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Everything posted by wen

  1. i just might =)
  2. Les Crazy Drivers at Portsmouth UK 2007 after you watch the link, click "more from this user" i got 7 vids now and well be uploading more from shmen international kite festival(Taiwan) right now i got 2 indoor rev vids of me 1 indoor rev vid by a friend with a b-serises rev (im on a pc witch means NO SPELL CHECK! so sorry ) 1 vid of Chris Goff at portsmouth flying a fury 1 vid of Stephen Hoath at shmen flying a rev(high winds every day) 1 vid of japanese teams AILE+NEST flyings 6 revs together 1 vid of Crazy Drivers at portsmouth 2007 i'll post when i get a new one up and update this post Enjoy! Wen~ *Update* iSpace No.2 indoor fly vids, yay! LG quad http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-976198856528111397 Geary rev http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3543958263407019478 wong rev http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7303750732987530331 wen rev http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5502338902945312207 wen reflection http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5572168106121313492 LG amazing http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-604579746642288092 butterflies http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8144219038615896695
  3. wen


    how 'bout "NOTE: no kites were harmed in the making of this picture"
  4. wen


    the kiter's revenge! the symbolic sacrifice for every dog that set it's sight on an innocent kite
  5. shure! got the kite all fixed up! (long time but i've been busy with the rev so far) will probably do it on the 16th(indoor event)
  6. fixed my reflection, yay! will probably take next videos on the 16th (indoor event ^^) to get good sound
  7. wow! you posted you reply wile i was editing my post and is it just 1 month? it feels so much longer!
  8. got some indoor videos up! Indoor 1 little demo/routine/whatever you call it thingy and Indoor 2 (not very creative with names ) the music is by hania a awesome artist, go look at the link already! you can lessen∧ download her music for free too! geary lai and geary lai of the iQuad advertisement flying a B-series rev with indoor rods i might post some more from next months indoor event here! please rate and comment hope ya like!
  9. great! by the way, do you have my moms e-mail?
  10. i managed to brake it on my 2nd fly it was kinda dark and i guess i hit something, the left lower spreader broke gotta see if i can fix it with a furl...
  11. ah yes, the acrobatx. love that kite, haven't broken mine yet though i did brake my friends prototype/test acrobatx (upper spreader) not so good in stronger winds i hear but sweet trick kite! i learnt to do the flapjack consistently on it
  12. i got the ones you missed lunta, nest/aile ect, ect but i can't upload it to you tube =/ must try again
  13. (shameless SF plug)not in you list but i think the silver fox is good. it has a bridle you can change from 3 point bridle(more stable, little more pull.) or a turbo bridle(more sensitive, little less pull)
  14. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/ most of the music only requires you give the author credit and the licensing terms are just above the author comments, easy to find! hope this helps
  15. yup, there are weights on it
  16. i didn't get much space to fly today but it fly's reallllly nice! on the standard bridle the side slide realy feels "locked on" half axles are smooth, when the kite is belly down, nose away pop one hand and it well spin around wonderfully can't get it into a fade consistently but thats me, not the kite fade catch's are great, havent recovered from a fade by rolling yet, but a few more time of practice should fix that
  17. the OMT(official management term(don't ask)) is "sherpa" or "kite sherpa" i believe
  18. ugly? ugly?! i haven't seen a ugly one befor, you gotta post pics speaking of pics... () yes i am to lazy to figure out how to compress it
  19. so i just got a reflection ( thanks theresa!!) and its so pwetty *is captivated by those loovely curves* can't wait to try it out tomorrow! i'll see if i can wright a reveiw or somthing but it's 12:25 AM(late) and i gotta be out the door befor 9 am if i want space
  20. Dude, hard work=running, running= exercise, exercise=the best excuse for flying all the time just kidding. btw any update on the black "Bai"or is it the the "hei"(mandarin for black)
  21. i don't know about cigarette paper but i know how to make a kite from a pice of A4 paper
  22. i just got my indoor rev today!! i flew it outdoors(aprox 3~mph) and love it! can't wait to try it indoors tomorrow >w< sorry if im getting a bit off topic but im to excited!
  23. thanks!
  24. BTW john, can you move this to the Picures forum? thanks
  25. wen

    iQuad ad

    becuse you wern't in tokyo. it's the kite party after the tokyo bay flight party. yeah the one with the 48 people mega fly^^
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