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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. @ SR............. Well, as I understand it, the Ultrafoil 15, is an new and updated version of the Flowform. It's an "Into the Wind" kite http://www.intothewind.com/shop/Whats_New/ITW_UltraFoil_15_Kite , and only became available, either July or August 29th. Lot's of people were waiting on them. It's suppose to be great for KAP, Line Laundry (very stable), and for just plain fun flying. Good from 5 - 30 mph, and all that other stuff that "mystaynedskin" mentioned. The one review that I was able to find, is very good, and done by a guy in NZ, that has just about every SLK imaginable http://www.jimskites.co.nz/reviews.html . If you look at some of the KAP discussions, on line, you'll see what he was comparing it to.............he seems to think that this kite is made, exceptionally well, comparatively - I think I need one , and I don't even KAP.
  2. Hey Nick, Welcome aboard. You're going to find a bunch of good folks, and a ton of good information, here on Kitelife. I'll assume you are from over on the LEFT coast (since you ran into Mr B today). Well, I'm way over here, on the RIGHT coast............ So, you keep John straight, over there.............ok................ .
  3. Yep! I've got two, dual line kite bags, a quad line kite bag, and a single line kite bag, plus a flight box for the dual & quad linesets, spikes, straps, handles, etc, and now, there's a duffel bag, just to haul around, single line hoops, sand anchors, anchor straps, carabiners, pulleys, etc, etc, etc, just for the single line kites..................Sheesh ! Where does this stuff end? Now let's see, I think I need a flowform / ultrafoil, or something like that ! I don't have one of those and then maybe.................?
  4. Well, not really - This is the E-cigs ? Vaping ?, thread, or topic, which is posted in the "Everything Else / Off-Topic" section, of the forum. However, the "Everything Else / Off-Topic" section, would definitely be the correct section, to start a new "smallmouth fishing" topic. I like fishing too................! I think that since, you made the post, you can actually go back and delete it, from this thread, and then re-post it, as a brand new fishing topic, in the "Everything Else / Off-Topic" section. It's the very last section, all the way at the bottom of the main forums page............. Go Fish !
  5. Hmmm! Changing gears on us, eh ?
  6. I can't quite do that ........ Something came up, anyway, and I didn't get to go fly
  7. If it was looking North for my "big yellow sled", you need to pan over, just a few degrees to the West. We're back home now, but I was just thinking about checking out some of my old "lake spots" this afternoon. We've got a nice little SW 8 - 10 going on right now, but it's still very warm and "muggy". I'll have to check back with my Windtronic 2, a few more times, just to make sure this breeze is going to hang around (or I could just run out and use Wayne's wet finger method - not sure how that's calibrated, though)
  8. Very cool pics Scott...(and tunes)........ Just wait till you get something, a bit more stable ! You'll be a regular "Francis Ford Coppola"
  9. P-E-R-F-E-C-T (Right ?)
  10. You mean that's not normal (?).............Heck, I call myself, a little bit above, the "zero experience" level, but I tell you, on Friday during one of those 25+ mph gust, I took a full speed, direct nose-dive into the ground, with the Delta Hawk. All I did was take my eyes off of it for one second, but it was the wrong second to look away. Before I even realized what had happened, the kite had bounced backwards, off of the ground. I was figuring that it was probably totaled, and still being a bit out-of-sorts, and out done by the crash (I'm not supposed to do that), before I could ever regain control, somehow, it had flipped over, and was on the way back skyward. I probably did one of those strange dual line tricks during the process, and I didn't even know it. I suppose my thought process was running just a second or two behind, the kite that day, but conditions were a bit harsh, to say the least.................Did I mention that the Delta Hawk is fast ? Whew! (Oh, and the only thing that was hurt, was my pride)
  11. Use a plain old lark's head, just make sure it's cinched up, right behind the knuckle
  12. Luckily, I don't have a dog in this fight (as I mentioned some time back, I quit cold turkey, 25 - 30 years ago), but I for some reason, being a former smoker, I have been somewhat curious about all the discussions, concerning E-Cigs & Vaping, etc. From the beginning, this was all news to me, and I really didn't have a clue, what everyone was talking about (?), until I began reading some of these posts. I really couldn't relate to all the apparatus, etc, but if it works, by all means, keep at it !! What I can relate to, though, and what really struck home, is what Pete just said. I too, remember that feeling, and the realization that I came to, once I got to the point, where I could detect and smell the odor of tobacco on others, and, "I too, was ashamed", for what I had inflicted upon my family, for so many years. I applaud you all - Hang in there........... The real benefit is still your health, and the health of those around you !
  13. Hmmmm ! That sounds like an interesting new project...........
  14. I guess it's whatever works for you, but when you get that big kite, you might just need more than a few wraps, etc
  15. Okay, I'M IN ................ Four (#4) sounds like a lucky number to me...........
  16. Hmmm I believe I can fix that little problem.............I'll get back on this, when my lucky number comes up...........
  17. I used my new Windtronic 2, while I was at the coast last week. I set it up on a tripod, and let it rip for extended periods. Pretty neat to be able to walk by, and see the wind speed, the maximum gust, as well as the days average, all on one screen...........I do believe this thing is a keeper....
  18. What is that tail you are dragging ?
  19. That's actually a real nice looking kite. I see it comes in lots of different colors............http://www.maserski.de/kites/tr/tr2_e.html Pretty Kool !
  20. Yep, I hate to hear stuff hit the pavement...................
  21. In English,please. I didn't take French. Sexy, isn't it ! (I think that's right) or NOT
  22. Hey, that looks nice.............good looking kite, even though it is a bit close to the ground !
  23. I think that the reason many people use the lark's head, and maybe even the "Spanish Knot", when hooking up to a carabiner, is because most of the time, they are hooking into a flight line, at some mid-point, rather than to the terminal end, although I agree, you can do the same thing, but you will be working with a doubled line. Also, the knot does need to be something that can be loosened and removed from the carabiner quickly, in case of a problem, whereas, a figure eight knot would take some fumbling to untie (for me, anyway), especially with the tension from the kite pulling against you. You'd nearly need a third hand, just to hold the kite, while you untied it, wouldn't you? Either way, I likewise use a figure-eight knot, as you mentioned, for a terminal knot in other applications, and I agree, it's going to "be there", until you remove it. The knotted portion of the figure eight, looks very much like the knotted portion of a bowline (another of my favorite & trusted knots, just not for kite flying). I do like knots, the ones that I tie, anyway. You know what they say, "one thing that you can't buy, is a good knot", you have to tie it yourself ! Sounds like some of your past hobbies (rappelling, climbing, free hanging, etc), require that very skill, especially when your life depends on that knot..................
  24. Man, that doesn't sound like fun. I really dislike flying near buildings, or any other large objects. The turbulence is never fun, or good. So you have your kite up, perfectly nailed to the sky, all day long, then all of a sudden, when it's time to come down, invariably, during that last 50' of line retrieval, the thing develops a "mind of it's own", and decides to go berserk on you ! Turbulence !! Turbulence !! That's what's so nice about flying on the beach, with perfectly clean air, coming in off the water. You can bring that kite all the way down, without incidence, right into your hands - just smooth as silk ! But of course, inland flying is never quite like that...crash/boom crash/boom.....
  25. I've been using a regular lark's head knot, in the hook of the carabiner, then applying several wraps of line over top of the lark's head. Seems to work fine, and it held up in 25+ mph winds on my big sled kite, without any slippage, at all. I'm thinking that I won't have anything that's going to be pulling any harder than that. (Oh, they make bigger kites, eh ?) Hmmm! Another method of attaching the line to the carabiner, is called the Spanish knot, which is illustrated in this link from Gomberg Kites. Seems like a very simple hook-up.............. http://www.gombergkites.com/faq/faq-span.html
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