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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Hat's off to Oracle Team USA Jimmy Spithill & Crew The 34th America's Cup, stays in the USA! Absolutely unbelievable comeback ! ps.......Oh, and no offense meant towards anyone.........
  2. I don't think there is a B2 Pro model, but I've been wrong before (?). Either way, this appears to be a regular B2. Could just be a "copy & paste" issue.............
  3. I'm In ! (opps, we're all in on this one) 5-9-0
  4. Now John, are you laughing at my kites ??
  5. Congrats James..............enjoy the "Emotion"
  6. I've been wanting a Delta Conyne, for some time! This could work out quite nicely here also.........
  7. Nick, my personal preference would be 100' x 150# Laser Pro Gold, or any other top quality spectra line, along with a standard set of 13" handles (the Supersonic normally comes with 11" handles). 100 foot line, is just "my" favorite length to fly with. Others will have their favorites, also, so that's a personal choice you'll have to make. The longer lines will give you a bit more reaction time, especially while you are learning, and you could even go with 120 foot, but not necessary. I would also get 150 pound test, for the Supersonic, no matter what length you decide on. As for the LPG, most people will recommend this as the best line, and that is probably true, but there are other choices out there. Just get a good brand, and you'll be fine. PM sent to you with contacts..........
  8. When you find out.........let me know ! Even when I'm at the coast, most of the time, I'm the "Lone Ranger", all over again There's just something about having a flying partner, or just someone else out there, that has a clue ! I feel your pain !
  9. "I'm In" (yep, I think 6 is the lucky number)
  10. Thanks......now if I could just get a decent afternoon with a nice breeze. I haven't even put the last two up yet....
  11. Hey Greg, Welcome to Kitelife. You'll find a great bunch of folks here, and a ton of good information. Just ask, and you shall receive. Sounds like you've got a good start on the kites (Prism & Revolution). Two of my favorites. Can't go wrong with either............
  12. I've been working on this new set-up, for a couple or three weeks now, so, I thought I'd post a few pictures of my newest, "Quad Line" set-up..............(that's four lines - right - 1,2,3,4) Hope JB doesn't kick me off (left to right) Gomberg Super Sled, with 30' pennant tail Gomberg Single French Military Dan Leigh XFS Delta ITW Ultrafoil 15 Now, I gotta work on a KAP rig.......(or NOT ?)
  13. It's called "juggling"................or................."multi-tasking" ! I know, I know. Whatever you call it, "your plate is full" !
  14. And it looks like Scott (mystaynedskin) is #2.............. Hmmmmm, I wonder what number is going to be lucky, this time
  15. No John........I think you misunderstood. When I said, "I'm sure JB had one squirreled away", I was referring to a "Sweet Emotion", and the fact that I was sure you had one squirrelled away, or you wouldn't have put it up for grabs, whether it's a discontinued model, or not. The earlier reference to subbing "B-Pro", was just a friendly "jab in the ribs"...........hint hint :cat_lol:
  16. That won't be a problem. That's the nice thing, the entries remain under this topic, and in order, so whenever, or where ever, someone's entry post occurs, it's on record for all to see. You won't have to worry about the order. They are as they are..........(bbailey49 is #1, next person to join in will be #2, etc, etc, etc) I really like that kite.....very nice......I just recently got a Gomberg SuperSled with pennant tail, and a French Military kite. I'll be watching this one closely. It would go with my single line collection, quite well..............
  17. That is one nice kite, you have put up for grabs, Nick...............I'm just waiting for my lucky number to come up, so just to be clear, this is NOT my entry post, but I'll be watching and waiting. I like that kite !!! I want that kite !!!
  18. For sure........and like I mentioned, it's not the item, or the value that counts. It's just the Karma !
  19. I got much more time than you guys, so I'll be more than happy to take over !
  20. Yep, I'm sure JB had one squirreled away, if he put it up for grabs.
  21. NOT Willie !
  22. Great intro................We'll be watching.............
  23. Here, here...........that's the spirit ! ps...........you could probably sing with "Willie"........... He's never sung "in tune", but some how, he's made it work ! pss.........oh, and he'll probably drink some whiskey with you !
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