing over the level. Scoop, release , repeat. Your paddling the kite on the threshold of rising or falling.The move is much more like a white water kayak stroke than anything in bicycling. To do them slow you need steady wind and brake the top hand through the rotation. Or you can jam through, flying the leading edge forward with sharp brake inputs which never ends up looking good. Longer lines help,my traveling on 120's is way better than on 30's.