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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Well, that's a start, I suppose ! Hope the damage wasn't too bad..... ......sounded terrible ! Yikes.......
  2. Well, get it up ! We want to see it......................
  3. Well, it wasn't 100 mph, but it was definitely a "Delta Hawk" day, at the coast (OBX, NC), this afternoon. Steady 20 mph coming off the ocean, with spurts topping 30.......................Sheesh, my shoulders and arms hurt !
  4. Yep, I did have a few of those "steel links, with threaded gates", that I likewise use for trailer safety chains, etc. I decided not to use them for the kites, simply because of the weight, and the "not so slick" finish. The "Black Diamond" ovals are extremely smooth, and besides, the price wasn't bad at all. I also prefer the spring-loaded gate, in the Black Diamonds, which makes hooking up, and disconnecting lines, quick and easy. I also use some of the cheap-o (150 lb) carabiners in my shop, when making line sets, and I have used them for anchoring small deltas, flown in light air on 50 lb line, but I surely wouldn't trust those on a big kite (does snap / ping / yikes, ring a bell ?), especially when the line strength being used, is much greater than the strength of the carabiner itself. As mentioned before, something else in the "chain", will break long before these Black Diamond Carabiners (18kN). The strength of my flight line is measured in "hundreds" of pounds, while these things are rated in "thousands". Not even a fair fight.............. If anyone is interested in getting a few, check out > http://www.silvertipmountaincenter.com/silvertipmountaincenter_i9798717.html?catId=384178 shipping is fast and always free. On-line is just so easy ! There's lots of different styles, for different applications, as DayHiker alluded to, however the "oval" is nice and symmetrical, very easy to operate, and it's about 4 inches long. It just feels good in the hand. I got myself a couple of these, and made a 3' - 4' nylon strap for each, with a loop in each end of the straps. This way, I can hook the carabiner directly to the the loops of my "sand anchor", or run the strap through those loops, and then hook on the carabiner. The extra straps are also nice, to be able to quickly hook to a stationary object (i.e. tree, post, deck railing, etc), and then attach your flight lines directly to the carabiner............. Hey, whatever works.........
  5. Yep, it was a Wala kind of day...............sit on the beach, drink beer, and watch the Wala float around Nothing wrong with that................
  6. Well, the kite itself, is basically the size of a sheet of plywood, which is 4' x 8', but the kite is a little bigger. It's 5' x 8', and the pennant tail is 25 feet long, so all together, there's right much up there, for me, anyway! And yes, at 10 mph, it's still a handful, but just not so much, as I expected. Tomorrow, may be another story. We are supposed to have 15 to 25 mph winds, out of the NE. I suppose I'll get to check it out for sure then............. As for today, having a hard time finding 3+ mph........... (may be Wala time)
  7. Neat, but then I'd have to buy a "smart-phone"
  8. Yep, yep..........thanks guys ! Actually, as I was taking those pictures, I thought about that very thing, and I decided that the plastic hoop (as strong as it seemed), probably wasn't such a good idea, especially on this "somewhat", large kite. At the time, the wind wasn't doing but about 10 mph, so it wasn't pulling too awful hard, but still, it did appear to be a "recipe for disaster"....... Maybe okay on some of the smaller deltas, etc, but not here! I made some changes, immediately after I took those pictures. You can actually see it in the 3rd from last picture, but here's a better look at my improved set-up. Carabiner is rated at 18kN, so I'm thinking that will take care of it............I don't know that anything else in the chain, has that kind of strength, so something else will probably go, before the carabiner...........
  9. Ok, "Big Yellow" is up !! The day was perfect, the winds were perfect, the weather was perfect, all was perfect for a "virgin launch" !! (actually, this is a Gomberg Super Sled with a matching Pennant tail)
  10. Tomorrow, we are supposed to be sunny, 78-79 degrees, winds out of the NE 10-15............ Sounds like a plan to me !
  11. Looks like things are just not working out here, for getting the "Super Sled" up and running. First of all this morning, hardly any wind at all. Had to fight, just to get the "French Military" into the sky. Finally got it up, and all of a sudden, the sky darkens, the temperature dropped about 20 degrees, the wind picked up (way up), changed directions nearly 180 degrees (SW to NNE) - Oh, this can't be good! Ended up leaving it up about 300 feet, tethered to a sand anchor on the beach (due to an obvious, and fast approaching storm). Time to head in for cover. So, from the cover of the porch, we watched it bob and weave for about 30 minutes, dodging wall to wall lightening bolts, nearly doing the death dive (several times) into the ocean, but somehow, it survived through it all (a real trooper).. Ok, Stay turned.............."Big Yellow" (the Super Sled), is going up tomorrow, one way or the other............ And by the way, whose topic was this anyway? I didn't mean to hi-jack it. Oh, it's "mystaynedskin's" (sorry) Ok, gotta go cook some "shrimps" (just kidding, I know it's singular)
  12. I bet it would, if "they" were flying it ! (just kidding, Mark)
  13. Still too much wind today, for the Super Sled...............flew the French Military from the deck, most of the morning, then over to the dunes for a little Mid-Vent (Rev) action, during the afternoon. Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday.............
  14. Well, congratulations, I think. What is that kite? I don't think I have ever seen one of those.........
  15. Waiting for WHAT ????
  16. NOT ! The winds were way too strong for the Gomberg Super Sled today (first time, anyway), so up went the French Military again............This is really a cool kite. See it up there ? 500 ft + Ok...............so these are better shots, right...........? Maybe tomorrow on the Super Sled ?
  17. I put up the new Gomberg French Military, yesterday afternoon, late. It went right up, with no problems, hauling a five foot turbine spinner, in place of the standard tail. That kite really flies high (close to straight overhead). Flew it in near maximum winds (5 - 20 mph) and it did great. It did get a little "squirrel-ie", at one time, when the wind peaked a little above 20 mph, but it really wasn't a problem........looks great in the sky............ Now, if I can get a little wind today, without a storm, I might try to get the Gomberg Super Sled, off and running..........
  18. I just got the Gomberg Super Sled............will let it rip, next week at the coast. Also got a French Military. Read up on that kite. It's kinda kool.............
  19. Nice video Hadge. I liked that last part - "almost" every time ! Oh, and we call them doo-hinkie's. Don't ask me, but I promise, I don't make this stuff up ! http://www.awindofchange.com/product/goo-DOhinkie.html (Hope that wasn't your Delta Hawk - Mines still in one piece, actually, and getting ready to head to the coast again )
  20. Progress !
  21. Enjoy Morgan.............
  22. And, the B-Pro raffle............I suppose there is just too much going on, at one time !
  23. Hey Joel, Are you sure you haven't checked out on us? I was really liking your project. Hang in there..........
  24. Oh my, it's 6:15 PM, over here on the right coast. Let's see, that's just 3:15 PM, over on the left coast. Ok, so it's still afternoon there! All is well, I suppose.......... , but the suspense is killing us Just kidding with you JB..........thanks for all you do, even if it's a little late (just sometimes)
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