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Everything posted by wen

  1. yup ^^ i got a few playgroup frends intristed this year, man thay pick it up fast
  2. thanks!
  3. I haven't met you yet. BB Penny really? well it seems great and it'll stop me and my mom from fighting over the "bai"
  4. sounds like a great idea to me!
  5. wen

    iQuad ad

    heh heh iQuad holloween kite party at a mexecan restrount. oh yeah, by the way thats not me
  6. my computer dos that sometimes i think , but then i use a mac so im not shure...
  7. wen

    indoor 2 line

    any idea for a indoor 2 line? shuld i look into a VIP? whats the diffrence between the VIP and the IP? any advice would be great
  8. theres a awesome indoor/outdoor team called "crazy drivers" from france there site is http://revo-solution.com go in,and click Multimédias then videos. in the far right side theres one called les crazy drivers indoor kite. great vid =)
  9. freestyle flyer? fun flyer? theguy/girlflyingarev? rev flyer sounds about right
  10. how did you know that? me and my mom just decided to get one yesterday/today
  11. fixed 1 link. well do others asap. you may find them if you serch for xcmer on photo bucket
  12. so i went to japan with my team and had a blast^^ i sead i'd post the pics of geary and the waitress's so i put them in. here are the pics! (don't expect to see kites) dos the quad logo realy look like a bikini? o.0 some people are so weird cough*bell*cough http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01799.jpg cris guff from uk lol sneze*me*sneze KITEPARTY PICS http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01828.jpg gary and waitriss(it was hollowween) hes lookin happy (hey, it's a iQuad ad, and thats why hes geting his pic takean ) http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01829.jpg 2nd waitress, getin' happyer and happyer ( is it realllly just from he's love of iQuad? ) http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01832.jpg 3rd and last. he's looking very happy and very drunk http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01839.jpg left to right: LG, fumiko. someone told them to take a pic together and he got really red in the face http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01838.jpg a few minuites later and they are geting more relaxed (much teaseing all thru the next days) chating away happyly (practiceing english ) http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01841.jpg the guy on the left is from the same team as the girl, he was jokeing that he was her wife and saying "i am ANGRY" ^^ http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01848.jpg left to right: bell, wang the guy in the front? well.... the day before we went to the feild at about 7am the event was at a island and the brige opend at 9am... pouring rain... sheltered by small shop and saw a guy with a long bag that we took to by kites. bell talked to him and he sead hes bag was sport kites, and asked if we flew. bell sead "a little" i heard that he saw bell flay the next day and bells a "trick" kinda guy so he was pretty shocked! we keped saying "a little" that night. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01804.jpg lil pic of john, angle. you dont want to make him angry... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b262/xcm...ng/DSC01871.jpg bell at our last supper before we fly back to taiwan (havent figured out if hes always weird yet) thats it ^^
  13. in portsmouth uk kite event, i was flying my rev in crowded skys, the event was over and one liners where moveing in. i was shareing space with a guy flying a big handmade quad, the winds where light but he flew well. i was praticeing holding the kite sideways and he flew over, leading edge to edege, and eld it there too. we'd do that on and off, sometimes flying our own thing, sometimes togethere, not tallking, just flying... after a bit when he was packing up i went over and asked him to sign my t-shirt kinda intristing how we didn't talk much, just talked with thr kites...
  14. nice vid, one of the french team crazy drivers awesome team theresa bunch of vids of them at www.revo-solution.com
  15. i don't remember the kite but i do remember it was in my frends front yard. he was teaching me to fly it was a go fly spool i think my mom says i was 2 at the time
  16. i realized that after seeing a teammate do a jacobs ladder, half axels fades, lazys in around 20mph winds o.0 in sh-men kite festivel in taiwan, wich i just got back from. 20~30 mph winds mostly ><
  17. kitechat?
  18. all of robs vids are broken links
  19. link gone again
  20. i like the 2.5, but then again i don't like fast kites ~_^ in my expreince the vtd dosent trick so well
  21. i was wondering who was flying those =) Cool kites Wen. Maybe you'll let me try them when you come to Porstmouth. So you there buddy. shure! well upload more pics later, it's not working right now :/
  22. this is at newport. what do you think the extra bow in the leading edge of the UL(grey) well afect it?
  23. now thats a pic i gotta see P.S. you fly good too, we just didnt have the equip to video tape it that time
  24. one of the best demos i've seen(others being dave smith,ect) the bad sound is becuse of the speakers :/ hope you like it! please rate and coment
  25. wait,wait! don't you want your back? bit hard to walk without it don't you think? *gigles eibley*
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