OK, I've been reading about John's trip to Tijuana, Mexico, for a bit of extensive dental work, recuperation, and then a wonderful drive home the following week. Well, good luck and best wishes, with the dental work John, and do take it easy during your recuperation period, back up in San Diego.
But hey, that means that you will finally break, the "Residential Speed Limit", during your leisurely trip, back up the Pacific Coast Highway, the following week.
NO, I'm not crazy people - John finally turns the big 3-6, on Wednesday, June 1st. So John, let me be the first to wish you a "Very Happy 36th Birthday", and what better way to spend a birthday, than on a leisurely drive, up the Pacific Coast Highway !
Happy Birthday My Friend ! Hope you have many, many more (but without the dental ordeal) ............
(your friend from NC)