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Everything posted by kiteking

  1. kiteking

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    From the album: Kite inventory

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  2. kiteking


    From the album: Kite inventory

    © ©Macdonald Photography

  3. From the album: Kite inventory

    © ©Matthew Dillon

  4. Couldn't find any definite dates but here is some info: April 2010 MD International Kite Exposition On the Beach, N. Division St.- 6th St. Come enjoy one of the largest kite festivals in the USA. Multi-level precision flying events using dual & quad line kites. Internationally known kite flyers show unique displays. Fri.-Sun., 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. Check with Jay Knerr, 410-289-7855. At the kiteloft Event dates & times subject to change. Please check www.ococean.com or call 1 800-626-2326 to confirm events before traveling long distances & making plans.
  5. I believe the trade was excellent. If you look at my collection, I am more old school. I picked up the Zephyr (and a Acrobatx) for a great price. The Zephyr is a great kite, I only flew it twice, the first flight the center T broke while making a ground pass, (Prism replaced it quickly). The second time I tested the repair and was impressed with the tracking and pull. Since I am not into "slack line tricks" the kite is similar to others I own. For light wind I usually pull out my Griffin stack. Model:GRIFFIN Manufacturers:Condor Kites, Chicago Fire Kite Co., It's A Breeze Kite Co. Fabric Weight:.75oz. ripstop nylon Framing Materials : graphite Wind Range :3 - 15 mph Configuration:Delta-type (98" wingspan) Skill Level:Beginner - Advanced MFGR's Suggested Retail:$100 .00 in 6 panel I will most likely get another Zephyr if I find another good deal, til then I will enjoy knowing the one I traded is getting the air time it deserves. ZEPHYR MFG: Prism skill level: intermediate - competition wing span: 92.5" (235 cm) wind range 1 - 17 mph (1.6 - 27 kmh) speed: moderate pull: medium frame: wrapped graphite sail: ripstop polyester / mylar laminate flying lines 100' x 90 lbs spectra MSRP: $269.00 Some of my collection
  6. Until this past year I never sold or traded any kites, I only purchased. So I have traded a citrus Zephyr for a Fire Bee and a MEFM Also traded some (new in the tube) orginal Rainbow Stunt Kites for (2) six stacks of Peter Powell Stunt kites (also never out of the package) Some of my collection
  7. OK I revisited the problem on my wife's laptop, she as Avast Aniversity Edition and Vista Home, When I go to the site the warning comes up. In researching the error it seems to be coming from a java script error on thier site, I have sent a messagae to the web admin to look into the problem, until then try http://elmersflagandbanner.com Elmer’s Flag and Banner and Kites too! 1332 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97232 Google Map it!store hours m-f 8:30 am - 5:30 pm sat 9 am - 5 pmtoll free 800-547-8795 | tel. (503)282-1214
  8. I don't have a problem with the links, do you get the same if you type the address direct? Sounds like you may have something on your machine causing the re-direct You may want to run a anti-spyware program like spybot, or ad-aware to clean your system
  9. Kite learning curve?? I started (real) flying in 1978, back then there weren't a lot of people to watch/ask. So I spent the first couple of years discovering how to keep the kite in the air and perform some maneuvers, I spent the next 25 years working at having enough money to support the addiction. Now I spend as much time as possible going through the 6 kitebags (yes I have recently added another) and flying each and every kite (wind permitting) AS to old age? I believe your as old as you feel, and some days after flying the power kites or large stack, I FEEL OLD. Peter Powell Stack Video Hey, I figure any day I can get out of bed is a great day, if I get a chance to fly that's a bonus
  10. My recommendation is to keep the buggy, and give away the kid, it will be much cheaper in the long run. I have 3 boys (29, 23, 20 and in college) next stop the poor house.
  11. My current favorite has to be my Nexus 7-Stack
  12. Gee John that looks almost identical to my last flight..... NOT!!! With a little more practice, I think you will do well. Excellent as always, very nice show
  13. just cleared my content, lets see if it works for me
  14. Wow, and in another thread the problem was about dog off leash, maybe "mace" would be appropriate in this situation
  15. Hey my kids were home, cant blame them I have seen some wild kids, but nothing to that degree. I hope Ernie is alright
  16. PM sent
  17. Welcome back, we have missed you If you want to reminisce you can view my "old School" collection
  18. I store mine in a small baggie (get them at bead stores) then slip them in the bag. (the kite sleeve if possible, with parts if not)
  19. Hard to say the cause, but it looks like wear. check to be sure nothing is rubbing on the bridle when assembled or packed up, check your equipment to be sure the are no sharp edges. As for replacement, most kite shops have replacements for sale. You might contact Rev for possible defect warranty replacement Hope this helps
  20. USVI, or British Virgin Islands. My folks lived in St Croix from 1968 till 1995, Water temperature 85 all year round, water so clear you can dive to 60 feet and still have great natural light, trade winds blow constantly, booze cheaper than soda. They did lose the roof of their house during Hugo (they were off Island) and had to rebuild.
  21. There used to be (1990 era) a kite shop at Trolley Square in Salt Lake, I think I recall the name "Air Apparent" It was small but they had quite a few kites packed into that space. I know I purchased at leased 1 kite there, but cant recall which one. I was there 2 seperate times attending a anual managers retreat while working at EGGHEAD. One year we got a tour of Sundance Ranch and Wordperfect, the second we went skiing on 12 inches of fresh powder. Man, was I disappointed when they closed all the retail stores, I enjoyed 10 of their 11 years, managing stores, first in the bay area then here in Tucson
  22. Tom, sounds like you got a couple of potential sponsors maybe you can get the church to pray for a new car
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